Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Danescombe Valley

This is another of the Go Pro and quad helicopter adverts so intriguing that explores the immediate environment to greater extent making even the run down and abandoned, ruined and overgrown seem to be interesting and makes you go, "Why am I not having as much fun?" And, "Why didn't I think of that?"

He flies it around so many times I feel like I've been there.

Spanky Danscombe Valley Paper Mill. Wow, now that looks interesting.

Dancombe Valley is in Calstock Cornwall where these ruins of an old paper mill are located along with a sawmill and a grain mill, I noticed in the immediate area. What's up with all these mills clustered around?

That's the way it was. Waterpower was applied to everything they could think of during the twelfth century, sawmills provided lumber for the estates, iron mills forged iron, waterpower was even applied to textiles. Moreover, due to the seignorial system in the thirteenth century whereby lords could insist grain grown on their property be milled on their property an expansion of waterpower for milling grain occurred throughout.

[Just like the Egyptians. And like Egyptians, sources say "corn" they do not mean maize.]

Clicking through the photos pinned on Google Earth at Calstock is like being in an H.O. train setup, I haven't seen anything this picturesque.

What a place to visit. There is an official National Trust route that takes you through the countryside and the industrial history about the Cotehele Estate.


Unknown said...

Where did you get that idea?
It's only about a 3 hour drive to the Uffington White Horse.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

I get why some people are named Miller, but why is there no name for the guy who made the mill?

Unknown said...

That's the guy named Mason.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

I was just being silly.

It would be Millwright.

As in Joseph Millwright or Janice Millwright.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

I used to represent a company that built and installed factory assembly lines.

I was much more interested in the engineering aspects than I was in the legal.

Ah, what might have been.

A road divided in a yellow wood.

Something like that.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Is there a manly aerial vehicle?


rhhardin said...

That pretty much ended any desire to own a quadracopter.