Thursday, December 18, 2014

"Pearl Harbor On The First Amendment"

Says Alan Dershowitz link

The metaphor may be unfortunate, given that we don't know whether Sony's decision came from Tokyo -- do we?

[added] Since when did "we the people" not include businesses in America? link 


chickelit said...

I understand corporate liability is fathomless in the event of even one attack at at theater.

But how did it get from a cyber attack from a far off miserable country to physical threats to American theaters?

Someone connect the dots for me. Make sure to use activation energies and thermodynamics.


ndspinelli said...

North Korea's ONLY terrorism capability is cyber. Sony caved liked all liberals cave. Sony should have hired private armed security for ALL venues, just to give people piece of mind, and had opening night FREE!

edutcher said...

When Newt said what a disaster this was, all the Lefties couldn't wait to tell him Sony was owned by Japan.

So Dersh has a point.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

This story is just bizarre.

It just doesn't make any sense to me.

chickelit said...

It just doesn't make any sense to me.

Think of it terms of "American businesses" vs. "Businesses in America."

I'm trying to understand this too. Help, don't scroll away.

virgil xenophon said...

They could've easily made it piped into individual homes via streaming on demand and vaulted the "public risk" of theater attendance in one fell swoop.

Aridog said...

I've got an odd take on this Sony movie thing. I wonder, at the script review stage, did Sony have any educated Korean (or two) review it and comment?

Why do I ask that? Simple. Among all of the things you can do to most any Korean, the worst is mockery, belittling, making them caricatures, .... in other words cause them to feel they have "lost face."

You can likely punch a Korean in the face and get a look of puzzlement...but belittle him or her, imply a comic status for them, and you have a fight on your hands. Second worst insult is to spit on the ground toward a Korean...still worse than a punch in the face.

So why did some morons at the Japanese firm (Japanese are still hated viscerally by many Koreans) decide to make mockery of the chubby comedic clown Kim? North Koreans are still Koreans, and fat Kim in his insular world is very likely to throw a hissy fit over "face." No one around him dares...just ask his late uncle. Even if the Norks did not do it, they love it...the hullabaloo gives them "face" again.

Aridog said...

Short version: Why, with a world full of clowns to mock, did Sony pick an unstable psychotic megalomaniac with an ethnic proclivity to react more hostilely to insult than assault....who has a nuke and the button to launch it.

Hollywood is nuts, and Sony as imbued by Hollywood, has joined the club.

Aridog said...

I guess, to remain my contrary self, I have to say that security and particularly "insurance" just cannot be fully guaranteed against major catastrophe's such as a massive terrorist attack. Even our broke-ass government (18+ Trillion in the red) cannot afford to reimburse for such events. The whole debate about the Super Bowl is a case in point...somebody in the insurance game finally noticed this simple fact. Same for the Sony debacle (we do NOT owe Sony or any Hollywood group of dweebs for their own foibles)...initiated by stupid people but with real tragedy potential.

We live in a dangerous world. There rally are lunatics out there who can bite hard if provoked. Deal with it. In terms other than how much money one might accrue by suing for loss if that loss is huge. My sympathy for the NFL barely exceeds that I feel for Charles Manson. When major sports franchises can charge $25 to $35 for SRO admissions, let them self-insure or shut the flip up.

Aridog said...

Now, considering ISIS as one of those lunatic fringes, if they managed a massive terrorist attack on US soil, I'd be fine with, encourage actually, 24/7 Ark Light strikes (focused carpet bombing by BUFF's) on any and all territory they have control must destroy all resources, not just the "will" to resist.