Sunday, July 21, 2013

A quick apology

Last night I did some drunk commenting.  It's a blur, but I seem to recall comparing myself to Jesus Christ; trying to hug everyone; and ranting on about bird shit, puckered assholes, and number theory.

I apologize, and offer reparations below the jump:

First, for the men and lesbians:
And now, for the women, and gay dudes:
And finally for Ritzy Brassiere, aka Montana Urban Legend, wherever he may be:


Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Your image for the woman and gay dudes is likely to cause them to go lesbian and straight, respectively.

Meade said...

When I woke up this morning, I thought I was a straight man (possibly a lesbian). Now I realize I'M A GAY DUDE!

yashu said...

Haha. I'm well acquainted with the experience of drunk commenting and morning-after regret. However, as in my case (very fortunately, thank zeus, so far)-- really, it's not as bad as you think.

In fact, I consider your comments last night a WIN.

But morning-after atoning posts are also a win for us (your readers), so... for shame! carry on!

Pastafarian said...

Glad you liked that reclining shot, Meade.

The photo it took me the longest time to pick out was the sheep. I wanted to find a rear-quartering shot with it peeking back over its shoulder. There are a lot of shots like that with Adriana Lima, but not many with sheep, for some reason.

Pastafarian said...

yashu -- first I said I was going to be like Jesus and turn the other cheek; and the next thing I know I'm screaming "you dick" like Spiccoli.

You might not have been able to tell I was screaming, but I was hitting the keys really hard. My wife yelled in from the bedroom: 'What are you doing, fucking the keyboard? Evangeline Lily pics again?'

Meade said...

Pasta, I didn't mind your hugs last night. I really didn't. They were mostly man hugs - < 1 second, firm slap on the back.

But your wet kisses did seem a little... I don't know...

Too soon, that's all.

rhhardin said...

I have a nude descending a staircase somewhere here

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

They say a maiden laughing is half-taken.

Pastafarian said...

rh, you tease -- she had a collar on. That's not nude.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

good catch pasta.

edutcher said...

We're doing Rule 5 now?

rhhardin said...

"I was taught never to hate and only to judge people by their actions and not by their color, race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, etc." via maggie's farm

Gender is pretty important almost all the time.

Anonymous said...


Heading out to the University Bookstore Later Today. Want to See if They have a Copy of Anne Carson's Autobiography of Red. Seems Intriguing. Thanks.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Rule 5

rhhardin said...

Carson did a prepub essay form in Raritan that seemed to be better on Stesichoros. Leave a poet alone and she'll overedit things. But maybe that was just my taste from first exposture.

Raritan is likely to be in university libraries. v14 n4 quite a while ago, google doesn't find the date.

Raritan and Critical Inquiry are two journals I subscribe to because they used to be great, now gone all lefty rant, but hope is worth something.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Meade used to be mistaken for John Boy?

That is what Ann just wrote.

rhhardin said...

Anne Carson's Glass Irony and God would be a good one to pick up.

Somebody picked out this segment of the book of Isaiah.

I'd picked this:

What is an idol?

An idol is a useless sacrifice, said Isaiah.

But how do you know which ones are useless? asked the nation in its genius.

Isaiah pondered the various ways he could answer this.

Immense chunks of natural reality fell out of a blue sky and showers of light upon his mind.

Isaiah chose the way of metaphor.

Our life is a camera obscura, said Isaiah, do you know what that is?

Never heard of it, said the nation.

Imagine yourself in a darkened room, Isaiah instructed.

Okay, said the nation.

The doors are closed, there is a pinhole in the back wall.

A pinhole, the nation repeated.

Light shoots through the pinhole and strikes the opposite wall.

The nation was watching Isaiah, bored and fascinated at once.

You can hold up anything you like in front of that pinhole, said Isaiah,

and worship it on the opposite wall.

Why worship an image? asked the nation.

Exactly, said Isaiah.

rhhardin said...

At the bottom of the Carson link in Isaiah, there's a button

Report a problem with this poem

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

In the version I heard, Isaiah holds up a flower.

ndspinelli said...

Why has the gay community not gotten up in arms over the comment made by Jenteel in her interview that she told Trayvon, "Maybe he's gay and wants to rape you." I doubt she said "gay" when she spoke to him, but that's what she told the interviewer. This is a serious question. I like to try and understand these cross current dynamics.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Maybe for the same reason no one gets too upset when Rev. Al goes off.

Titus said...

I have a bleached pucker.


ndspinelli said...

Evi, I guess that's it. An unlimited get out of jail free card.

Phil 314 said...

A different rule #5. (Sorry Palladian.)

There is NO RULE 6

William said...

If you ask me, I'd say that sheep was kind of heavy around the hips. There are far more attractive sheep you could have chosen.....Zimmerman was defending property rights. That's a big strike against him right there....No leftist will go to the mmat for someone who defends property rights.....If he was a Latin King who followed Martin because he was wearing the wrong colors, the issue would have died with Martin.

Anonymous said...

So where is Methadras when you need him? I guess I'm not the only one who comments "drunk". Funny that, I don't even drink.

How's this, Pastafarian you bug eyed drunk! Or how about this, Yashu you drunken whore!?

Just thought 'd drop in to say that, thanks. Have a great Sunday. A bit less fighting please. Or not.

As you were.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
chickelit said...

Is it me or does Inga look pickled?

Synova said...

I suppose the super attractive women balance out Helen Thomas the other day. (May she rest in peace.)

And while I don't find the hairy fellow with the gun *attractive*, he does make me smile and not in a mocking way either. (And honest... men ought to be hairy.)

Trooper York said...

I think you might have apologized too soon there Pasta. Just sayn'