Monday, October 19, 2015

"Deadly shooting at ZombiCon event in Fort Myers, Florida"

"Crowds of festivalgoers fled screaming through the streets after the shots rang out late Saturday at ZombiCon."
"It cleared out fast and cop cars and ambulances came," said Savannah Holden, who watched the panic unfold from a hotel balcony.
Reddit Shower Thoughts...
When people say "I'd love to be in the zombie apocalypse!" They're basically saying, "I'd love to go on a killing spree and not feel bad about it"


AllenS said...

Expavious Tyrell Taylor was killed.

That might be your problem right there.

edutcher said...

I guess somebody wanted to eliminate the middle man.

Amartel said...

The thinning of the herd.

Christy said...

Didn't one of Jim Butcher's Dresden Files start out this way? Proven Guilty, I believe.

deborah said...

Not a fan of Zombie craze. I watched part of that Woody Harrelson movie, pretty funny.

Methadras said...

lulz, blacks and their naming convention. Utter stupidity.

deborah said...

Not a fan of Zombie craze. I watched part of that Woody Harrelson movie, pretty funny.

ZombieLand is a great movie. It really is. The more serious side of Zombiedom like World War Z, or The Walking Dead can be too much to take in, even though they are utter fantasy.

Methadras said...

I have to say that one thing is starting to really irritate the shit out of me when tragedy strikes. I'm seeing this boiler plate platitude:

"Our prayers go out to the family members and individuals involved in the incident."

It is now so cliche, so unnervingly sterile, that it gives the impression that whenever someone dies in a mass gathering, that literally, leaflets could be already made up and air dropped out of the sky onto the scene to cover this totally vacuous and weak-kneed, politically correct missive.

It's utterly ridiculous that it even has to be said to begin with, much less in this way.

deborah said...

Meth, I probably would like World War Z, but the couple eps I've seen of The Walking Dead, too depressing!