Thursday, May 16, 2019

Spies, who's going to cut a deal first

This post on Legal Insurrection by William Jacobson gets the most comments of all other posts. It uses "Spygate" in its title and begins by quoting Katie Pavlich (born 1988, news editor for Townhall, Fox contributor, blogger) "The Comey vs Brennan vs Clapper vs Lynch vs Obama show is going to be awesome."

Jacobson writes the Barr investigation into FBI and CIA spying into the Trump campaign has the Democrat-media Russia collusion complex panicking. And that explains the frenzy to take down Barr. People may go to jail for collusion between Fusion GPS, Clinton/DNC and mainstream journalists.

We'll see. I'm skeptical.

A key part of the investigation is the Steele dossier used to justify FISA court orders authorizing the spying. Comey and Brennan are in open conflict over which one pushed it.

But that's just the surface. The investigation could reach out of the FBI-CIA up through the Obama administration including Loretta Lynch and White House itself.

Then, comments over at Legal Insurrection are surprisingly synoptic in wishing all of them strung up for treason. Have a look. Skip to comments, that's where the fun is.


Trooper York said...

I like Barr so far but he is too much a creature of the swamp.

I doubt that he will let fellow bureaucrats be incarcerated. It just doesn't compute.

Everything might come out but the fake news media will obfuscate and cover it up as usual.

edutcher said...

I can see Zippy rolling over on everybody.

A shower in Atlanta is not the same as a Chiraq bathhouse.

Especially with all those lower class Negroes.

I like Barr so far but he is too much a creature of the swamp.

We'll see. It may turn out he just waited his turn, knowing where all the bodies were.

People can be weird that way.