Thursday, July 25, 2019

Boris and Natasha Must Die!

Boris and Natasha were estatic. They had finally fulfilled their destiny and won the approbation of their fearless leader. You see Natasha had managed to seduce a young New York Real estate mogul who had grown up on their cartoon and had a fetish for Eastern European floozies. Natasha met him one night hanging out at Studio 54 with Margaret Trudeau and Andy Warhol. The young pup was just feeling his oats. She let him feel something else. She took him home and they went around the world in eighty ways. All while Boris was in the closet. Not with his sexuality. But with his camera.

They did nothing with the photos until forty years later when that young horn dog was elected President. When they tried to get him to change his policies toward the Motherland he just laughed. "Get in line Nasty, there are hundreds of bimbos with photos."

The Fearless Leader was not amused.

(Jay Ward and Alex Anderson, Rocky and Bullwinkle, E True Hollywood Story)


ricpic said...

Incredible how good the artists were (and they were artists) who drew the Rocky and Bullwinkle animation.

Going by this single Boris and Natasha frame worthy of George Grosz.

ndspinelli said...

I've been watching the Bosch series on Amazon. One of the detectives uses the phrase, "Fan mail from some flounder."

The Dude said...

Speaking of Bosch, I could not believe how bad the most recent season was. I mentioned that I was going to watch it but it was so disappointing I didn't even bother to review it. Consider this the review - it sucks!

edutcher said...

Actually, it was Jerry Nadless she banged.

PS Great Trump quote, "I have plans on Afghanistan, that, if I wanted to win that war, Afghanistan would be wiped off the face of the earth. I just don't want to kill 10 million people".

I'm assuming all that stuff that's made nucular weapons obsolete.

Remember Zippy bragging, "I'm really good at killing people"?

We really picked the right guy in Trump. A mensch