Saturday, December 20, 2014

It's De Blasio Time

Two police officers were shot in their patrol car today as they sat outside a housing project. One is dead at this point and another is critical. There are conflicting reports that the perp might have been shot at the subway station. Reports differ.

I wonder if that college professor who was arrested for throwing a garbage can on the Brooklyn Bridge will protest? Will the hipster who closed down traffic stop to think about these two men? Will De Blasio and Obama go on TV and say "That could have been my son?" Will Rosie O'Donnell and Whoopi Goldberg and Steven Colbert and Jon Stewart and Chris Matthews and Rachael Maddow all talk about how terrible this is on their shows?

I am old enough to remember Officers Piagentini and Jones. To remember what NYC in the 1970's was really like. How you were afraid to ride the subway. Walk down the street. Go to Times Square. Those oh so happy days are here again.

I live in the belly of the beast. This is what NYC has become under Obama and De Blasio.

Don't let anybody fool you. Don't let anybody offer excuses and lies. This is what they really think.

This is De Blasio time.


chickelit said...

More at Legal Insurrection

Trooper York said...

Thanks Chick for posting this.

I really appreciate it.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Deblasio is expected to have a press conference here is a link to 1010 WINS radio who promises to carry it live.

Trooper York said...

My cousin went to school with Officer

I remember what it was like in the 1970's.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Sent out a tweet as soon as I heard.

chickelit said...

I would actually hold the new creative advisor for SONY pictures morally responsible for this one.

Trooper York said...

Liberals rejoice over murder of cops.

ricpic said...

Time for cops to go out on strike.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I think there may be a video of the shooting.

On Google map I see an NYPD street camera where the killing took place.

Trooper York said...

It is time for them to refuse to serve on De Blasio's protection detail.

chickelit said...

Hopefully some better, more close-up footage of the chanters and chant leaders will appear.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

de Blasio is taking a back seat, letting Bratton take the questions.


Trooper York said...

They should just compare the photos to the faculty photos of City College.

Specifically Baruch College.

Trooper York said...

You expected anything else Lem?

Bratton should be ashamed of himself for providing cover to this Commie fuck.

edutcher said...

They wanted a war, they got it.

When it becomes more war than they can handle, I can't wait to hear the screaming.

PS Watch your backs, Troop* and chick.

*I know we go off on each other, but stay safe. There is such a thing as collateral casualties.

Michael Haz said...

Fuck the anarchists and protesters. People who hate cops are criminals; they hate the law, they hate morality.

People who enable them in order to get or hold power and influence are criminal. They are the worst of our society.

Hate cops? Then don't ask for their protection, Mayor.

XRay said...

That twitter link was something else, troop. It's one thing to intellectualize it but another to see the end result of all the hate spilling out from these assholes, set-up by dems, encouraged by the sharptons of the world, including our current potus. There's no excuse for it of course.

But, bottom line, I hold our media responsible for it all. Those bastards set the story line, milk it, reinforce it.

If only 'journalists' could be subject to the same as the cops they have put in harms way.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Geez Haz. Why do you have to go and ruin a perfectly good post by Troop like that? His point was to show that these cops are decent people doing a hard job who deserve our sympathy and support and respect. Not to make all of them out to be gods or something.

As for the 70s, that sounds bad. It's more than you can learn from just watching Welcome Back, Kotter.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

If Garner's medical history published here was accurate, that story needs to come out. Obama was aping (no pun intended) the "not breathing" line just the other day. I'm going out on a limb faithfully believing you guys here, so don't let me down. The coroner's report still says homicide by chest compression. Reviewing the procedures doesn't mean he wasn't an unhealthy mofo whose death could have been set off by anything, but it doesn't mean he had it coming to him, either. There's room for plenty of gray area around here, so I think anyone getting self-righteous about it on any side is in the wrong. The cops already dodged the bullet on an indictment; throwing fuel onto that fire only worsens the situation and emboldens rioters. Someone needs to articulate all that or else it just seems too smug to avoid provoking a shitstorm. Giuliani or maybe even Bloomberg probably would have been seasoned enough to realize all that, though. With obvious results.

XRay said...

Garners death was an accident. Due to multiple factors. No one involved intended that result.

Then what?

Third Coast said...

Stirring up a lynch mob to placate your political base can lead to murder? Who knew.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Negligent homicide is an accident, but still entails culpability.

Even justifiable homicide outcomes would have procedures circumscribing what makes it acceptable.

These are the other legal descriptions of what happened to Garner, so that's important to keep in mind.

As for justifiable homicide, there's nothing wrong with asking whether resisting the arrest of illegal cigarette sales is really the sort of scenario where the kind of force used was a good idea.

Cops should have a right to arrest, and that's that. But obviously you risk incurring what this has blown up into by refusing to even ask whether the force used was proportionate to the offense. Illegal cigarette sales? Is that really proportional to a controversial choke-hold? On a guy who's a walking cardiac time-bomb? Are there no other options?

There are smart ways of addressing this. Going the self-righteous route is what makes for riots. Blasio is no leader on it, or else he would have addressed all that to the cops as surely as he would have explained to the public why they needed to calm the fuck down.

Shouting Thomas said...

I read a long article yesterday written by a police academy trainer on police training and procedure for subduing a man resisting arrest. I can't find it tonight, but I will try to find it tomorrow. (No time tonight.)

It was quite interesting. The tactical issues are much more complicated that I would have thought. Police have over time tried a variety of different tactics and, according to this writer, none have succeeded in avoiding the occasional fatality.

I'll see if I can find the article.

Michael Haz said...

Next time you accuse a cop of shooting too quick or too many times, just remember this episode, and the hundreds of cops shot in the line of duty every year. Then pull your head out of your ass and check into what percentage of those cops are shot by young black thugs between the ages of 16 and 35.

That is NOT racism, it is simple fact. Time more people faced those facts, and did something constructive about it instead of marching around like fricking idiots protesting a symptom of a problem - instead of the real problem.

RIP officers, and may your families find comfort.

AllenS said...

The summer before last, I was on jury duty. Criminal trial involving 2 cops and 2 punks. What I wasn't expecting was how many other jurors hated cops. For whatever reason. "He's a thumper." "Cops once gave me a ticket for speeding, but I wasn't, another car was." "The police will lie."

After the trial where the 2 punks were acquitted, I looked up the 2 punks history on the internet. They always resist arrest. Information that can't be introduced as evidence, because it didn't have any relation to the present trial.

Not good.

Aridog said...
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Aridog said...

To save myself time, and weariness...I just re-post what I said at Troopers place:

After listening the news over and over again, it occurs to me that I've laughed at London and Paris for their cities with whole swaths that the police no longer bother with due to anti-authority violence and behavior...mainly I chuckle because Detroit was like that at one time, and still has rough areas, but the police do patrol there. Detroit now has distinctly civil areas, but an understaffed police department (due to the size of the geography, not the very diminished population) so still struggles with response times. Private investors in the city stepped up and sponsored new police cars and fire equipment, so that is another improvement.

What is not funny to me is that normally I'd jump at a reason to visit NYC, or Chicago, for the food, arts, museums, theater...did I mention the food(?)...well yeah, a lot is all about the food, especially NYC. No longer the case...both cities are in states and municipalities that do not recognize reciprocity for my general concealed weapons permit and both appear to be cities heading backwards...starting to resemble the old Detroit...where the police just sat back and intervened seldom short of a "shots fired, officer down" call. Once we were a place with stop & frisk equivalents, but for a while due to the Mayors who disliked the police and ran for office on that basis...and now I see NYC has ceased the stop & frisk routine and has a mayor with animosity for the police, made it a political issue to boot, but no doubt demands stringent protection for him and his family. Old NYPD detective Deitl called him "Big Bird" I think...appropriate.

Post Giuliani and Bloomberg, who made positive improvements, under De Blasio NYC is turning in to Detroit writ larger once again...and ordinary citizens cannot carry any means but their fleet feet (if they even have them) for protection.

Based upon knowing at least 100 police officers in my life, I will guarantee you that the majority of police in NYC will now sit back and let New Yorkers stew in the fetid juice a small minority of assholes have made. This latest outrage is likely the last straw. I hope I am wrong, but doubt it...police are humans too, no one just wants to be a target or die for no reason.

It wasn't black on white, since per the most recent US Census categories, both of the assassinated officers were not "white"...just as my kid is not white due to being half, yes, I could be offended for that racial reason. BUT that is not the case...these murders were purely black jerk on uniforms & badges, period....not even a confrontation to blame it on. That is intolerable and is an indicator of coming anarchy. I heard a couple of speakers yesterday say De Blasio should resign immediately...and I agree, just as I would have for Detroit's Mayor Kilpatrick. It took a federal case to put him out...but I doubt ole Holder is up for that in NYC. But we know he won't resign. I wish y'all the best of luck under this violence fomenting & permitting would be funny if not so sad.

Aridog said...

AllenS ... I was once stopped for "Driving While White" by uniformed black police officers. I've mentioned this before I think. They even admitted it in our conversation...white guy in a suit & tie and all that. Shaky probable cause, maybe, but I didn't see it that way. The police then, black or white, were working hard to eliminate the pimps, prostitutes, and drug dealers from a ghetto locale...and I was driving there white as an old time bed sheet at 3:00 AM in the morning (an area frequented by suburbanites late at night looking for drugs, whores, and sundry other distasteful things)...after closing up a saloon, a modern music venue, a friend of mine owned. We parted on cordial terms....and I drove on home nearby.

That experience never made me think it was something I needed to take in to account, as apparently your co-jury membership did. When I see cops present in my neighborhood, I am reassured. Simple as that...they represent me with that uniform & badge. When they took down a loon in cammies with black face and a loaded AK-47 at dusk in a community park 3 blocks from my house, I was delighted...never mind we later learned he had a wanna be Jihadi website. The police did their job, however rough they were with the idiot (he sort of bumped his head, a few times, when getting in to the patrol car)...and they were responding to calls from Muslim neighbors who felt this guy was a problem in a park frequented by their kids.

Michael Haz said...

I was stopped in San Diego late one night for suspected drunk driving. Except I hadn't had any alcohol in maybe 36 hours.

We were at a Comedy Club, the SDPD was watching who left the club, and pulling cars over. I was subject to a breathalyzer test, then a second one because the cop though his machine had not worked correctly.

No biggie; the guy was doing his job.

Aridog said...

PS: AllenS...I have never ever been selected for a Jury, although often called to join the pool. Must be my charm or something, eh? Now I am too old to even be called...their loss IMO. I've been told I always appear "impertinent" and I suppose that is true. I'm not the guy either the defense or prosecution wants on a jury...or maybe it's just that I'm ugly? Who knows?

BTW, AllenS, you'd never get selected for a jury here are just too blunt and forthright. Nobody wants that in my experience...however righteous it is in fact.

Aridog said...

Haz...that sounds like Northville (city or township) here...where the cops used to park outside a a notorious saloon, frequented by horse people of all ilks, to see who leaves late at night, and always stop them...I've more than once just sat down on the curb and waved at them with a grin on my face...if I thought I might not exactly pass a Breathalyzer test. They were doing their job. I refuse to fault that. Drunks kill more people than guns. passing, I have again defeated the resurgent alcoholism I mentioned in an email to some and posted by Lem for all. Cold Turkey works, (you don't buy it you cannot drink it) once I discovered that those on Medicare, with or without a great supplement (I have a "Cadillac" plan supplement), are not covered for substance abuse treatment by any seriously reputable hospital. The social worker and my oncologists tried hard to make it not so, but it is what it is...and I get that. You are responsible for your own behavior, eh...what a concept? Stop whining otherwise.

Cancer is also defeated as far as I know...pending my next CT Scan with iodine dye which will tell the tale tomorrow night. I expect to see nothing but a scar in the lung, again. (My main hospital has an on-line access point for patients for complete test review) With any luck my PET Scan w/CT Scan with Iodine in a few months will affirm that nothing has returned. I have been v-e-r-y lucky. So lucky I wonder how I deserved it.

Michael Haz said...

Great news on both fronts, Aridog! Nice Christmas gift.

Aridog said...

Haz...I am too old to procrastinate and make excuses. On the alcohol, I have control (like cigarettes, don't buy it and you can't use it), no matter if "cold turkey" sucks...on the cancer, I rely on others, but have confidence in their skill. Only need to experience the DT's (again) once to know I was in deep trouble. All told, yes, it is a nice Christmas. Thanks for the compliment.