Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Let Us Trim Our Hair In Accordance With The Socialist Lifestyle

Says the man with the worst hair style on earth.  And he didn't actually say it as much as he ordered it.

Kim Jong-un, beloved leader of 24 million citizens of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, has ordered that all male university students are now required to get the same haircuts his very own.

Lucky Nork guys.  No more guesswork about hair styles.   Buzz, snip, snip, shave, shave, product, and done.  Every university man looks like Kim.  Sort of.
The Democratic People's Republic of Korea is a genuine workers' state in which all the people are completely liberated from exploitation and oppression. The workers, peasants, soldiers and intellectuals are the true masters of their destiny and are in a unique position to defend their interests.
Says the DPK's official website.

The "liberated from exploitation and oppression" part must not apply to hairstyles, nor does the "masters of their destiny part."  Or maybe it's something lost in translation.  Anyhow, the university guys probably aren't crazy about the mandated haircut.
"Our leader's haircut is very particular, if you will," one source tells Radio Free Asia. "It doesn't always go with everyone since everyone has different face and head shapes." Meanwhile, a North Korean now living in China says the look is actually unpopular at home because people think it resembles Chinese smugglers. "Until the mid-2000s, we called it the 'Chinese smuggler haircut'."
Lucky for the Nork women, they get to choose their hairstyles from any of eighteen government allowable coifs, while university men get the Kim Jong-un 90's grunge hairstyle.

Are tickle here.


Shouting Thomas said...

An entire nation wearing a Zippy the Pinhead hairdo!

This Kim Jong-un guy must be a secret Zen master!

Shouting Thomas said...

Damn good thing I don't have nuclear weapons today, or I might be using them.

Michael Haz said...

Nukes? Why is that, El Shouto?

Shouting Thomas said...

Misbehaving Old Dawgz!

Smacking them with a newspaper isn't working!

bagoh20 said...

Oh oh! I smell an Obama executive order coming down the chute. Mandatory Mom Jeans.

Shouting Thomas said...


What a fight that would be...

Kim the Pinhead versus Obama Mom Jeans!

A Fight to the Finish for World Domination!

ricpic said...

But you dasn't call Kim bossy!

The Dude said...

It's a good look.

deborah said...

Apparently, women aren't allowed to wear their hair long:

deborah said...

"Misbehaving Old Dawgz!

Smacking them with a newspaper isn't working!"

Out with it.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Not too close! You think I have that insurance? Berra

Shouting Thomas said...


We're having a family squabble.

Not enough tits on the bitch for all the pups!

But, we got good new today, too!

We're returning to Bethel Woods, the site of the original 69 Woodstock Festival, in September.

Paddy O said...

It's a bit like the haircuts on Vikings

Icepick said...

All your haircut are belong to -un.

Icepick said...


Bad barber you!

deborah said...

Congrats, Shout! That is BIG.

sakredkow said...

He learned this from Mitt Romney.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

Phx attempted wit fail.

sakredkow said...

They say one man's wit is another man's woe.