Sunday, May 5, 2019

North Korea, missiles

Drudge headline:

Oh damn, there goes negotiations.


Correction, China launches North Korean missiles. North Korea is captive to China. North Korea does what China tells them to do. 

And they do this whenever there are tensions between China and United States. That is the pattern.

* Secretary Mnuchin and Robert Lighthizer just left Beijing. These talks were intended to put an end the bitter trade war (that Trump started) between the U.S. and China.

* Chairman Kim Jong-un just returned from talks with Vladimir Putin for the first time.

* Trump spoke with Putin for by phone for an hour.

* Kim said he was at the summit to discuss denuclearization then one hour later reversed course.

You'll notice these are the Mama Bear missiles. Not too big, not too small, just right.

And there is no reporting of this in North Korea.

And South Korea describes them carefully as "projectiles." 

A-a-a-n-d Trump Tweets be of good cheer for all is well, there will be an agreement.

Trump is signaling his intention to free North Korea from the iron grasp of China so that North Korea can realize its true economic potential. Trump keeps insisting that North Korea is positioned for one of the greatest economic booms the area has seen. 

Who besides Trump could do such a thing? Who could even conceive it? The previous administration stated flatly the only thing that can be imagined is war.

Panda mask / dragon mask. Yin / Yang flowing into each other with no space between them. Peace / War two sides of the same coin. Communist China's infamous national lack of imagination. Could you even be more obvious?

Concurrently, Trump is convincing companies to shift out of China to India.

1 comment:

edutcher said...

Kim has a lot of palace intrigues to watch over.