Friday, October 23, 2015

House Republican Women's Caucus to vote en bloc for Ryan as Speaker

"“The unanimous support of the women members of the Republican conference represent a broad range of views and a broad geographic range from coast to coast,” [Rep. Virginia Comstock, VA] said in a statement.""




Tank said...

Ryan = Another Shit Sandwich to Swallow.

Might as well be more Boner.


chickelit said...

Suppose that female Democratic electoral college members decided to vote en blanc for Hillary?


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

My opinion of Ryan has deteriorated. But I do think we should give him a chance. He is, after all, a nice guy. (-/?)

We shouldn't get our hopes up that he is going to "get things done". All that means is acquiesce to the Democrats. That's all the current crop is good for. It's a lost cause anyway. The political reality is that Obama's Veto isn't going to give us squat anyway.

I am sick to death of the over-used media phrase "working across the aisle". It's total BS and code for "Do it the democrat's way." Ryan will do it nicely.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I don't ask for much.

Defund planned parenthood ?

That's not even a billion out of a multitrillion budget.

Throw us a bone. somebody!

bagoh20 said...

"...a BROAD range of views." True, but a microaggression at the very least.

bagoh20 said...

The Speaker is never gonna be the most aggressive in your party. They have to bring people together, or they just become impotent mouthpieces. Ryan will be an improvement, even if not a huge one. All he has to do is not surrender all the time, especially in advance.

ricpic said...

Ryan's being installed to push through amnesty before a Trump presidency.

deborah said...

I was underwhelmed with his 2012 debate skills. Came across to me as a hack and a little squirrely.

deborah said...

Astute observation, ricpic, you could be right.

bago at 1015: you're on a roll these days.

Methadras said...

Ryan has turned into a stealth prog. If you get an endorsement from Democrats and Urkel, you know it's a fuck you sandwich. Either he gets installed and there ends up being an outright rebellion afterwards when he starts pushing fuck you legislation, which is probably what Urkel and Hillary want to disrupt the elections and keep people home, or he starts going after democrats and tell them to fuck off I'm not working with you, or he attempts to go bipartisan or as I call it, going politically bisexual in an attempt to corral everyone by voting day. Guess which one is going to be the most likely outcome.

deborah said...

good one chick :)

deborah said...

Meth, what does 'corral everyone by voting day" mean?

Trooper York said...

He will be a very effective tax collector for the welfare state.

ricpic said...

I am not a stute!

Sorry for that, but I'm operating on 2 hours sleep and having a new mattress delivered today so I finally can sleep again. Total anxiety about how I'm going to wrestle the thing upstairs once it arrives. What I wouldn't give to go through life a second time and not be a worrywart.

ricpic said...

My mattress came! Wonderful UPS guy helped me get it upstairs. Came in a box. Opened box, mattress came out with a sigh. Nice and firm. So happy. Casper. That's the mattress company.

edutcher said...

Ellmers, etc.

Titus said...

Lilly Rose Depp, Johnny's daughter, came out as sexually fluid-big news!

deborah said...

Bras and mattresses; things you shouldn't skimp on. I have slept fairly frequently on a mattress from Walmart that came rolled up in a box about 14x14x40. It was just okay for a while, now it springs up in the middle and is not comfortable. For a second I thought you were going to say you named your mattress Caspar.

Chip Ahoy said...

Ever since Ace wrote about sanpaku I've seen it everywhere.

Ryan has the deeply troubled "I'm gonna die" kind of sanpaku. Over several photographs however the camera is placed, high or low, straight on, or profile you will see sanpaku eyes syndrome deepening as he ages, and it's coming on fast. The bottom lids drop away and the eyeballs tend to push over them like a frog. And this shows more clearly in each new photograph.

Not the "I'm a bit daft" kind of sanpaku "somewhat schitzo" that reads so clearly on the face through the eyes. Not that kind. His is the opposite kind, The gravely troubled kind.

His face through his eyes says that he's doomed.

Have pity. By his own eyes we observe his enveloping doom.

[sanpaku] examples, google images.

[paul ryan faces] google images

Chip Ahoy said...

I recommend for Paul Ryan a regimen of eyeball exercises to combat the encroaching debilitating effects of sanpaku. It requires locating the muscles that circle the eye sockets and tweak them. Once located and and tweaked, then not letting up on the tweaking. He must do this eye muscle to exhaustion tweaking daily. A couple of times daily. Several times daily. Habitually. Make a it a thing. A personal idiosyncratic thing to keep on the bothering the eye muscles. Work them constantly and they will respond and pull back up and push the eyeball back in. That is my recommendation.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

"All he has to do is not surrender all the time, especially in advance."

That's a mighty good bone.

rcocean said...

Ryan is an open borders fanatic who's worse than McCain - he also wants to cut SS benefits and medicare. He's worse than Boner. The Billionaire Donors want someone who'll push through the C-of-C agenda non matter what.

Ryan is their guy.

Titus said...

ryan is a rino; we need to find a true conservative, preferably from Mississippi, who is really religious, dumb, fat and extremely white.


deborah said...

Okay, Titus, lol