Friday, October 23, 2015

It's De Blasio Time.

So we were walking home from the store around eight pm last night. As we get to the corner there is this sloppy Eric Garner MoFro whipping out his dick to take piss on the Chemical Bank. The scumbag must of weighted about 400 pounds. A friend of mine Bobby the Bartender was walking by and starts yelling at this guy that there are women and children on the street and WTF? Bobby used to be a Transit Cop and was demoted to bartender/alcoholic. He starts beefing with the guy.

This skell goes "I couldn't hold it so mind your own f*cking business."  I saw a cop car on the corner. So we kept walking. It was parked in front of Dunkin Donuts. Of course. My wife crossed the street  and told the cop sitting in the a puny Indian douche who was on his phone. "Sorry to bother you but there is a dude just pissing on Court St. Maybe you should look into that."

The cop gets out of the car and walks down the street where Bobby is still arguing with Eric Garner as he spew urine on the steps of the bank. You know something the city council wants to decriminalize.

I don't know what happened. We kept walking home because it was late and they basically caught him dick handed so to speak. As we walked a couple of blocks away we saw a bunch of cop cars with lights flashing converging on that spot. I guess Apu couldn't handle it so called for back up. Maybe if we are lucky they Eric Garnered him.

This is what it has come down to. You can't walk down the street without some savage whipping out his junk and peeing in your face. The City Council wants to decriminalize it. The Cops don't want to enforce it. The press will start a big freaking deal if they roust him and tune him up to teach him a lesson.

It's sick out there and it is getting sicker. It is De Blasio time.


Amartel said...

In SF it's still illegal, public shitting and pissing (street peeing/pooping?). There was a court case 'n everything. Of course. So we got that going for us. Not that it stops people from downloading their waste on the street in front of everyone. Nor do the incredibly expensive, yet photogenic-from-the-outside (of course, this is San Fran and it's all about the aesthetics), permanent street bathrooms. Not that it stops people from walking around, or just sleeping in the street, in a state of embarrassing, slovely dishabille. The Zombies of the State.

Trooper York said...

I went into the bank today to do a wire and I was talking with the manager and the white guy who is the only person in the branch who knows what he is doing.

I told them "Hey I am often pissed at your bank but I never actually pissed on it."

They told me this knucklehead is well known to him. He tries to people to let him into the ATM area after hours so he can strong arm beg and intimidate hipster chicks who are withdrawing money.

Know they know that this asshole is a problem. Why is he still walking around?

AllenS said...

Because it's the end of the world as we know it.

john said...

Maybe he also sells loosies. And nobody wants him dying of a heart attack on their property.

If that's his photo he kind'a looks the type.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The ones wearing shorts are the worst of the worst 😷

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

A guy just bopped a bottle of wine into the back of my car while in traffic as he jaywalked across the street. I asked him why thought he was above just safely using the crosswalk. We exchanged epithets, and then he whipped out a camera to take my picture. I asked him if he was a lonely guy and if I should take his, also. (I should have also cautioned him against jerking off too much to photographs). Then he continued on, and ended up crossing the street back to the side he left when he hit me.

Five years ago I got sued for allowing my car to be hit from behind by a young shvartzling who was pushed by his friends into me as I idled at the traffic light. I had to hire a stand-up attorney (rare, I know) to watch my insurance company's attorney's back, as they sought damages five times in excess of my policy limits for unspecified injuries diagnosed by a chiropractor. The suit was settled for a quarter of the amount of my limit (1/20th of the amount sought).

By and large, people are shit.

john said...

Was it a good vintage? It wasn't in a box, so there's that.

bagoh20 said...

"By and large, people are shit."

Which is why you should not want them (strangers no less) managing any more of your life than absolutely necessary.

Sometimes you are such wingnut, which is incredibly sexy.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I'm a cultural non-relativist.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I'm sure the vintage was as trashy as the person carrying it.

I live in a place where people are apparently proud of how trashy they can be.

It's the pits.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...
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Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I just think that word sounds incredibly funny if you add a -ling to the end, as if to signify a young, larval version of the individual.

Ever since I moved out here, I noticed that people are allowed to get away with a bit of a low-level "racism" that isn't really racism because it's more of a satire on accepted stereotypes of the tribal/ethnic groups that competed with each other since they arrived. Howard Stern had good examples of this, a courser (and not as entirely acceptable) version was lampooned on The Sopranos. It kind of becomes a sort of "ball-busting" that's taken almost more affectionately than offensively. Of course, there are certain lines that go too far but as long as you confine it to innocent observations of humorous but obviously ridiculous behaviors no one gets really too pissy about it. I ran across a crazy (and completely unexpected!) exception to this with two Gaystapo members a few weeks back, but I think they were way out of the norm and apparently were repeatedly obnoxious and loud enough late at night over the last few months to prompt a cop being stationed at the building on the intersection a few dozen yards from their residence for the next week, just standing, arms folded.

At some point, everyone reaches their maximum "stuff" level (MSL).

john said...

Your depressed. It shows.

Bernie punted, hell, he abdicated, without even the hope of getting a VP nod. He is now kicked to the curb.
Webb is going independent, sustained by Clinton's cash, to syphon off the blue dog vote, ensuring they don't go Repub.
Clinton's cash machine long ago paid off the superdelegates in the states that matter.
There is no alternative to her on your side.

We feel your pain.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

To answer your question, I guess I am becoming more attuned to those muggings, lately. So, yes.

People get a lot of freedom in America. But there should still be the freedom to criticize trashy behaviors, no matter who feels how "insulted" by you pointing that out. If one's own culture can be criticized (and I do that plenty), then other cultures shouldn't be immune from criticism either.

It's a line, but it can be tightrope-walked. Bill Maher gets away with it when it comes to Muslims. You just have to do it very intelligently, and in proportion to the offense. You also have to be able to have a sense of humor about it and not just seem like a disgruntled crank. People don't mind being laughed at as long as you laugh with them don't have hateful contempt for them.

It's the disgruntled cranks who give us comedic racists a bad name. ;-)

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Nah - it's not a political thing, it's a cultural thing. And I don't think it would bring me to the dark/Trump-light/Carson side. Sure, Carson's a great guy, but that's not enough for me. Sure, Trump is rich enough to have the freedom to point out some forbidden truths, but his excesses don't do it for me, either. And I don't think Bernie's out. He's actually pushing Hillary further and further to the left. The narrative is funny, though. I don't think anyone else, especially - and hilariously enough - Biden, every stood a chance. I think they had a more substantive debate than in the past, and that's good enough for me. I think this whole race is far too interesting and unpredictable and entertaining to me (compared to past races) for me to feel at all disgruntled about that. Whoever wins, from whichever side, we'll have had a far more open and free-wheeling discourse about it than at any time in decades, and that alone is enough to make you feel good to be an American. IMHO.

rcocean said...

Hey lighten up Dude, what are you some sort of uptight square? Its 2015 and public urination is a right. Maybe the "guy" was transgendered and "his" mechanical dick was malfunctioning - or maybe POC's have different cultural standards. Who are you to enforce your "white man's" rules on him?

Freedom to whip out your Dick and take a piss anywhere - it's like in the Constitution.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I don't doubt that I'm feeling a bit down lately but it's totally separate from all this other stuff.

Although the trashiness of everyday people in your vicinity over and over does wear on people. I won't deny that. You have to have a thick skin, and trash them back, but only for as long as it remains entertaining.

And then you get the urge to stop walking around as a human porcupine and find that people are still the same assholes they were when you were an asshole back to them.

That's depressing. When everyone else doesn't decide to grow up at the same moment you do.

rcocean said...

"He tries to people to let him into the ATM area after hours so he can strong arm beg and intimidate hipster chicks who are withdrawing money."

People like him and the hipsters deserve each other. Reminds me of the POC's who clocked Matt Yglesis.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I saw one of a couple of white tweens publicly pissing on the side of a well-lit, clean hospital downtown a few weekends back at around 11. Close enough for it to dribble down the sidewalk entrance in front of the sliding glass doors at the entrance. It was despicable. I made a remark, and he knew he was too drunk to shut off his stream and put his dick back without falling over, let alone respond.

So let's not kid ourselves. "Upstanding" white jock-itches are just as prone to being trashy. They just get the luxury of being told that it's the socially acceptable expectation to get out of their system for the duration of those four overpriced years wasted on them at college.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I live in a place where people are apparently proud of how trashy they can be.

Hillary voters.

bagoh20 said...

It's not depressing that people sometimes act like animals. I remember bums pissing in public when I was a kid in small town PA. The thing that has changed is that they have no shame now. They actually think you are the asshole for not liking it.

I saw a woman in her 50's pissing on the sidewalk here in L.A. once at rush hour, broad daylight on one of the busiest corners in town. She made a point of attracting attention before, during and after. She acted like it was the most impressive thing she had done in years. She wanted a Pulitzer or something.

deborah said...

It's only piss, get a grip. It's a city off how many millions? With racial issues? All that's needed is public urns filled with kitty litter.

Bernie was never going anywhere.

Hillary's best bet is Webb as VP, he supporting Vet and Black interests.

bagoh20 said...

It's an amazing coincidence with this post, but I just drove home and saw two young white dudes who stopped their car at the stop sign near my house in front of a school. One was standing outside the car on the phone while the other one was pissing on the curb. Again, rush hour, broad daylight. WTF?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Well, whatever you want to advise for getting Hillary! elected.

Urine is sterile (except ST's - he's too old to prevent bacteruria) - that's not the point. The point is someone arcing a stream of it on a narrow sidewalk between themselves and a hospital without room for oncoming pedestrian traffic to suddenly notice and avoid it. Anything less than at least two yards between your piss and everyone else as they move about is rude. This isn't ancient Rome. If it were, there would be twenty toilets to a public bathroom and no dividers for stalls.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Again, rush hour, broad daylight. WTF?

I'm telling you, it's the new style of rebellion.

The country should just confront its prude attitudes. Poor bitches (gender neutral) are using public bathroom/toileting as a surrogate. Pathetic. Body parts are for sharing with others when the toilet functions are TURNED OFF.

Unless you're into urolagnia. But that should be done in a shower. At least, that's what I would imagine the ground rules would be.

deborah said...

It's as if the more technically refined we get, the more socially obtuse we become.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I'll never forget my walk from the train station at Civic Center in San Francisco to my hotel. It was right after dark and the stench of urine and feces was over-whelming. Homeless men were everywhere, like zombies. I was actually a bit freaked out and nervous-- and I'm usually pretty fearless.

...but then I'm just a country bumpkin from the sticks.

My impression was basic: San Francisco is a toilet.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Here in B-town, homelessness is as high as I have never seen it. I've lived here since 1997. Of course homelessness is a sign of economic health (or lack of it) and homelessness only matters if a Republican is in office.

After Ben Carson wins the presidency, he will inherit and be to blame for Obama's homeless problem.

Aridog said...

Interesting post. A while ago we had a couple guys who plopped down in the federal building plaza, regularly, and preceded to fondle themselves oddly, then whacked off right therein broad daylight. WTF was their point? It got to be where no one paid any attention, none, nada, zip ... and surprise surprise, they quit after a few weeks. Then new ones arrived. Oh, well. I get having to take a leak urgently, now and then, but just every day with fondling and jacking off....please. You're need help. Problem is there's no where to get that help anymore. So it goes.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Homeless men were everywhere, like zombies. I was actually a bit freaked out and nervous-- and I'm usually pretty fearless.

They must have a whole lot more energy than the ones I see, then. Maybe yours were chugging Five Hour Energy drinks, but the ones I see hardly have the strength or energy to lift an eyelid.

deborah said...

I was stationed in SF in the late Seventies and recall walking down the street one night and seeing a lot of homeless men standing in doorways to get out of the cold. The wind was like a knife and it was only June. I felt so badly for them, but helpless to do anything.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"The coldest winter I ever spend was summer in San Francisco." -Mark Twain.

an oldie but goodie.

When I was young our family took a vacation in Guadalajara Mexico. I'll never forget the extreme poverty I saw in the streets one night.
I feel bad for our homeless, but often it is because of mental illness or drug & alcohol addiction. Not actual poverty. with our vast welfare state and resources, homeless are often over-weight and if they put in the smallest amount of effort, there is all sorts of help available. Most of them reek of cigarette smoke. No money to eat, but enough to buy cigs, alcohol and their next fix.

Balls- That's why I described them as Zombies. They were upright and milling about. Not passed out in doorways at all. Low-energy as I recall, but their sheer numbers spooked me. I had no idea what to expect, or if they were desperate enough to go after a lone female with a suitcase.