Monday, August 10, 2015

"You will never "feel like" doing something that you should do. You just have to do it"

"To quote Shia LaBeouf, just do it... Seriously though, something I've learned over time is that when you have something you need to do, there's a moment where you're like "man, I need to do that," but think: "I'll just do it later when I'm in the mood." So far as I know, that mood never comes. So the moment you think "man, I need to do that," is the moment you have to do it. It isn't easy, but it's the only way to get it done. Plus you'll feel good afterwards."

Something I read on Reddit once that stuck with me -- if you don't feel like doing something, do it for 5 minutes. You'll get sucked in, get the job done, and move on with your life. It works wonders with laundry!
Right. I'm on it, now. I'll report back when I'm done.
December 18, 2005. I felt like making my apartment a cleaner place. Nobody was arriving soon for tea parties, nobody was inspecting. I just had an itch I could scratch in no other way.
The itch will return someday, it promised.


edutcher said...

Sounds like the remark of a kid.

Some things you should do, with time, become things you know will do you good.

This is what separates the men from the boys, Conservatives from Lefties, etc.

ricpic said...

There's also another factor. I better do what I just thought needs doing, even if it's mildly unpleasant, because if I don't the thought will drop out of my mind! But that's an old guy issue. Not a factor for Lem for at least the next thirty years. Forty years? Fifty years? Lem's problem is that no matter what he does NO MATTER WHAT HE DOES he don't get no respect from his nephews.

bagoh20 said...

Of course getting started is the hard part, but what I'm constantly trying to get people to do who work for me is to finish. Everybody starts stuff so they can say they are on it, but as I always tell them, until you finish, it only cost us money and gets no benefit. Plus it just sits there on your schedule and in you mind irritating you, getting in your way, and robbing you of the satisfaction of accomplishment.

Then they ask: "When do I get a raise?", and I reply: "I'm working on it."

Chip Ahoy said...

I have a response to this. Later.