Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Epoch Times with Curtis Ellis

Curtis Ellis was special advisor to the Secretary of Labor in the Trump administration. Here, Ellis explains communist China's idea of free trade.

Ellis has particularly acute insight. If you choose to listen you'll find the interview interesting. And then, should you drop a few Ellis tidbits conversationally, you'll leave your listeners with their jaws dropped.

(There is an ASL sign for this that is hilarious and not seen in any dictionary. It's a rigid "C" shape with the last 3 fingers tucked in. Then that hand configuration is jerked upward like a gear at something jaw-dropping. The C is the jaw. And with your own actual jaw extended, open mouth, and your head popped back. That head-popping is unusual and the C popped in the opposite direction is what makes it so funny. When I asked what that means, Jeff had to think, and then finally answered, "burp on you.")

I'm saying, if you drop some Ellis insight your peers will find it jaw dropping.

There is a sign for that in ASL. I saw it used a million times. Possibly 50 times. This video is very close. Except she's using 2 fingers and thumb for a rigid jaw. Denver version is 1 finger and thumb. And it wasn't held close to the mouth, rather, it's aimed at the jaw-dropping thing or person. And the head pop is more dramatic. The whole thing is a bit gay, somewhat campy, so it's funnier, much less serious.

I found it by searching [jaw drop, asl] not [burp on you, asl] as Jeff explained.

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