Thursday, May 2, 2019

Free Fallin' , ASL

I thought this was going to be 3 minutes of torture (because the rest are so awful) but it's actually pretty good. The song is so slow and words are so basic that it's very good song for beginners to follow. It's all so very ... clear.

Boy, girl, good, bad, free, fall, love, mama, Jesus, America, crazy, horse, boyfriend, long, day, live, freeway, miss, break, heart, valley, shadow, vampire, walk, stand, home, sky, nothing, world.

Do you notice how "Jesus" refers to the holes in his hands?  That's terrible! The word for "bible" is "Jesus book."

"America" is straight fingers of both hands meshed together, moved around in a circle, because that's America, all the people together all around. How quaint. Hold my Coca-Cola while I burst out laughing.

And a bit of spelling. (They skip)

Mulholland, Elvis, Ventura, Reseda.

Very nice choice of song for a final, a sort of senior essay.

Come on. Follow along and see how everything matches. There's two girls doing the same thing so they had to discuss and agree how to do this.

See, when they say "free" with two "F" hand shapes breaking the chains, these chains that bind us, it could also be "freedom," and they could do that same bond breaking motion with two "L" hand shapes for "liberate" or for "liberty" or for "Libertarian Party."

Their free falling is like a spacewalk. They're very good.

We give you both an A.

1 comment:

The Dude said...

That one sure sounds funny at half speed.