Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Ebola in the USA: A Sencond Dallas Health Care Worker Tests Positive

"A second health care worker at a Dallas hospital who provided care for the first Ebola patient diagnosed in the U.S. has tested positive for the disease, the Texas Department of State Health Services said Wednesday."
The department said in a statement that the worker reported a fever Tuesday and was immediately isolated at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas. Health officials said the worker was among those who took care of Thomas Eric Duncan, who was diagnosed with Ebola after coming to the U.S. from Liberia. Duncan died Oct. 8.

"An additional health care worker testing positive for Ebola is a serious concern, and the CDC has already taken active steps to minimize the risk to health care workers and the patient," the CDC said in a statement.

"What happened there (in Dallas), regardless of the reason, is not acceptable. It shouldn't have happened," Anthony Fauci, director of the Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases of NIH, said on MSNBC on Wednesday.
CDC Director Tom Frieden told Fox News Megan Kelly last night "We look at what happens and we adjust as we need to".


The Dude said...

Can we buy Ebola bumper stickers with the Obama "O" in them?


How about "Got Ebola"?


Vote for Hillary! - she doesn't have Ebola!

Unknown said...

The following is a quote from a commenter named Quaestor over at top.

"Frieden was head of the New York City Department of Health and Mental Health under Bloomberg, and was instrumental in Bloomberg's anti-jumbo soda policy."

We are in the best of hands.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

There were tweets claiming the boyfriend of Nina Pham, the first nurse who got Ebola, may have been admitted to a hospital with Ebola like symptoms.

I can't find any news about him on the web this morning. except for this tweet.

My guess is if he had it they would told us by now?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

If Ebola is as difficult to get as they say, it can only mean that the CDC is screwing up royally.

The Dude said...

Yeah, Lem, keep believing they will tell the truth. They always do.

Unknown said...

Perhaps Jon Stewart(D) can be deployed for official administration CYA?

Unknown said...

Here is Jon Stewart's(D) official response to "worried" health care workers.

Unknown said...

Kelly has the wrong plumbing - but wow do I love her. Actual journalism in America is rare, but she is the whole package.

(note to unappealing hags who work for the pro-democrat hack media, like candy cowly, Andrea Mitchell, rosie odonnel and matt lauer: Megan Kelly is a
real journalist. You, are not.)

Dust Bunny Queen said...

"What happened there (in Dallas), regardless of the reason, is not acceptable. It shouldn't have happened" f@cking DID. Now deal with it and stop making excuses for yourselves.

" if he had it they would told us by now? "

No. They are going to lie and hide everything from us, because they are afraid that we will panic, and wait until it is too late to do anything.

We are well and truly screwed.

Dust Bunny Queen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I do not have much doubt that if GWB were still president, Ebola would be contained and receding in West Africa.

Instead, we have a man who thinks his speeches are medicine. Believe.

Unknown said...

from link (via insty)
"At issue is the enormous popularity of George W. Bush in Africa, a love affair that highlights how little, by comparison, Mr. Obama has done for that continent. As The New York Times reported in 2013, Bush “is seen as a lifesaver who as president helped arrest a deadly epidemic [AIDS] and promoted development of impoverished lands.” As The Times noted, “During a final trip as president in early 2008, Mr. Bush was warmly greeted by huge crowds of the sort he never saw at home anymore.” "

ricpic said...

Obama must be removed from office for refusing to ban flights from West Africa. Or is it more important that Obama be rspected than that America survives?

edutcher said...

There's a piece on Drudge which says how badly this has been handled.

Sixty Grit said...

Vote for Hillary! - she doesn't have Ebola!


virgil xenophon said...

Did anyone see the report that NINE French physicians of "Drs Without Borders" have died from ebola and 16 more are infected after having treated infected Africans?

Unknown said...

More news.

Ebola in the hospital. Ebola in the aircrafts. ISIS must be laughing.

The Dude said...

When Ebola comes to your town be sure to thank all of those who vote democrat.

You know who they are...

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Now they are reporting the second Ebola victim was on a plane the day before she started feeling sick.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...


The Dude said...

Well, no great loss there.

Unknown said...

We all know airplanes are already disease carriers.

Airlines barely even clean planes between flights. Last flight I took, the plane landed, everyone got off, they immediately herded the next flight on.
These planes don't just go back and forth. They zig zag all over.

It's not about panic, it's about the fact that this didn't need to happen and no one in our donor party golf playing government really gives a shit.

bagoh20 said...

I get the distinct impression that professionals in government positions are the least capable people in their field. This seems true of doctors. lawyers, accountants, economists, managers, constitutional scholars. etc. Even the professional liars there aren't really any good at it. They just try to make up for poor quality by selling a lot more volume.

Rabel said...

For future reference.

I wasn't sure about this guy until I saw the Kelly interview. His responses (to questions that should have been asked days ago) are evasive, misleading and nearly robotic in the reversion to prepared talking points.

He needs to go.

Lydia said...

The second Dallas health care worker with Ebola took a flight the night before her diagnosis?

What the hell is going on?

XRay said...

Lots of good work there on that Flickr... first person?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Freieden is nothing like the Reagan Era chiefs that dealt with the HIV AIDS crisis.

I remember a lady with a thick accent explaining how HIV was transmitted and she sounded like she knew what she was talking about... and it turned out that she did.

Frieden, I'm not so sure.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

She went back and forth to Cleveland and then then got sick.

They might have two Ebola laden planes flying the friendly skies.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Meanwhile Ebola Air continues coming in from West Africa every day like nothing was going on.

Rabel said...

"Lots of good work there on that Flickr... first person?"

I wish. William Banzai who shows up regularly on Zero Hedge. He's nuts but does some amazing work.

William said...

Never let a crisis go to waste. Now that everyone is paying attention, the CDC director should take the opportunity to warn the American public of the dangers of large sugary drinks. Global warming and large sugary drinks. It's important for Americans not to be distracted from the real perils.

XRay said...

I thought that name sounded familiar... but for all I know it could have been you anyway. :)

"Ebola Air", good one, Lem.

I'm Full of Soup said...

One commenter at TOP said if one person infects two or more people that indicates it has the potential to become an epidemic. And he also pointed out the two people who have been infected who knew Mr. Duncan had EBOLA which means it is even worse.

edutcher said...

Lem said...

She went back and forth to Cleveland and then then got sick.

Actually, she went from Cleveland down to Kent State U (yeah, that one) to visit relatives.

So almost everybody in NE OH is at risk.

Even better, according to Flighttracker, the plane was used for five additional flights on Tuesday before it was removed from service. Those flights include a return flight to Cleveland, Cleveland to Fort Lauderdale–Hollywood International Airport (FLL), FLL to Cleveland, Cleveland to Hartsfield–Jackson Atlanta International Airport (ATL), and ATL to Cleveland.

In the immortal words of Peter Graves, "What's the vector, Victor?".

Unknown said...

What ever happened to the United aircraft that held Duncan?

Amartel said...

All these questions about containment that I, a private sector nobody using only common sense, was asking two weeks ago.

Frieden should have his power core removed. He is much too incompetent to be a robot.

All this energy and time devoted to downplaying, instead of downgrading, the threat. The public is quite correctly fearful, not necessarily of Ebola but of its own lying government.

Unknown said...

I'm fearful of both. A corrupt lying incompetent ass-covering government and a really nasty virus that, for right now, doesn't have a sustainable vaccine or cure.

The left describes it as "panic". They can bugger off.

virgil xenophon said...

Following on Armatel, you know, in the USN, if a ship runs aground, the Captain is automatically removed from command. It doesn't matter if the actual accident was the direct result of faulty navigation on the part of the navigator, broken raadar or those in actual command of the deck watch/steerage or whatever. DOESN'T MATTER. The ultimate responsibility for EVERYTHING that happens aboard falls TOTALLY upon the Captain even if he was asleep in his bunk at the time, perfectly matching both total authority and total responsibility. A harsh and cruel system, some might say, but one that demands ultimate effectiveness from those granted command.

The Ship of State has run aground public health-wise. The guy has GOT to go..

Unknown said...

Agreed. Captain Big Gulp needs to go.

Amartel said...

Our government is so embarrassed of We the People but it really should be the other way around.

Amartel said...

Second nurse with Ebola called the CDC before she flew and reported an increased temperature but they said she was okay to fly.

Unknown said...

Sure she didn't call Jon Stewart? Maybe he was answering phones for the CDC.

Amartel said...

If the government was a dreaded "corporation," (ya know, like what them Koch brothers run) it would have been sued out of existence already and its chief officers would be in prison.

deborah said...

I'm thinking it's a good idea for everyone to get their affairs in order.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

@ Deborah.

This is a wise thought. God willing we, meaning my husband and I, have done so. Not out of any Ebola fears, but because we are so rural, far from supply lines, have had to deal with severe winters, extended power outages..... but because we generally have to be prepared for extended periods of isolation.

We are NOT looking forward to this, but if necessary, we could survive for 6 months out of our own supplies. The deer that are eating my apples and roses are looking less and less like pests and more and more like dinner, jerky and sausage.

deborah said...

Excellent thoughts DBQ, but I was thinking along legal affairs and clearing out old papers.

I'm thinking that in about five seconds commercial flying will be done only if absolutely necessary.

Lydia said...

Amartel said..."Second nurse with Ebola called the CDC before she flew and reported an increased temperature but they said she was okay to fly."

Wow. The CDC can't even follow its own guidelines -- from the CDC's Interim Guidance for Monitoring and Movement of Persons with Ebola Virus Disease Exposure:

Controlled movement requires people to notify the public health authority about their intended travel for 21 days after their last known potential Ebola virus exposure. These individuals should not travel by commercial conveyances (e.g. airplane, ship, long-distance bus, or train). Local use of public transportation (e.g. taxi, bus) by asymptomatic individuals should be discussed with the public health authority. If travel is approved, the exposed person must have timely access to appropriate medical care if symptoms develop during travel. Approved long-distance travel should be by chartered flight or private vehicle; if local public transportation is used, the individual must be able to exit quickly.

--Approved long-distance travel should be by chartered flight or private vehicle--

And no mention of temperature at all, just exposure.

Scary stuff.

XRay said...

The thought that comes to me, is, that as a sovereign nation, purportedly at least, we can't seal our borders at a moment's notice. We did it to keep the Jew's out, yet now seem unable to keep anyone out.

I'm becoming more cynical, and consequently more depressed, every single day.

I hate it that the ignorant bastards have won, but I see little evidence that they haven't.

chickelit said...

deborah said...

I'm thinking that in about five seconds commercial flying will be done only if absolutely necessary.

Isn't stopping or curtailing air travel a silver lining for those worried sick about CO2 emissions? It must be win-win for them.

Oops _ I used the word "must." Deborah hates that word.

chickelit said...

I mean, the same people worried about global warming are the same people who think the world needs a population purge.


Michael Haz said...

In order to soften its image and appear more friendly and concerned, the CDC has changed its on-hold background music selection to this.

Dad Bones said...

I like that, Mr Haz. Ebola is sexy. It will treat you right. What a lovely way to go.

Amartel said...

TOTUS, 9/16: "In the unlikely event that someone with Ebola does reach our shores, we’ve taken new measures so that we’re prepared here at home. We’re working to help flight crews identify people who are sick, and more labs across our country now have the capacity to quickly test for the virus. We’re working with hospitals to make sure that they are prepared, and to ensure that our doctors, our nurses and our medical staff are trained, are ready, and are able to deal with a possible case safely."