Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Deportation Deportes

"Obama to Hispanics: We won’t deport relatives because you enroll in ObamaCare."
President Obama on Tuesday sought to assure legal immigrants that they can sign up for ObamaCare without worrying that “the immigration people” will come for family members who are in the country illegally.
It's a question of presidential priorities these days. Never mind the laws. 'I want, I need people to sign on to my Health Care system and I don't care where they come from. Draft them if you have to. Lets get those numbers up people', I can easily imagine Obama saying.
In an interview with Univision Deportes, a Spanish-language sports radio show, Obama said immigration officials won’t have access to the personal information that consumers provide when signing up for healthcare on the new exchanges.

“Well, the main thing for people to know is that any information you get, you know, asked with respect to buying insurance, does not have anything to do with … the rules governing immigration,” Obama said. “And you know, you can qualify if you’re a legal resident, if you are … legally present in the United States.
As the president of the United States I'm telling you I call the balls and strikes. I say who is safe and who is out. I'm the sole arbiter; I'm the controlling legal authority, don't you know who I 'am?
“You know, if you have a family where some people are citizens or legally here, and others are not documented, the immigration people will never get that information.” read more
Here is the thing that caught my attention, yesterday, about the implications of this article, which aside from Obama's desperation tone... isn't it cringeworthy, to have a president appearing to be willing to say anything, to sell insurance? The president of the United States!
Aside from that (as if it wasn't enough) didn't our government promise to share information amongst the agencies as, at the very least, one of the ways to ensure against another 9/11?

On the other hand, Obama didn't build that... let somebody else make that happen.


chickelit said...

In an interview with Univision Deportes, a Spanish-language sports radio show, Obama said immigration officials won’t have access to the personal information that consumers provide when signing up for healthcare on the new exchanges.

The problem is that the IRS will have access to such information and will be obliged to act on it in the case of underreported income, for example.

The rule of Lemnity said...

So let me see if I understand what you are saying, are you saying that Obama is making a misstatement of fact?

I can hardly believe my eyes.


chickelit said...



So no. But the IRS might wonder if an enrollee had had no tax filings for the past several years. This is a separate issue than what the INS monitors.

Imagine the scandal if the IRS looked the other way for people who filed vs those who don't. There would have to be a tax amnesty as well as an immigration one.

The rule of Lemnity said...

On instant replay it does not look like a faithfull execution of all the laws.

edutcher said...

If you like your stay of deportation...

PS "Draft them if you have to."

don't give them any ideas.

ricpic said...

Lawless is as lawless does.

The rule of Lemnity said...

If the dead can vote, could they get Ocare too?

JAL said...

A cross between the insurance guy you don't want to come to your house and the 11 PM news ads of used cars guy screaming at you?

I mute the TV when both BHO and the used car guy is on.

JAL said...

Chickie -- the IRS will not go after the blue people. Legal or illegal.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

The illegals that I know, and there are many in our agricultural area, do NOT trust the Government, Banks, Police or any other official agencies. They do this with good reason.....experience.

They came from a nation where corruption and abuse of power is the norm. They deal in cash only if they can. They do not interact with the police if they can avoid it and hide their identities very well in order to be able to participate in all of the freebies and goodies that we tax payers are so "kindly" providing. That they don't trust the United States President or anyone else is a rational way of thinking. One that, perhaps, we ALL should consider.

The President is delusional (of course we knew that already) if he thinks that they are going to take him at his word and sign up for Obamacare. Would YOU put your head out above the foxhole based on the promises of Obama?

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Cash only if they CAN NOT I meant.

Revenant said...

Personally, I'll take the risk of another 9/11 over full intra-governmental sharing of information.

Aridog said...

Obama: ... the immigration people will never get that information.

Obama: If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.

Obama: samo sama vis a vis ...your health care plan...

Now why would anyone even slightly cognizant believe a word that man says today?

Really? Why? No matter your politics...the man lies to you. To us. To everyone. Repeatedly.

Aridog said...

I am most amused that he, little man Obama, no doubt thinks there is some real kind of impenatrable "barrier" between agencies regarding information and who can see it, authorized or not. (PS: that shit went up in smoke with the Dept of Homeland Security...thanks George!)

Anyone recall PFC Bradley Manning? The E-3 grade dipwad who managed access to large hunks of the Department of State database information...from is little U S Army office desk where he had no need to know and no authority to access State files.

Last I checked, the US Army was not a proprietary partner of the US State Department.