Wednesday, October 28, 2015

CNBC Republican debate

Best debate ever.

I still think it is the best debate I've ever seen. Excellent responses all around.

Chris Christie is doing surprisingly well. I don't like him but I must admit he is practiced and appealing.

CHRISTIE: I don't see a lot of weakness on this stage, quite frankly. Where I see the weakness is in those three people that are left on the Democratic stage. You know, I see a socialist, an isolationist and a pessimist. [trained pause as we visualize the trio and match them] And for the sake of me, I can't figure out which one is which.

Fiorina gave a very solid defense of her record at Hewelett Packared CNBC's Becky Quick who cited by name the individual Fiorina only mentioned she had a dispute and who fired her, and who later remarked he was mistaken and that Fiorina performed excellently shouldn't have been fired. Quick, having interviewed the president who fired Fiorina knows the man says a lot of strange things, thinking this her zinger for the night she listed a few. Fiorina said, "thus our disagreements."

Ted Cruz, instead of answering a question directly, quickly summarized the questions asked each candidate to that point, all common liberal attacks and nothing of substance, the same things discussed on right-wing sites as well, pointing out the obvious media bias contrasted with tongue bath of Democrat debate.

Candidates are demanding they're allowed to finish.

Rand Paul, somewhat disgusted.
John Kasich much more aggressive than before.

Uh oh, talking about marijuana now in Boulder. Kasich blowing it, switches subjects.

Each candidate gets so little time they feel they have to spill it all out at once. It doesn't work well for most who each get into blabber battle with moderator trying to corral them, more interested in time management than in having a coherent message completed. Carson handles this very well. CNBC's Carl Quintanilla asked Carson a bogus question regarding his board associations mentioning one place where he only gave paid speeches. Quintanilla defended his question, time's up, audience boo's Carson says, "They know" and the audience erupts, yes, everyone there is aware of bias so obvious that is simply cannot be disguised by the lines of questions asked by them and the audience erupted applauding.

The candidates are doing very well, I think. They're representing a vigorous party. They're all doing well at addressing liberal bias inherent in questioning, "Don't you think government must do _____ (anything reasonable). Fiorina delivers great conservative position statements, moderators with few exceptions as it goes on, appear impervious to responses, more move on to the next item and less follow up as when listening.

Even Jeb seems reasonable and somewhat attractive. I'm impressed.

They're getting applause for contrasting with Hillary and with Democrats and with establishment Washington. There is a great exchange of ideas, two very separate approaches for addressing entitlements from Huckabee and from Christie both defended by various candidates. It's showing a lot of vigor and a good deal of intelligence and grasp. These are my perceptions so far. The thing is still going. Please comment.


edutcher said...

As I theorized someplace else, the CNBC crowd is trying to light a fire under some of the Whigs.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I'm not watching. I'm feeding off the interwebs: Stephen Green, Top, and now you, dearest Chip! Feed me.

Thanks for the comments. All I can say is - good. The best part is that the hack hacketty hack hack moderators are getting push back. Thank heavens.

rcocean said...

A great debate in the sense that starting with Cruz they started going after CNBC. In terms of substance, another disaster. I think this is the kind of circus the RNC wants.

rcocean said...

If they have another debate they need a floor of 5% or you're at the kiddie table.

Chip Ahoy said...

"In your heart of hearts you want a debate between Clinton and Fiorina" Hilarious.

deborah said...

It's a good debate, everyone's coming off well except Kasich. His mouth is doing a weird thing while he listens to his question and mentally prepares to answer. And Carson's coming off as lethargic, not working for me.

Cruz was making the point that the questions being asked weren't relevant. He was correct.

rcocean said...

Great Coulter Tweet:

1 hour, 40 minutes into the debate, FIRST mention of Reagan, abortion or Israel. (Kasich: "It worked for Reagan") COULTER GETS RESULTS!

rcocean said...

Carson's No.1 or 2 in the polls and how many questions did he get? Kasich talked more then he did.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

It's important to vote for Ted Cruz. He would be America's first drag queen president.

Chip Ahoy said...

All of the candidates are acknowledging that all of the other candidates are fine choices with great ideas. All of them claim to be ready and able to lead the country. I think every single one represented American conservatism well.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I'm voting for Balls. American's first Red Herring... with a fantastic Straw Man hair-do.

Chip Ahoy said...

They're arguing about Kasich. He appeared like a grandfather for the first time, to me. And his closeup visage appears more a political operative. Grandfatherly-like. He kept defending and lauding his own record even when attacked by Trump. He was the most aggressive I've seen. Man, the contrast between Party debates cannot be greater. Dems was produced like Oscar awards and this is smaller, more intimate, more akin to town hall, save for the extraordinary length of 10 speaker's podiums. Apart from that, it was intimate.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

It's an easy guess that the kangaroo moderators wanted to talk to and respect Kasich because he's the only democrat up there.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

So - democrats need Hollywood, lights, makeup, crutches, friendly moderators, crutches, walkers, help, aid, crutches, friendly soft-touch big-phat surroundings with gilded columns and golden fountains and fancy wealthy one-square TP hypocrite rock stars. mmmhmmmmm.

deborah said...

How long have women been wearing violet eye shadow, and whatever shade that pinkish red lipstick is? I hate it!

rcocean said...

"It's an easy guess that the kangaroo moderators wanted to talk to and respect Kasich because he's the only democrat up there.


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Summary from Stephen Green:
I need to retract that tweet from earlier, the one about the CNBC kangaroo moderators baiting them into sounding “angry.”

Instead, this panel has been so aggressive, so interrupting, so DNC Talking Points, that they may have done these candidates a favor by baiting them into expressing reasonable and understandable anger.

This debate was so loaded from the get-go, that it allowed the candidates, at least a few of them, to shine. If there was ever a case of bad publicity being good publicity, that’s what you saw tonight.

bagoh20 said...

I agree - the best debate ever. Interesting, different, everyone got plenty of points out, and they mostly supported each other against the Democratic opposition, including the media. Pretty cool actually.

We should just get rid of moderators/questioners. Call up random voters, ask them what they want to ask, have the microphones turned on and off by timers. To get ratings, have the questions asked by women in bikinis,....OK, a few hot guys, too.

Everyone's happy, and we find out what we really want to know.

I wish just one candidate would get a red white and blue mohawk, and wear a tunic. Just one. They all look identical from a distance.

bagoh20 said...

Any one of the Republican debates contains more ideas, more excitement, more facts, and more life than all the Dems ones combined.

The Dems are winning on the number of lies and promises, which are mostly the same thing.

chickelit said...

deborah said...
How long have women been wearing violet eye shadow, and whatever shade that pinkish red lipstick is? I hate it!

I listened but didn't watch. Who was that?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Not enough emphasis on looks, here. Too much discussion of substance. Not a promising course of action for Republicans.

rcocean said...

The whole point of the Democrat debate was to show Hillary wasn't senile. Plus, it proved her nomination isn't a coronation (which it is).

Christie is a good debater, he's just a terrible Republican.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Any one of the Republican debates contains more ideas, more excitement, more facts, and more life than all the Dems ones combined.

Oh, if only those "facts" were relevant to anything other than the fantasies of Republicans!

The Dems are winning on the number of lies and promises, which are mostly the same thing.

So in your estimation, the ideal candidate is one who peddles gloom, doom and shame to the voters - I take it.

You mentioned a mohawk and tunic. I think what you really meant is that you want a gimp-candidate in a latex zip-up suit and horse crop. Or a dominatrix in the same attire and accessories. Someone who will really give the American people the flagellation that you think they deserve!

The GOP is one step away from establishing a bondage-domination-submission-sadomasochism relationship with the American people. One of these lucky contestant-Republicans will win the opportunity of a lifetime to make America their bitch!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Christie is a good debater, he's just a terrible Republican.

And a terrible seat-sitter!

We need to elect him president so that he can mandate extra-large seats everywhere.

Trooper York said...

Fredo Bush should not go fishing. Just sayn'

deborah said...

Fiorina. but I've seen it on at least two other women, yesterday. Betsey Woodruff and Maura Laison. It's unnerving and a throwback, I think, to the Eighties.

bagoh20 said...

Just watched Trump explain to Hannity about his border plans. He said: "There will be a wall, and it will have a door, and it will be a beautiful door."

That is just awesome. I want this man to be President just for the hell of it. I wouldn't be able to turn off the news. I couldn't wait to see what will happen next. It would be like those shows on youtube where they just put stuff in a blender, or blow things up to see what will happen. I'm smitten.

It could work out wonderfully or not, but I know the status quo is not worth living through. I need some excitement in my later years. Let's do this.

The border

deborah said...

lol Troop. He's likeable enough.

bagoh20 said...

"The GOP is one step away from establishing a bondage-domination-submission-sadomasochism relationship with the American people."

Agreed, but that one step away is in the right direction - away.

deborah said...

bago, Trump did well tonight. Except for his opening salvo at Kasich, which made me laugh, he reigned it in and gave good answers. I agree, he'd be a fun president to watch. But how would a Clinton/Trump debate go?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Agreed, but that one step away is in the right direction - away.

So you're saying they're done with the strategy of telling the American people that they're a bunch of losers, like they did in the last election?

bagoh20 said...

"But how would a Clinton/Trump debate go?".

I have no idea, but one person has virtually no accomplishments other than making lots of money, and the other one made even more. One is impossible to listen to and the other is impossible to ignore.

I repeat: Let's do this!

rcocean said...

"Except for his opening salvo at Kasich, which made me laugh"

As usual, he counter-attacked when Kasich attacked him. Kasich has been vocal in his contempt for Carson and Trump.

rcocean said...

Hillary is a terrible debater and Trump or Cruz or almost any Republican except Carson or Yeb would mop the floor with her.

The problem - as always - would be the chick vote. Women don't like it when one of their "sisters" is "bullied" by a man.

Insane, when you're talking about who should hold the most powerful job in the Western world.

bagoh20 said...

"So you're saying they're done with the strategy of telling the American people that they're a bunch of losers, like they did in the last election?"

Who really considers you a loser: the ones telling you that you need the government's help with virtually every aspect of your life, or the ones telling you don't. Don't be a Julia. You can make it in this world, and you can help others with your own energy and hard work and love. Damn, that is scary!

bagoh20 said...

G'night all. I'm going to bed to dream about my future. It will be beautiful. I really believe that. Unfortunately for them, the next generation is screwed, because except for Reagan, and a few years under Clinton with a Republican Congress, this country has been sliding down the tubes like Christy on a water slide. Sorry kids, we spent it all- all we had, all our parent built, and all you ever will. It's gone.

Oh, BTW, who won Dances With The Stars?

deborah said...

'nite bago.

rc, I think she is a good debater. I think she and he would joke around pretty well. Would love to see it.

ndspinelli said...

Fredo was very likable. The CNBC people are getting RIPPED on Twitter, even by liberals. Patton Oswalt, a hardcore Dem praised Cruz for blasting the media. Oswalt felt compelled to preface the praise w/ telling us he hates Cruz.

William said...

There was a sub contest tonight--who could deliver the best put down of the media. I give it to Cruz. I'm not a big fan of his, but I got a tingle up my leg when he dumped on them. Huckabee's put down was witty and good natured. He's a good guy, but he's going nowhere. Same with Chrystie. Rubio's put down wasn't especially memorable, but it definitely caused me to move in his direction........The media afterwards never discussed the possibility that the moderators might have been biased. No the discussion was about how the Republican base is biased against the media.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Home at long last.

Amartel said...

This clown car the media keeps talking about ... I wonder if they know they're sitting in it.

AllenS said...

I didn't watch the debate. Which one had the best crease in his pants?

I want substance.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I like Rubio. Rubio should promise to hire Trump to build that wall.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Welcome back home, Lem.

Methadras said...

RNC will never learn to stop letting leftists dictate the conversation. Never.

Amartel said...

Reince is a derp. The RNC doesn't like or respect or understand its base. The Republican establishment is doing very well, thank you, playing second banana in our banana republic.

This is the tried-and-true recipe for another RNC presidential failure.

Still, it all worked out well for the Republican candidates last night. Media bias matters. The mods were openly and proudly biased and didn't even make an effort to hide it. Their bias was obvious even to those who cling bitterly to the notion of objectivity in reporting the news. Moderators intellectually coddled in Lefty Echo Chamber for years and thus ill-equipped to encounter opposing views or perceive double-standards, much less formulate an objective description or even understanding of views with which they disagree. Questions that were not premised on lies and insults were just flat-out ignorant.
An exceptionally poor showing for the Palace Guard. Good thing a lot of people saw it!
That's the last time CNBC will have such ratings.