Sunday, May 19, 2019

Conservatives win stunning election in Australia

Stunning because Australian media misled Australians all along so it was expected the liberals would win. The same as in the United States.

The conservative party is called the Liberal Party in Australia who equate with American Republicans, because they're upside down, and the party of political liberals is called Labor who equate with American Democrats. So, regular liberals and extreme liberals.

The Prime Minister Scott Morrison fairly won this election on his own as his cabinet colleagues were considered too toxic to appear in public while campaigning. He made the election about him, the trustworthy daggy-dad Australia needed.


Daggy. You might be interested to know the term equates to American "dingleberry"

It refers to dry poop in the fur around the anus of sheep. How gross! Did you even know sheep are this gross? It's an affectionate insult applied to unfashionable people lacking in self-consciousness with poor social skills but still friendly and amusing.

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