The Telegraph:
In comments on a Twitter account maintained by his staff, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said the recent racial tensions sparked by the police shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson was yet more proof of how America was run by "tyrants".
"#Jesus endured sufferings to oppose tyrants who had put humans in hell in this world & the hereafter while he backed the oppressed," said one Tweet, accompanied by the "#Ferguson" hashtag.
Here is Iran (story
link) hanging gays by the neck until they are dead. Not exactly a civil rights heaven, unless you were in a
strange place called Obama's mind.
Are there protests? Ha! Never. The protesters who are only too eager to disrupt Catholic religious services, for example, have never been seen protesting at or in a mosque.
Anyhow, whichever DOOF sent out that tweet got the entire Jesus part plain wrong. JC didn't die to free people from tyrants. Had He done so, Iran would be much different than it now is.
In the picture why are the hangmen hiding their faces? By their own lights aren't they carrying out the will of Allah? So why do they hide their identity?
Lem why don't you post this video of Ferguson protesters singing Christmas Carols.
"Deck the Halls with Rows of Dead Cops"
In the immortal words of Garland Greene, "Define irony...".
Maybe the Ayatollah is just showing us he has a sense of humor.
Had not seen that until now Troop.
Quirky that American propaganda is used as propaganda by the top Iranian leadership. Leadership that kills gays and endlessly promises death to the Jews/Israel.
Why can't the Iranian leaders just leave Obama alone to play golf, ruin weddings, and eat his waffle? Don't they understand Obama is on their side?
Not a problem Lem. I only wanted to alert you to it.
I think it says a lot.
Happy New Year by the way.
Sent it out on a tweet. Happy New Year to you too.
Let's see what happens when muslim gays decide they want to get married in a mosque. Oh wait.
I wonder the Ayatollah deals with this?
Iran cares about black lives mattering for the exact same reason that our own government cares about black lives mattering: Only to the extent that it creates good propaganda.
Side note: if this (Trayvon, Ferguson, Eric Garner protests) shoddy narrative was playing out during a Republican administration, the entire U.S. government would be tarnished by association. History/tradition of racism, etc. etc. As it is a Democrat admin, headed by the jug-eared Jesus, the police are the racists. (Even though they've been armored up by the feds, and sent out to enforce important regulations against loosey sales.)
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