Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Soon it will be Christmas day


Synova said...

I want to say Merry Christmas to everyone. I'm probably not going to so much as log in for a few days. I usually play video games but I'm not sure I'm in the mood. Plus, I can't seem to get to the game without taking a detour to Facebook. Bleh.

I've got a floor to mop and a pie to bake. I called my mom and got a recipe that I remember making long ago and it just sounds weird. I'll have to try it to see if it works.

Come to think of it, it was probably on a bag of marshmallows at some point, to get you to buy them for something other than s'mores or rice krispy treats.

Ice Box Desert:
-Make a graham cracker crust in a rectangular cake pan. Save some for sprinkles.
-Melt 30 large marshmallows. Add 3/4 cup milk and stir it up. Let it cool.
-Whip 1 cup of cream. I'm assuming this should be sweetened and have vanilla, but it's going into melted marshmallows so maybe not too much.
-mix the cooled marshmallows and milk into the whipped cream.
-Pour it all into the prepared pan.
-Spoon canned pie filling (Blueberry!) onto the filling so that marshmallow cream is between each spoon-full.
-Freeze it all. Cut into bars and serve frozen.

Now... my mom did not remember this *at all* and she said the very poor directions on the card in her recipe box was probably my teenaged handwriting. I don't remember *anything* about marshmallows and I'm certain that Mom is the one who made this when I was really small.

Does it sound like the recipe will work?

Synova said...

Dessert. Not Desert.

I also forgot to say "sprinkle reserved graham cracker mix on the top."

But I figure that people who cook, tend to know what to do.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Merry Christmas everybody.

john said...


I gained half a pound reading your recipe.

We got so many damned cookies and candy around the house I'll be lucky to survive till New Years. I'm the one who brought most of them home however - CVS 2 for 1 sale. Damn them too.

Mexican food is traditional Christmas Eve fare at our house. My albondigas are on the stove. Lots of warm tamales in a brown bag, bought from the woman in front if the Safeway. Beans too. Flan is out of the oven. Another pound in weight gain before the evening is over.

My best present is an intact family, and a prayer that next year we have a little less trauma than this year will be answered.

Best wishes and Merry Christmas to the extended Lem family.

XRay said...

Merry Christmas, Lem, and same to all who appear here.

XRay said...

John, do all Safeways have that same tamale selling family outside, mine sure does.

john said...

Each supermarket has their own tamale family.

Michael Haz said...

Merry Christmas everyone!!

Synova, the experiment substituting raisin bran for the Rice Krispies in Rice Krispie treats was not the success I had hoped it would be.

The only one who seemed to gobble it up was the garbage disposal.

Synova said...

Oh no, Haz!

It's always worth it to experiment though... negative results are still results. :)