Saturday, October 24, 2015

Is that a Bottlenose or are you just happy to see me?

It was very hard to find a Dolphin to play Flipper. Because generally Dolphins are always hard. Most male Dolphins are rapists. They love to come up to humans and start humping away. Now some woman love that. When Marilyn of the Munsters came to Seaworld she just spread her legs and let the fish have his way with her and moaning about Uncle Herman or something. But most people weren't down with that. So we had to use Lady Dolphins so they wouldn't be swimming around all the time with a hard oar in the water so to speak. Plus most male dolphins had scars and stuff from fighting.

The main one we used was named Suzy. But a strange thing happened. She started rubbing up against the female costars and licking them and trying to stick her bottle nose right in her twat. Then we figured it out.

We had hired the only lesbian Dolphin in captivity.
(Ivan Tors The E True Hollywood Story of Flipper)

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