Sunday, August 2, 2015

What is the difference between Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton?

Link to video
On Meet the Press Mathews said Debbie wouldn't answer the question because she fears alienating the Bernie followers. What do you think? Do you agree with Mathews or do you think there is another reason why Debbie seemed stumped by the question?

Debbie Wasserman Schultz is the DNC chair.


john said...

Bernie dresses left?

bagoh20 said...

They both have a problem with the truth. The difference is that Bernie's problem is he tells it.

ken in tx said...

I think she's stumped because she doesn't know what the question means. She's not very bright.

Synova said...

As DNC chair she really should not take sides at all, professionally.

Methadras said...

The difference between hillary and bernie? The bernie admits he's a communist, the cankles can't make that admission.

ndspinelli said...

They both think Huma is hot.

William said...

Socialists want to confiscate the wealth of rich people. Democrats want to confiscate the wealth of Republicans.