Thursday, March 27, 2014

Weekly Standard: "Obamacare penalizes the ‘wrong’ insurance 18 times more than no insurance"

"Would President Obama prefer that you have health insurance of which he doesn’t approve, or no health insurance at all?  Well, based on the penalties in play under his signature legislation, it would appear that he prefers for you to have no insurance at all than to have the “wrong” insurance (as defined, of course, by his administration)."
As those who have been following the Hobby Lobby case—argued before the Supreme Court on Tuesday—know, under Obamacare, the “wrong” kind of insurance includes policies that don’t provide “free” coverage of, among other things, the abortion drug ella, contraception, and sterilization (but only sterilization for women).  (Coverage of cancer or heart disease—apparently being less essential—need not be “free.”)
Unfortunately, the post doesn't go into how the "18 times more" calculation was arrived at.

So, why Am I re-posting it?

Easy... because paying 18 times more for something is either a sign of theft/fraud, or, Americans have deeper pockets than previously thought.

What an intriguing phrase, something more or less, "than previously thought".  

In Colorado people seem to have money for pot... so maybe they have some left over for Affordable Health Care, 18 times more worth, than previously thought.


Shouting Thomas said...

Obamacare was a power play designed for the sole purpose of getting the Fed's hands on the healthcare industry.

Mark Steyn has written at length about how this fundamentally changes the relationship between the government and citizens.

Ann Coulter writes about the practical outcome.

Rabel said...

$100/day for each employee.

Leland said...

If a gas station increased prices 18 times after a severe storm, regulators would haul in the owner to answer questions about price gouging.

Not sure why I need insurance to cover female sterilization. Is that a procedure that people cannot possibly plan in advance?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

"Not sure why I need insurance to cover female sterilization."

It's insurance in liu of a sex change.

I don't know.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Sex changes everything.

edutcher said...

If you have no insurance, you save the death panel the trouble.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm reading your post as an expression of outrage over the idea that health insurance should be subject to some sort of basic standards.

Which is ironic given the publication of the outrage-inducing article in an outfit called The Weekly Standard.

Shouting Thomas said...


You're always finding "outrage."

How about lower the rhetorical volume, if you can?

My guess is that the standard most of us want to is the individual consumer deciding what standard serves their needs.

bagoh20 said...

ST, How is a fascist supposed to get any satisfaction from you deciding stuff for yourself. Stop being so selfish, and let them get their jollies. They need a purpose, a job, and preferably one with a lot of bossing people around. Those are the best ones.