Friday, October 30, 2015

Hillary get's caught lying by 'what-difference-does-it-make' supporters

"There’s No Evidence In Clinton White House Documents For Clintons’ Story On Anti-Gay Law"
Over the past few years, some Democrats — including the Clintons — have offered a new explanation for why they supported the Defense of Marriage Act in 1996.
The threat of a federal constitutional amendment, these Democrats have argued, motivated them to support DOMA — a law that defined marriage for federal government purposes as between one man and one woman and said states could refuse to recognize same-sex couples’ marriages from others states.
“We were attempting at the time, in a very reactionary Congress,” Bill Clinton told an audience in 2009, “to head off an attempt to send a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage to the states.” Four former senators — including Tom Daschle, who madethe claim in 2011 — raised the idea in a Supreme Court brief in 2013. Clinton later cited that brief when, in a Washington Post op-ed, he called for the law he signed to be struck down by the court. Hillary Clinton just last week called her husband’s decision to sign DOMA “a defensive action.”
There is no contemporaneous evidence, however, to support the claim that the Clinton White House considered a possible federal constitutional amendment to be a concern, based on a BuzzFeed News review of the thousands of documents released earlier this year by the Clinton Presidential Library about same-sex couples’ marriage rights and the Defense of Marriage Act. In the documents, which include correspondence from a wide array of White House and Justice Department officials, no one even hints that Bill Clinton’s thinking or actions regarding DOMA were animated by the threat of a federal constitutional amendment.
Hillary Clinton repeated the DOMA spin to Rachel Maddow.

Link to video
“I think what my husband believed — and there was certainly evidence to support it — is that there was enough political momentum to amend the Constitution of the United States of America, and that there had to be some way to stop that,” she told Maddow.
“I was in on some of those discussions, on both ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ and on DOMA, where both the president, his advisers, and occasionally I would chime in and talk about, ‘You can’t be serious, you can’t be serious.’ But they were,” Hillary Clinton said. “And so, in a lot of ways, DOMA was a line that was drawn, that was to prevent going further.”
Back in the 90's, columnist William Safire called Hillary Clinton "a congenital liar", she appears still not cured of it today.


bagoh20 said...

Hillary gets caught lying, and the day ends in "Y"

FRIDAY !!!!!

I don't think her lies matter anymore. Her supporters don't care, because they say: everyone does it, or it proves how great she is, or Republicans made her do it.

It's not moving anyone anymore. The lines are drawn - the liars vs the rest, and the commitment to each side is firm. If her lies have not moved you from her by now, then you simply can't be moved.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I think that is true. Those who know she is a liar and don't care - or minimize her lies with moral equivalencies that don't add-up, will support her no matter what.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Hillary uses OUR nation and the levers of power as her own personal cash register.

She hides behind *shrugging*, a biased could-care-less press, and 'what diff?'.
She uses the latest social trends, (and her own lies) to her benefit -- expecting and receiving the gift of memory hole.

bagoh20 said...

Someone should make one of those look-a-like porn movies like they did of Palin, but use a Hillary look-a-like and call it "The Memory Hole".

Chip Ahoy said...

This is how colossally thick her voters. This is PHD in politics Maddow, eat, drink, sleep, poop, fart, speak politics, nothing but politics, nothing there but politics, purely 100% political and so knows full well her candidate of choice sitting right there is looking backward and retelling with today's language and today's intolerance of past sins, they both know this is critical for the idiocracy's satisfaction, given Firefox, Confederate flag and other similar intolerant incidents they're all willing to revisit this marriage defense episode with recalibrated eyeballs, recircuited thinky-thoughts so Maddow sits there and allows the new way to look at things with benefit of hindsight and openness of glasnost. Relax, Comrades, relax. Clintons were also constructing the whole Kardashian/Bruce Jenner switcheroo national bathroom crisis at the time too. This will all come out later when needed.

How depressing for Maddow to sit right next to, comport with and interview what she knows top to bottom through and through to be criminal and know that she's stuck with this lousy smelly ass candidate while also observing the array on display of real and honest straight forward intelligence in opposition answering with equanimity the crackpot critiques tossed at them.

Chip Ahoy said...

An interesting thing to note about post-modern American political landscape where Republican debates are hosted on liberal channels hosted by liberal panels is the moderator can ask the lead candidate if he's running a cartoon campaign while conducting a cartoon debate and not even be aware of it. The idiot fish doesn't know it's in water. All it knows about "not water" is that it feels horrible.

Perhaps another analogy could be useful. The debate showed moderators touching republicans with a 10 foot pole. It was a beautiful thing to behold. A perfect snapshot of national political life, nincompoops interrogating candidates smarter than they but thinking otherwise. All that on full display.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

recircuited thinky-thoughts- heh.

It's all pretty basic. Gays heart democrats blindly, and Clinton's corruption can all be ignored and swept under-the rug, because gay.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I give ULTIMATE credit to those on the left, gay or otherwise, who are not buying it.

Meade said...

Any Republican voter who isn't behind Dr. Ben Carson by now is simply not serious about defeating Hillary Clinton next year.

Carson/Fiorina 2016

Methadras said...

Isn't leftism grand? You get to say and do anything you want without repercussions. It's paid off for the clintons very very well.

chickelit said...

There are two things I like about this election cycle so far. The first is that Republicans are still kicking all the tires and haven't bought into one single candidate to date. The second is that for all intents and purposes, the Democrats have settled on Hillary. This gives Republicans great advantage, and they need to keep this up until the last minute.

In a sense, she faces a hydra with many conflicting opinions. It puts Hillary at a disadvantage because her handlers can't focus on just one candidate. It forces her to play purely destructive politics, trying to take them out one at a time. Meanwhile, she is forced to take sole opinions because she can't really flip-flop in the same election cycle. Republicans need to keep the strategy going as long as possible.

chickelit said...

PS: Whenever you see a commenter show up saying "Republicans need to do such and such" you can be sure that they are Hillary supporters in their heart of hearts. Remember Inga? That was her failed strategy.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

It forces her to play purely destructive politics, trying to take them out one at a time.

She has proxies to do that for her: ABC, CBC, NBC, CNBC, MSNBC, NPR, The NYTimes, Charlie Rose, PBS, The Washington Post, the LA Times - etc... to help her. As Rubio stated, she has a super PAC - the Potemkin media.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


edutcher said...

That's 4.

For those not keeping score, the others are confiscation of firearms, more illegals, and the VA scandal wasn't that bad, after all.

Meade said...

Heal. Inspire. Revive.

chickelit said...

AprilApple said...

It's all pretty basic. Gays heart democrats blindly, and Clinton's corruption can all be ignored and swept under-the rug, because gay.

Of course that isn't literally true. I'm sure there are some of the gay persuasion who aren't Hillary supporters. The music mogul David Geffen comes to mind immediately. But April is largely correct -- most gays are knee-jerk Democrats and nearly all of those in journalism are Democrats shills. Rachael Maddow first and foremost. It used to be Andrew Sullivan -- remember how he singlehandedly tried to destroy Palin in the last election cycle? She wasn't even anti-gay. He looks absolutely pathetic in retrospect and it's still one big reason why no one misses his opinions this time around.

chickelit said...

remember how he singlehandedly tried to destroy Palin in the last election cycle?

Er, that was two cycles ago. My bad. But he made up for by focussing on Romney's underwear.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

To my delight, Andrew Sullivan despises Hillary. I hope he holds true.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Riiight. Proper healing thru USA cash register on sekrit server. laugh it off.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Maddow: "She is going to make some news... in terms of policy conversations she was part of..."

Maddow meant to say "she is going to make something up."

Meade said...

In the RCP poll, no one is beating Hillary better than Dr. Ben Carson is.

chickelit said...

The poll linked above shows Biden beating any Republican in the general by clearly wider margins than Clinton doing same. Biden is still the better candidate. Did Dems err by putting all of their heuvos in one basket too soon?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Cruz was right. The talent and ideas on the GOP stage are far and away better than the tried and corrupt Bolsheviks on the D-stage.

I'll take any of them. Cruz, Carson, Rubio, Trump...

My worry at this point is that the Trumpsters are going to stomp their feet and stay home if Trump doesn't win the nomination.

chickelit said...

If I were a Democratic consultant, I would advise the party to undo the Clinton lock ASAP. Americans still despise coronations.

chickelit said...

Americans still despise coronations.

All except today's successful Eastern Seaboard journalist. They love the certainty of a Clinton win. It lets them lock-in future plans like mortgages, marriage, pedigree pets and even "planned" children, etc. -- all at a relatively high rate of compensation and with a promise of not having to work too hard for at least four years. That was the eight-year-long gravy train with Barry -- why not let it keep rolling?

chickelit said...

AprilApple said...

She has proxies to do that for her: ABC, CBC, NBC, CNBC, MSNBC, NPR, The NYTimes, Charlie Rose, PBS, The Washington Post, the LA Times - etc... to help her. As Rubio stated, she has a super PAC - the Potemkin media.

Yes, you are right. But there is less and less of a wall between Rodham and her media proxies. They used to pretend to hide these things (by recusing Stephanopoulis, for example). Now they are daring the ADD public to notice.

chickelit said...

AprilApple said...
To my delight, Andrew Sullivan despises Hillary.

If that's true, they could pay him to sit out this cycle.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Americans still despise coronations.

I think so. they also hate being told "it's over, she already won... go home"

Reject the Bush-Clinton family dynasty paradigm.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

If that's true, they could pay him to sit out this cycle.

they probably already have.

chickelit said...

My worry at this point is that the Trumpsters are going to stomp their feet and stay home if Trump doesn't win the nomination.

Not as big a problem as if Bush were foisted and nominated. Then I'd probably even stay home. Trump has a certain as-yet-unmarketed bipartisan appeal. He can (and will in a general) pull voters from the Democratic middle. Others can do that too. Bush cannot. He can't even pull Republicans together. The Republican establishment doesn't understand the depth to which the Bushes pissed off and dismissed the Tea Party. Romney at least paid them lip service. Bush openly mocks and despises that faction of his party. OTOH, maybe they do understand Tea Party sympathizers, but somebody is advising him "fuck them -- they won't voted for you anyway." So it's a calculated thing and not mendacity.

Amartel said...

Hillary got caught speaking ...

chickelit said...

In an odd parallel, the Bush people are doing to other Republicans what the Hillary people are doing to Sanders Democrats: marginalizing a nascent majority. The media seem to support the dynasty candidates of both parties. Why? No doubt the D.C. economic bubble and the gravy train effect I mentioned both play a role. It's more inertial than active.

It's "who wants to spoil the golden goose of this local economy? Not I said the talking head."

William said...

I think Bill Clinton is a much better liar than his wife. He does it with warmth and sincerity and a hale fellow frankness. No one does it better. Hillary is kind of slippery and evasive. I'm not saying she's not good at it, but she's not as likable and open as Bill when she's lying.......Can anyone name any public person in America who was in favor of gay marriage prior to, say, 1980. This is a new thing. It seems ridiculous to point to one moment in time and say those who opposed gay marriage before that moment are ok and those who opposed it after that moment are despicable homophobes.....,,.I don't think it's fair too put people like Kim Davis in jail for her beliefs. The left suffers from homophobophobia. They won. Let it go.

William said...

The left doesn't believe in killing the golden goose of capitalism. They do, however, believe in feeding it a low residue diet so they won't have to be troubled with goose shit. They also believe in keeping the goose caged and tethered with its wings clipped so it doesn't fly away. They don't believe in killing the golden goose, but it dies anyway........The next inventor of the next useful drug will not, almost certainly, do this to serve humanity but to make money. The greedy bastard should have his home and all his possessions confiscated.

chickelit said...

I'm interested in NBC's reaction to the RNC's very recent decision. Will it just be a big "FU we're the gay channel so bugger off"?

On the other hand, having media in one camp or the other is just a throwback to an earlier era. Newspapers used to be very openly partisan in the their opinion pages. But NBC overstepped things by making themselves the news.

edutcher said...

William said...

The left doesn't believe in killing the golden goose of capitalism.

“I get up every morning and think, today I’m going to make a difference. Today I’m going to end capitalism. Today I’m going to make a revolution. I go to bed every night disappointed but I’m back to work tomorrow, and that’s the only way you can do it.”

William Ayers, the twerp who started His Poutiness in politics.

ricpic said...

"The left suffers from homophobophobia."

So what else is new for the club that made anti-anticommunism its litmus test for membership.

Methadras said...

Meade said...

Heal. Inspire. Revive.

lulz. I laugh at you. I really do. You're a funny guy, using your passive aggressiveness through the use of patronizing smarm, like Heal. Inspire. Revive. (three words strung together that mean nothing) to sort of needle the commentariate into your self-fulfilling prophecy that you are despised and vilified. You go a very good job at that. I wonder where you acquired such a well honed martyrdom complex? Hmmm, one can only wonder.

chickelit said...

Carson/Fiorina 2016

Meade, your wife will eat you alive if you support that ticket. She despises both -- one secretly.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Fiorina secretly.

AllenS said...

Don't you need to "revive" before you can attempt to "heal, inspire"?

What do these words mean, anyway?

Meade said...

"Heal. Inspire. Revive. "

I should have put those words in italics. Sorry.

Prediction: Carson will win the nomination on Super Tuesday and the election over Hillary in landslide.

Meade said...

Prediction #2: By the end of the century, President Dr. Ben Carson's popularity will be at about 75% — just below President Gen. Ike Eisenhower and just above President Bill Clinton.

Meade said...

President Obama's rank in presidential popularity won't even be in the top half.

edutcher said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
edutcher said...

Meade said...

Prediction #2: By the end of the century, President Dr. Ben Carson's popularity will be at
about 75% — just below President Gen. Ike Eisenhower and just above President Bill Clinton.

As we know the polls are skewed, I'm skeptical of Willie's numbers.

Somebody said that once.

chickelit said...

Prediction #2: By the end of the century, President Dr. Ben Carson's popularity will be at about 75% — just below President Gen. Ike Eisenhower and just above President Bill Clinton.

If Ben Carson could inspire generations of kids to put down the hammers, rocks, and knives, and pick up scalpels instead, it would be worth it. The other party will fight with metaphorical hammers, rocks, and knives to make sure he doesn't though.

Meade said...

Methadras said...
" I laugh at you... you are despised and vilified"

Of course, my predictions are contingent on the Republican party being able to separate itself from the hatred and pessimism of backbiters who claim to be "Conservative" when in fact they are simply anti-American.

chickelit said...

@Meade: My prediction is that Ben Carson will be "savaged" by the gaystapo sooner rather than later. It's only a matter of time. The Left is just trying to figure out how to do this a race-sensitive way.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

To my delight, Andrew Sullivan despises Hillary. I hope he holds true.

Methadras said...

Meade said...

Methadras said...
" I laugh at you... you are despised and vilified"

Of course, my predictions are contingent on the Republican party being able to separate itself from the hatred and pessimism of backbiters who claim to be "Conservative" when in fact they are simply anti-American.

The GOP is conservative now? You too have failed to realize that because you can have an R beside your name that it somehow makes one a conservative. The two are mutually exclusive. Of course your predictions are contingent, just like the rest of your blather being contingent on you actually being cogent, honest, and actually know what the fuck you are talking about. Haven't seen that yet. Contingency fail.

Meade said...

You cavil just like a little girl.

ndspinelli said...

Too bad lawnboy didn't take time out from his busy schedule to just express brief condolences to Lem. Classless.

Meade said...

I don't know if you realize this but Dr. Ben Carson is black.

Hope that's not a problem for you.

Meade said...

Dr. Ben Carson Vaults Ahead