Saturday, December 13, 2014

Channelling Chip...

...and his endless fascination for things Egyptian:

I made a long forgotten comment back here about the modern Corinth Canal and how it was predated by the Romans: link

That in turn reminded me of the modern Suez Canal which connects the Red and Mediterranean Seas.  But there is evidence of a much older canal, perhaps first dug by an ancient Pharaoh:

You can still see evidence of that ancient canal (or its modern equivalent) in this satellite photo; notice the green belt veering left:


Methadras said...

Considering Chips an Egyptophile, there is a death metal band Nile that is deeply rooted in Egyptology. And they are from South Carolina too.

AllenS said...

I'm fascinated about ancient Egypt. New Egypt, not so much.

Methadras said...

I'm actually pretty fascinated by ancient egypt as well. Not so much from a socio-political point of view, but from an engineering point of view. No one to this day still knows how they acquired the no how to build pyramids and what's more, no one knows why pyramid building, with seemingly and completely isolated societies that never even fathomed each other existences began pyramid building as well around the same time. That to me is the real mystery here.