Sunday, July 14, 2019

Salting cheap steak

The video is titled Poor Man's Filet Mignon. It's all about salting.

Skip the beginning where he's talking about his hat.

Skip the middle where he's talking about his sauce.

They do go on unnecessarily. (And that's from a go-oner.)

Why didn't he flip it and salt both sides?

Brining is a two part deal.

The salt draws moisture out of the meat and into the salt. The liquid equalizes salinity between inside and outside. Then it begins pulling salt into the meat and that damages the meat by widening the passageways. It will keep going until salinity equalizes inside and out.

This man is stopping that process.  

When you rinse the steak you have to totally rinse it inside and out. Not just quickly rinse off the outside surface salt. Better to soak it in water and it will do the same thing all over again until the quantity of water equals the salinity of the inside of the meat. By then the meat will good and damaged, the passageways wide open.  

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