Saturday, December 27, 2014

"I Felt A Great Disturbance In The Narrative"

Hundreds Turn Their Back on de Blasio at NYPD Officer's Funeral
Via Small Dead Animals / Drudge


Michael Haz said...

Effective, non-violent protest.

Chip Ahoy said...

You're clever.

Chip Ahoy said...

My Spring garden is coming together nicely.

I have fresh seeds out the yingyang. And 142 little cups already planted.

And 142 more little cups to go. That's the equivalent of four nursery trays filled with twelve six-packs each. Except the nursery trays have clear dome tops. Like mini greenhouses.

The Aerogarden is going on 2 weeks. Two of seven cups failed. I could call Aerogarden and they'd send replacements but that is additional delay behind the rest of the garden. I made sure incoming seeds contained type that will work with the herbs going on. I have it on top of the refrigerator so I lifted off the bowl to put seeds in the failed cups and


They are growing, just lagging behind. They'll be fine. The thing is two cups are chives and one chive grew so fast its already too tall for it little dome, so the dome was removed last week, while the other one hasn't reached it up to the (what would be) ground level yet. And parsley is always slow. I didn't realize this slow. But I'm telling you, once they get going, pow, they almost take over. Parsley, basil, and mint, tend to take over. Basil gets going quickly, mint and parsley are slow. I put chives on the ends to look like two columns. (sort of) You know, vertical elements.

And so it is with seeds. Some germinate faster than others, even the same type.

Did you know those large purple spheres made of hundreds of tiny purple flowers on tall stalks are a type of allium? The ultimate cartoon plant. Kids love 'em. Alliums are onions and garlic and the like.

They come in several types.
There is also a thistle that does the same thing.

Allium Giganteum bulbs and previously Allium Gladiator can cost $10.00 each. But I've seen them on sale all over the place for $5.00 each. So, say you want a patch of fifty of those, for a proper garden of delight, That's $250.00 right there.

Seeds like polyester (primrose) the propeller plant I showed you and petunia seeds are tiny as a single dust particle. You don't even plant those, just set them on top of damp potting mix. Sometimes they're packed with material around them to make them a bit bigger, but not by much. And believe me, they grow. I planted some a few years ago and the plants turned out all around better than the mature plants I bought from nurseries the same year.

This is recommended activity for overcoming mid winter blues.

I just made that up. I don't get any such thing as mid winter blues, but I heard about it and it sounded good.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

"Dissent is the highest form of patriotism" Vietnam era quote.

Chip Ahoy said...

Voice bubble from the jumbotron

"I find your lack of faith disturbing."

edutcher said...

Is that like a warp in the Force?

Lem said...

"Dissent is the highest form of patriotism" Vietnam era quote.

You're thinking of "Make love, not war".

People like Lurch didn't care about patriotism until they needed the votes of those that did.

Unknown said...

Brain Williams, Scott Pelly and all the rest of the hacks will just ignore the story.

Aridog said...

What I find absent from most news commentators is the simple concept that it isn't so much what De Blasio said or did before the riots, it is what he failed to say once the screaming mobs (the dead cops bit) made national literally every living room. He was silent on a subject he could perhaps have made a difference on...that NYC is not the place for that kind of rhetoric. Silence. Then he tries to play catch-up with outreach post-facto. Amazing in its lack of recognition of the obvious.

Veering off a bit, recently the Wall Street Journal ran an article about how Jeb Bush can tie up a great deal of potential Republican election funding early by his clear indications that he "may" run. Not sure that's true, but it seems reasonable. Add to that that we appear to have only two "major" future candidates (based upon coverage at least)...a Bush and a Clinton. No matter how good any of us might think either could be, it is a fairly sorry state of affairs when we apparently remain locked in to such a limited popular field. You mean to tell me there are no other candidates, younger and with bright ideas, with executive experience, in either party, who could do the job? When is it time for a change?

This state of affairs makes me receptive to the criticism of "the establishment"...of either party or both.

Unknown said...

Ari - I listen to folks on the left and right on the subject. My limited take: ?... Righties don't have a candidate because they demand perfection. A newbie would be welcome, but all the newbies are flawed. Bush and Clinton fatigue is real, but the media want another show-down. The left will rally around someone like Elizabeth Warren despite her flaws. That's all I know.

Aridog said...

April Apple...oh, yeah, just what we need, a white "Cherokee" woman with zero executive experience, only academic experience.

Can no one acquire media focus if they're not from an Ivy league school? I've actually agreed with a few (very few) of her remarks, but to make her Presidnet would just be following dumb with dumber.... not because they're not "bright" but because they have not bona fides for leadership. I don't think Obama or Warren are stupid, just foolish and ego-centric.

Michael Haz said...

Scott Walker.

Unknown said...

Bald spot. ;)

bagoh20 said...

Rice/Barkley in 2016. (Condi/Charles)

At least they can sink a jump shot.

Unknown said...

Bagoh - I'd go for that. I'd go for any number of combinations. All the new talent is on the right. Sadly - the base is addicted to the idea of a Jesus/Regan and there isn't one.

Unknown said...

The left/media machine want Jeb. If it's Jeb and Hilldebilly, Hilldebilly wins.

oh looksee- drudge has a link to the pre-media pimping of Jeb.

Unknown said...

The fat McCain in the media/democrat party 2nd choice. Remember, we don't choose, they do.

ndspinelli said...

Haz, You pushing Walker shows the classic Cheesehead provinciality.

ndspinelli said...

He's a ham n' egger.

Unknown said...

Yes I'm negative on this issue. Clear. While we bicker over the imperfections of fine and qualified candidates, the media will push Jeb or Christie. All by design. I wish we would stop falling for it. OK - back to positive.

yay it's above 30 degrees!

chickelit said...

You are a self-loathing Cheesehead, spinelli.

But I admit to being conflicted about whom to cheer for in today's Packer v. Lions contest.

AllenS said...

I'd cheer for the Lions if they were playing anyone besides the Packers.

Trooper York said...

I would be overjoyed to vote for Walket and you know what I think about cheeseheads

Aridog said...

Being a Detroiter by birth, thus a Lions fan, and a U of Wisconsin student by choice, I was well "indoctrinated" about the cult of Bart Starr & company. Not cheering the Packers in my frat pack could get you hurt. I think today's game was the only one I've watched beginning to end...kind of lost interest in football per se...and Detroit threw the game away (literally) in the first half. Packers earned that win by simple hard work and precise football.

Trooper York said...

De Blasio was just booed at the graduation ceremony at the Police Academy.


How about the fact that cadets were told not to wear their uniforms because it would be too "dangerous" and "provocative" to the protesters.

Aridog said...

Trooper...that instruction sounds like what soldiers in many locales have been told to do as well. Ain't that special.