Wednesday, December 31, 2014

What 2014 Story or Topic Do You Remember Trending For You?

Google 2014 Trends


Lem Vibe Banditory said...

"trending for you"

maybe not god English.

Unknown said...

what is "Flappy bird"?

happy last day o the year, all.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

A mobile phone game.

ricpic said...

Robin Williams was killed by the divorce courts.

AllenS said...

Trending? That would be the Packers.

Michael Haz said...

Happy New Year, Lemmings.

In order to help protect the environment, I am planning to recycle this year's unused resolutions for use again in 2015.

Aridog said...

Don't know about "trending" (is that some kind of actual "activity?") but I will assert that the Saga advertisements for their insipid smart phone and sundry pad games, such as "Candy Crush," is irritating. They make me pleased my remote has a "mute" button. Now if it could only send a Hellfire missile to Saga.

Good freaking G-d, is that crap what kids actually play with today? Really?

Please, my childhood pile of dirt and sand was far better.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Trending is internet lingo for what the internet cares about.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I wander what Robin Williams would say if he could say something about how and why his suicide was the most talked about topic of 2014.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I wonder

ricpic said...

Robin Williams, who, like most entertainers went into showbiz for the attention, would probably say, "They loved me! They really loved me!!"

Chip Ahoy said...

I too wandered

Lonely as a cloud wut floats on i o'er vales en 'ills. When all a'twonce I saw a crowd, an 'ost a golden daffy dills. Beside the lake beneefe the trees flutter in and dancein' in the breeze. The fu'in' flow-ers make me sneeze.

They do.

For oft when on my couch I lie fu'in 'bout in pensive mood they flash upon me inward eye wut is the best of solitude and then my 'art wif pleasure fills and dances wif dem daffy dills.

Yer 'avin' a perm.

XRay said...

I don't even like the word, trending, actually. As, for me, it denotes subjects/intensifiers of spurious worth.

I do though, wish a good/happy New Year to all the Lemmings here. May none of you ever find a cliff upon which to leap off.

XRay said...

I wanted this separate...

To show how out of it I am.

I've never heard of Jenny Burton nor "Remember what you like".

Maybe that's an island thing, probably not though.

The majority of the world is on a different wave length than I, nowadays. No judgment there, in that statement. Well there is, actually, from me, lots of judgment.

Though I'll be dead in a few years and the world will go on.

XRay said...

And where the fuck is Ritmo...

Michael Haz said...

It's quiet here this morning. Must be that morning-after influenza that people get.

Since no one is here, I'll vent.

Mrs. Haz gave me a GoPro video camera for Christmas. A GoPro is a camera that can be attached to my helmet or motorcycle and takes really good videos.

It doesn't come with instructions; they have to be downloaded. So I did. And printed all EIGHTY SEVEN PAGES of them. Dafuq? So I started at the beginning and read everything carefully. All the safety information. All the precautions, all the legal gobbeldygook.

I finally got to "Turning Camera On" at about page eighteen and turned the camera on. Nothing. Nada. Zippo.

So I called tech support. They had me try maybe three dozen things. More nada. Then a supervisor got on the phone. Had me check a lot of things. NADA!

All I want is a replacement.

Nine email exchanges and six days later I receive an RMA to send the thing back for replacement, a simple task, but a task I am told may take as long as three weeks.

At least when I was a child back when my parents were dead broke and all I got for Christmas was a stick or a cardboard box, those things worked from the get-go. Never had to be returned. Ever.

Stupid technology.
Random thought: What if I AM a robot? What then, Mr. Blogger? Didja think of that??

Unknown said...

Lets here it for sticks and boxes.

yay sticks and boxes!

Aridog said...

April Apple...and give a hand for plain old sticks, dirt, sand and RADIO! The one I was let use had short wave as well as AM/FM and it let me travel the world in my imagination. We never had a TV in our house until about 1954-55. Don't recall the exact our old neighborhood, one guy's mother won a television (round screen) on a Radio talk, yep, we tended to gather at Dougie's place a lot on Saturday mornings.

Aridog said...

Another memory from the Jurassic period of the 40's & early 50's...long before smart phones, cell phones, or even extension phones...most families had one telephone located centrally and with no chair nearby...e.g., to reduce your yak time. Many households were on "party lines" and it was just courtesy. In those days you did not call, text or otherwise contact friends, when you wanted to see them you didn't even ring the door bell...that was for important things by adults. You stood outside the front or back door (more common) and yelled: "Can Dougie or Butchie or Billy or whomever come out to play?!" If in a rush, you just hollered the name alone, a couple of times....sort of like D-o-o-u-u-g-i-e! Usually this was a team building since one kid did it, then with the kid just summoned they went to the next kid's house and repeated the call, and so on until you had the mob you wanted...takes 9+ to play real baseball on a vacant lot with cardboard bases and lots of untended grass and dirt....usually against another team made up of the miscreant jerk kids from the next block over or down.

Today, with our conveniences, some great, some inane, I'm not sure at the kid level it is "better." The lady who'd won the first TV any of us saw was a blessed soul...she'd have a half dozen plus kids on her porch yelling the name only version and she let us inside to watch television with Dougie. Dougie was da man...and his mother was very patient and generous with her time...even giving us snacks at times.