Friday, May 24, 2019

Chicken fried chicken, sausage gravy

Commenters on YouTube are unanimously complimentary. 

None of them mention the pounder is now coated with chicken moisture and growing bacteria profusely, the chicken not covered with plastic when flattened so it splattered in a 360° pattern all around including his arms and his apron, the work surface was not wiped with bleach water after he flattened the chicken so it too is now growing bacteria, and and no mention of the flour used for things besides this chicken with the chicken sitting in it, the flour reused for the next items. His fingers holding the chicken then pinching the salt and pepper.

His fingertips touch the butter, the chicken, the mallet, the pan handle, the spoon, the salt and pepper. 

Health Department would close this place down. 

No they wouldn't. They'd simply mark him up poorly.

A cheap place similar to this in my old neighborhood I went to quite a lot. The Health Department Inspector wrote, "The cook flipped hamburgers with the same spatula he used to swat flies." 

Maybe it was a cockroach. I forget. 

At any rate, I cracked up laughing.

They were poorly trained.

I knew beforehand the place is a dump. But that was hilarious.

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