Monday, December 29, 2014

L.A. police protests

All of the cars had the option of turning around. Running over someone is not an option

Why aren't they looking for the dude who plowed people down?!?! YOU ARE GUILTY

We have an injury - a car literally plowed through us

Car plowed us down, got Brian hard.

Got me hard too.

Who you gonna call? Ghost Busters!

...and knocked down one of our protestors. We're calling 911 now. This thing is intense.

The ironing, it burns!

Running over someone, plowing people down. No. Far from it you silly hysterical protesters. You even provide media that disproves what you say that it shows. See, you formed a chain by joining hands, you could have broken off at any moment you wished had you not been so set on disrupting traffic. The driver broke your handhold, dismissed your protest and drove through. Disruption denied. They did not run anyone over they did not plow anyone down. Like you say. You expose your own lies in the telling of them and that is why you are not taken seriously. And neither is your media. Not anymore. The days when you could pull off this shit are gone.

They have the license plate number but nobody cares. Except perhaps to send the guy an award.

Here is their own video of "running people over, plowing people down." In their distortion field they honestly do believe this is cogent evidence against the driver.

If only. Liberal lies will never die. Never. There will always be a Democrat party and it will always be fueled by reality-distortion, be it healthcare, finance, voter fraud, America's enemies, wars, finance, education, immigration, racism, climate change,gun running, rape statistics, employment statistics, minimum wage, you name it. You have only to watch one of their national conventions to know the whole party is made up of nutters and you can see for yourself the car did not plow through anybody or anything and the driver did not run over anybody. Rather, the driver carefully edged forward and broke the grip of their frail human chain blocking his path. But that is their reality, "plow through" and "run over." There will ever be a need for a catch basin for damaged personalities, Cassandra and BMbeers are certainly such, because their and their co-traveler's dementia and obsessions cannot be fixed, and in the United States that catch basin is the Democrat party.


Chip Ahoy said...

Know what's more interesting to me than all this?

Seeds that I planted on Friday are already popping up through the dirt on Sunday. That's what.

The largest seeds did. The seeds that went under the dirt. A type of thistle that produces purple dome flowers similar to the cartoonish Alliums. And morning glories that are similar in appearance to the propeller primroses. They germinated and popped through the dirt in 2 days.

You know how deeply to plant a seed? Generally as deep as the seed is large. So itty-bitty nearly microscopic seeds just sit on the top. They actually need light to help them.

And I haven't even finished planting seeds yet. I'm not nearly halfway done with that. I just started.

This is one of the things that never ceases to fascinate me. I love watching things develop from nothing like that. I always did, and I suppose I always will. That's why buying plants from nurseries takes away the most fun part of it.

Remember in the first grade watching beans germinate and develop? It seemed to take achingly long. That same fascination still happens. It's a thing. But now I'm amazed how fast it all happens.

edutcher said...

They've declared war on the people.

rhhardin said...

I used to grow mung beans to eat in a bowl with wet paper towels, and then I stupped for some reason, and now there aren't any mung beans in Kroger anyway.

Possibly I was the only customer.

Michael Haz said...

Plow through? That's not what the video shows. Maybe it is a false accusation of plowing through. I think so.

I saw no person being run over. Everyone remained upright. Cowardly upright. If you're willing to get run over for your cause, then get run over, dammit.

This was pretty much the same thing as cars leaving a parking lot at a ball park after a game. Cars and people, no one get injured.

Are yo getting tired of these whiny white commie protesters? I sure am.

Unknown said...

Excellent summation, Chip.

Unknown said...

Nuke Hollywood. Give em something to whine about.

Unknown said...

More reality distortion inversion conveyor belted in from the reality based community known as our leftwing betters. We are so beaten down by Media Matters group think, the police in CA cannot even wait for the evidence.

bagoh20 said...

If they called 911 and told those lies, they need arrested.

virgil xenophon said...

If that's the WORST thing that'll ever happen to those idiots they should get down on the proverbial bended knee and thank their equally proverbial lucky stars..

ricpic said...

Evil racist capitalists! Evil racist capitalists going about their business driving from place to place MUST BE STOPPED!!!

Rabel said...

If you'd like a closer look, the action starts at 24 minutes into this video (right after red Elvis crosses the street). There's ad at the beginning - damned capitalist pigs.

My favorite part:

Q. - "If I move it does it hurt?"


Aridog said...

Notice in Rabel's video that there are no cops there to clear the walkway. Welcome to the new reality. It's coming to a locale near you sooner than later. Cops figure, you want anarchy, you can have it. Enjoy. Owwwwwwwwwww....

Footnote: any idiot who thinks he/she can stop a 2-3 ton vehicle if the driver is angry or scared is an idiot...and idiots usually get what they deserve.

Aridog said...

@CassandraRules Car plowed us down, got Brian hard.

Good. Don't try to stop cars with your body next time, idiot.

PS: you were not "plowed down" got knocked around. And you expected what? Oh, you thought your puny ass 120 lb body would intimidate an angry or scared driver? Intimidation was your game? Trust me, you are not fit to intimidate anyone...especially in a 2+ ton vehicle. Where'd you go to school? Do you now realize you just go a degree in "hard knocks" sucker?

Aridog said...

5-4-3-2 ... waiting for the grand "democracy" voices to chime in :-))

Rabel said...

Hey, Ari.

You were lookin' good in that article yesterday. Keep up the good fight.

KCFleming said...

I am disappointed no one got plowed down for real.

Here in Minnesota, someone did get run over, only because the idiots swarmed a car and the driver got the hell out.

Watch at the bottom of the page. I was much heartened by his common sense. The overhead view is delicious, too.

Unknown said...

Good point Pogo. A lesson I never really thought about.

If any one or group angrily swarms my car, which is an act of aggression and a probable prelude to violence, as an act of self-preservation, I'm hitting the accelerator.

**Talk to my tire treads.**

Aridog said...

Some group mobs my truck like that shown in the video of Rabel's...they're going to "speak" to more than my tires. In my state it is called: "...under the apprehension that my life is in danger."