Saturday, January 20, 2018

Where's my water?

Last night I was practicing interpreting a newsreader on video and came to the word "cartoon" and nothing came out of me automatically. I stopped short. Stopped the video.  And I realized I know of no sign for cartoon and I couldn't think of anything similar, and it seems like such a basic idea. I should know this from forty years ago. (Egyptian paintings are cartoons, outlines filled with color fields) I looked up the word, thinking it should be "shape" or "outline" "flat colorful drawing," something like that. The dictionaries show the sign for "funny."

I don't like that.

Not all cartoons are funny. And the idea doesn't always refer to newspaper funny pages or comic section.

Sometimes you just have to live with these shortcomings.

While results for [cartoon, asl] continue with all sorts of ridiculous vaguely related things. Cartoon in written experimental asl, marks for common hand shapes. Cartoon drawn by deaf people. Cartoons about sign language.  Like this. This is so stupid I laughed for five minutes. By an Australian guy who explains a few magic tricks on his channel through the use of poorly drawn cartoons. This one is different and it doesn't appear on his channel. It's the "left it" portion that just kills me. This rebus style can not work because it creates more questions (about puns in English) than it answers (where is my water).

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