Friday, March 21, 2014

"Ryan, Obama and 'Racism'"

The Wisconsin Congressman has been looking into the problem of upward economic mobility and how effective federal programs are in combatting poverty. Appearing on Bill Bennett's radio program, Mr. Ryan observed that antipoverty assistance can often create "incentives not to work and to stay where you are, that's not what we want in society. . . . There are a lot of people slipping through the cracks in America that are not reaching their potential and we as conservatives should have something to say about that."

He also mused: "We have got this tailspin of culture, in our inner cities in particular, of men not working and just generations of men not even thinking about working or learning the value and the culture of work, so there's a cultural problem that has to be dealt with." (bold emphasis added)

The liberal online organ Think Progress led with the headline "Paul Ryan Blames Poverty On Lazy 'Inner City' Men," and it was off to the races. California Democrat Barbara Lee denounced his "thinly veiled racial attack," adding, "Let's be clear, when Mr. Ryan says 'inner city,' when he says 'culture,' these are simply code words for what he really means: 'black.'" Others were less charitable about his imagined neo-Confederate sympathies.

Mr. Ryan put out a statement saying he had been "inarticulate" but reiterated his point that "the predictable result" of the poverty trap for society at large has been "multi-generational poverty and little opportunity."

But don't take his word for it. "We know young black men are twice as likely as young white men to be 'disconnected'—not in school, not working. We've got to reconnect them. We've got to give more of these young men access to mentors. We've got to continue to encourage responsible fatherhood. We've got to provide more pathways to apply to college or find a job. We can keep them from falling through the cracks." (bold emphasis added)

Those were the words of President Obama, speaking less than a month ago about his "My Brother's Keeper" project to help "groups who've seen fewer opportunities that have spanned generations," especially boys and young men of color. "It's going to take time. We're dealing with complicated issues that run deep in our history, run deep in our society, and are entrenched in our minds." READ MORE
When it comes to issues of race, gender and inequality, politicians are judged not by their actions, nor the content of their words, but by the letter of party affiliation.


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Methadras said...

The bottom line is, is if and when many of these redundant federal programs are eliminated, the people that they claim they serve will be better off because of it.

Methadras said...

Or expect to see something along the lines of, "If you like your entitlement welfare, even while you work, you can keep it."

YoungHegelian said...

The Left blasting the Right at every turn about "racism" has nothing to do with facts, or moral truth. It's all about dominating the "means of discourse", to keep a given ideological party line in play at all times.

It's simply Will to Power.

sakredkow said...

It was pretty dumb of him to say "there's a cultural problem..."

lemondog said...

I think that code code code code if code code code could see eye to eye.

So what do you think?

YoungHegelian said...


It was pretty dumb of him to say "there's a cultural problem.

You mean, as opposed to claiming that whites are "racist", which doesn't imply a "cultural" problem?

Both sides here are talking about "cultural problems". The only questions are whose culture & whose problem.

sakredkow said...

The only questions are whose culture & whose problem.

Whose culture? Whose problem? It's an American culture problem. But if you want to say, as Paul Ryan seems to be saying, it's a black culture problem then live with the political consequences.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The insidious thing about these charges is that is leveled at people that could help amiliorate the very problems those people leveling the charge use to get like minded (liberals) elected.

It's like buying insurance against solutions.

To my way of seeing it, it's worst than racism.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

It was pretty dumb of him to say "there's a cultural problem..."

How would you say the same thing then?

When one cannot dare even name the problem... it's really a disservice.

sakredkow said...

When one cannot dare even name the problem... it's really a disservice.

Not really, Lem. You could say it's a problem in our culture, it's a problem for all of us.

Or you could say it's a problem in black people's culture. Which to my ear is what he seems to be saying.

sakredkow said...

I prefer his apology and explanation that he was merely being inarticulate to the argument that he didn't say anything wrong.

But stick to your guns. It helps my side.

ricpic said...

Your side, phx, that's the side of blacks are more equal than whites. That's your racist side you liberal hypocrite.

sakredkow said...

To my mind, concern troll that I am, I think Repubs would be better off saying "He mispoke, can we get back to what he was trying to say, please?"

Instead a lot of righties react the way the lefties want them to.

bagoh20 said...

Not really, Lem. You could say it's a problem in our culture, it's a problem for all of us."

Or you could say it's a global cultural problem, or a human problem, or an intergalactic problem.

Hell, you could say anything if you care more about appearances and feelings than about solving the problem. What a bunch of panty waste obfuscation and cowardice. Face the damned problem or stop saying you give a shit about solving it. Everyone in the country does not have the same problems, and the solutions are not found under the sand.

sakredkow said...

Hell, you could say anything if you care more about appearances and feelings than about solving the problem. What a bunch of panty waste obfuscation and cowardice. Face the damned problem or stop saying you give a shit about solving it. Everyone in the country does not have the same problems, and the solutions are not found under the sand.

Cry all you want, I know you are not going to solve it until you solve your political problems.

sakredkow said...

That's just a fact. There's nothing you can do about that.

bagoh20 said...

phx's advice is to lie like a lefty. You damned right wingers get so hung up on truth and honesty. You can't win with that.

Thanks, dude.

sakredkow said...

phx's advice is to lie like a lefty. You damned right wingers get so hung up on truth and honesty. You can't win with that.

You see, guys like you who believe you are the only ones who are right, the only ones who deserve a voice in the conversation, guys like you who paint the worst possible interpretation on their opponents, guys who want to slam doors shut instead of open them a little, you are the ones who are killing your party and making it harder for the country to resolve a lot of their social problems.

That's not meant as a persona attack, but it's evident to me from your words.

Unknown said...

Democrats like their inner city poor and uneducated. They tend to vote democrat.

bagoh20 said...

How's that pack of lies called Obamacare working out for the Dems? Yea, great strategy. I think we can do all right without your help. Republicans do hold most of the Governorships, the House, and soon the Presidency and the Senate, so maybe they aren't the ones who need to rethink things.

sakredkow said...

I think we can do all right without your help.

I already said I was a concern troll. If you are taken with that than don't respond, dumbass.

bagoh20 said...

phx, you are blind to your own hypocrisy. You are the one shutting the doors by saying you shouldn't even say what the problem is. You don;t want to hear the truth or face the problems. You want to cry foul at every observation by those who disagree. You do the same schtick every time here. Bring something new, and stop crying.

sakredkow said...

But maybe you shouldn't speak for everyone mister "WE can do all right without your help".

Some others might have a more open point of view.

Synova said...

"Or you could say it's a problem in black people's culture. Which to my ear is what he seems to be saying."

He said inner city, IIRC. And he clarified to "poverty" or something.

Honest... why do people simply assume that any time anyone is talking about unwed mothers and generational poverty that they're talking exclusively about black people, as if white single parenthood is never generational and white guys never slouch out of their responsibilities?

OTOH, the unemployment rate for black men is a shocking disaster, so wouldn't it be even worse to ignore black people, not talk about their problems, and just present everything as a solution for poor white folks?

bagoh20 said...

" dumbass."

Good point. I'll consider your opinion more seriously now.

sakredkow said...

You are the one shutting the doors by saying you shouldn't even say what the problem is.

I said you should reword the problem. Now how would YOU like me to call you a liar?

I guess it's you give yourself a pass with that bullshit.

sakredkow said...

Right I flippantly call you dumbass and your feelings are hurt. You call me a liar and a hypocrite in all self-righteous earnest and I'm supposed to lie down and take it.

Stop talk to me if you can't argue like a grown up, will you?

sakredkow said...

Brother bagoh20 can have a last smear.

Calypso Facto said...

Two politicians identify the problem of inner city, black, unemployment. One calls it a "cultural" problem, one calls it a problem of "disconnected black men".

Q: Which one gets called a racist?
A: Whichever is the Republican.
Credit will also be given for "Whichever is white."

sakredkow said...

I don't find his "arguments" as they are today compelling enough to respond to.

Synova said...

"To my mind, concern troll that I am, I think Repubs would be better off saying "He mispoke, can we get back to what he was trying to say, please?""

Oh heck no. Since he didn't say anything at all wrong or racist, pretending that he *did* say something wrong or racist or even just awkward is conceding the playing field to the liars. He *said* what he was trying to say. Saying "lets get back to what he was trying to say" after conceding the new narrative is like saying... please may I have a shovel so I can dig a hole and you can do it to me again.

bagoh20 said...

phx, why do you this every time. You start calling names and crying about how someone says something unfair, and how you are so concerned for open dialogue. Nobody is buying it. Make an argument that isn't about you being butt hurt for once.

Synova said...

It's the assertion of power that I object to. If someone's language can be controlled, they can be controlled and dismissed.

"What you said was just fine, true and important, but we will still destroy you because we will pretend you *didn't say it the right way*."

This garbage is why we simply can't have a political conversation in this country. It's all about winning on something other than the issues, about avoiding the problems and solutions and making the argument about something superficial, irrelevant, and outright invented.

sakredkow said...

You start calling names

Who started call names here? YOU did. If you want me to argue your character keep it up. I don't want to do that though.

sakredkow said...

Nobody is buying it.

Speak for yourself. Talk about entitlements.

Synova said...

Answer (if anyone cares to) this question...

Does anyone HONESTLY think that Paul Ryan is a racist?

If not... and frankly, that IS the only actual honest answer... no one really thinks that he is, they're just all lying. If NOT... then what is the motivation of those who take the opportunity to pretend that he said something wrong?

Is it to make the world a better place?

Or is it part of a petty political war culture that really has no interest whatsoever in improving the lives of anyone, not if it means that the enemy gets credit for it. Better then if the world simply burns.

bagoh20 said...

"Does anyone HONESTLY think that Paul Ryan is a racist?"

Of course not. It's a lie. It's meant to be a lie. It's an insult to those you are trying to sway with it, and you are a fool if you fall for it.

In other words, standard Democrat politics.

Synova said...

Better yet... blame Paul Ryan for it all because he wasn't eloquent enough.

Waaa... I couldn't *help* going off on an emotional tirade in opposition to everything he could possibly do or develop in a bipartisan way to solve real world problems that affect actual humans, because Paul Ryan *forced* me to cut off my nose to spite my face, as I've got no agency whatsoever and am held helplessly captive to Republicans and their poor word choices.

bagoh20 said...

If when a politician is open and honest about the problems before us, and in response the opposition obfuscates that truth for political gain, then who's fault is it that the problems persist?

Synova said...

One goes with the other and it happens again and again and again...

"We'd be better off with Romney than Obama, but the fact I voted for Obama is Romney's fault, not mine, because he said a couple of perfectly ordinary things that the Democrats twisted into useful bats to clobber him with, and I bought into it, and it's not my fault because nothing is ever my fault."

I heard the same thing about Bush... that it was Bush's fault that someone or other didn't support something they realize they ought to have supported because Bush didn't persuade them of it. Because no one is responsible for evaluating anything if the politician they should have listened to failed to explain it right.

Over, and over and over.

And never ever EVER the fault of the person who uses it as an excuse for their own error. All held captive, helpless, and seemingly proud of it.

Synova said...

The only reasonable response to the claims that Paul Ryan made racist statements is to cry for our nation.

Michael Haz said...

Does anyone HONESTLY think that Paul Ryan is a racist?

I know Paul Ryan. I live in his district and have worked on his campaigns. I have sat in district meetings with him, heard him exchange ideas. I have been with him at private moments, behind the scenes at events, etc. There are on my refrigerator several years of Christmas cards from Paul and Janna Ryan and their kids.

I can walk up to him, punch him in the shoulder and ask how deer hunting went last season. His district office person calls to invite me to informal meetings with Ryan (and a small group of others) three times each year.

I say all this so I can say this: Paul Ryan has no hint, no suggestion, no thought of racism in his heart and mind. Period. None.

Ryan is a devout Catholic, and holds the tenets of his faith dear to his heart. He has long spoken about the need we all have to help our fellow humans who are struggling, especially those in the inner cities.

Was there any one thing in what Ryan said that is even remotely racist? No, not at all. The issue isn't what Ryan said, it's that Ryan is an R and not a D.

Had HRC said the same things with the same sincerity, she would have been lauded for it.

As it is, the Ds cannot in any manner cede the business helping minorities and the poor generally to the Rs, and any R who dares step into the D's private market on poverty, cultural failure, and educational failure will be dealt with harshly.

Birches said...

Honest... why do people simply assume that any time anyone is talking about unwed mothers and generational poverty that they're talking exclusively about black people, as if white single parenthood is never generational and white guys never slouch out of their responsibilities?

Yep. I definitely didn't hear racism when I heard what he said. I figured he'd been thinking about Coming Apart by Charles Murray, which is ONLY about white people.

Rabel said...

PHX said:

"You call me a liar and a hypocrite in all self-righteous earnest and I'm supposed to lie down and take it."

I want to defend PHX, at least in this particular thread, on these charges.

Being a self-acknowledged concern troll clears him, in my mind, of the hypocrite allegation. If you're dishonest about your motives then you're not truly being hypocritical. I'll admit that the self-acknowledgement complicates that assessment.

As for the liar part, well, dishonesty and lying go together like chocolate and bacon so I can't help him there.

Oh, and we do have a problem with Black culture. It seems to be getting worse under Obama's reign but there's not much we can do about it if the politicians are unwilling to speak the truth.

Kudos to the left for doing a tactically effective job at shutting down the discussion.

ricpic said...

Does anyone HONESTLY think that Paul Ryan is a racist?

No. Obviously not. But he is timid. It is clear to anyone with eyes to see it that black culture is extremely degraded. That being studious, being civil, not showing "attitude," respecting others' space, that all that is labeled "acting white" and that a young black male who demonstrates those characteristics is, to put it mildly, discouraged by his peers. It is also clear and OBSCENE that young whites in their family rearing years have to carry perfectly healthy blacks at an enormous cost to those same whites. Neither Ryan nor any other politician, including so-called conservatives, will touch those subjects with a ten foot pole. And so the genuine (not manufactured) injustice in our society continues.

Rabel said...

"have to carry perfectly healthy blacks at an enormous cost"

Look on the bright side. He ain't heavy, he's a brother.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Crap.....wrong account again. I am too lazy to fix it.

Fr Martin Fox said...

It's probably too late in this thread to try this intervention, goes...

Phx, may I ask where you live? If you live in a metropolitan area, how close to the core of that area do you live?

Because I live -- and have lived most of my life -- pretty near the core of my city. And I've seen the "culture" "problem" that Mr. Ryan referred to.

It's not a problem of blacks; it includes whites; and it includes Hispanics, whatever "color" they may be.

Because -- and I say this as someone who is not a fan of Ryan -- when I heard him talk about a "culture problem," I understood immediately: it's a problem of innercity -- i.e., lifelong, multi-generational poverty culture.

And while that includes lots of black Americans, that's not black.

In my city, there are lots of very not-black people who are part of that culture.

How is that racist?

Fr Martin Fox said...

When I said my intervention may be too late, to be clear, I meant this: I'm not making any reference at all to the intervening back-and-forth. I'm skipping over all that, and going back to the topic, and Phx's fairly early intervention on the subject.

Unknown said...

How or why is it dumb to say "There's a cultural problem"?

It's only "dumb" because the authoritarian rule makers and speech code Nazis and mind crime neo-commies on the left and in the leftwing media
say it is-- in order to shut down debate.
But I've said nothing new. It's an established fact that the left yell racism at every turn - like yelling "fire" in the crowded theater.

Michael Haz said...

It's an established fact that the left yell racism at every turn - like yelling "fire" in the crowded theater.

No kidding. Just mosey over to the topic about high school classes at TOP, and look at the nonsense.

Chip Ahoy said...

Why do you want poor people to stay poor?

Idon'twantthatiwanttohelppoorpeopleandrepublicans arealwayssupportingthe1%theyprealwaysusingcodefor

Why do you want people stuck on your miserable Cold Comfort plantation where everybody stays poor?

Republicansdon'tcareaboutpoorpeople.Alloftheirpolicies supportpeoplewhoalreadymadeitnotpeoplecomingup

What is this thing about you and plantations, anyway?

There'snosuchthingstopsayingthatRepublicanshate blackpeoplehateMexicanpeople,theyhatewomenand wanttocontroltheirbodies

It's so clearly slave-mentality an obvious switcheroo from slave to plantation owner but still plantation mentality, slave mentality.That's how you roll, that's how you think.

That'sbullshitandyouknowitRepublicansareruiningthis countrywiththeirwarmongeringandinterventionalism

I met a black woman wife of a dead sharecropper once at the edge of the plantation, that's as far as they got, and your Party is exactly like that.

Nonsense.Republicansdon'tcareaboutsharecroppers orslaveseveryone'saslavetoRepublicanstheyareagainst everycivilrightslegislationwe'veattemptedtopass

We're waiting for you racists to get off your race-obsession, but apparently it's all you've got, it's all you can see. It's what you hold onto.

Youarepissingmeoff.Youhaveeverthingcompletelyreversed RepublicanshateeverybodyandeverytingIdonteven llistentothemanymore.

Me either.

Unknown said...

@Haz - lemme guess... Never mind the stats, the facts etc... Crack is yammering on again about his own skin color obsession and his eternal addiction to slavery and victimology? Fun.

Michael Haz said...

Black kids can't do well in high school because they were descended from......yadda yadda yadda.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Yeah I know blah blah blah blah blah. But the thing you guys don't get is that blacks will never become conservatives. Why should they? You'd have to convince them of something from long ago worth conserving. And despite the misbegotten yammerings of notorious white southern folk nowadays, that ain't going to happen. A black man in the south today is measurably better off than he was in the 1930s to 1950s.

Black Americans are just naturally born liberal socialists. You seriously think you'll convince people who, while you were lauding founding fathers, toiled 12 hours a day 6 days a week with the lash at their backs and the master in their women that the "greed is good philosophy" is right? Is moral? Is good for them? Ain't going to happen. Sorry Charlie.

Maybe, after all, greed just isn't as good as Gordon Gecko cracked it up to be.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Well Chip. I take it you must think that your resentment at hearing out criticisms, and spinning them together into run-on phrases to underscore your resentment and unwillingness to listen to them is convincing. Of something.

Rabel said...

"Black kids can't do well in high school because they were descended from......yadda yadda yadda."

One of my grandfathers was a sharecropper before he got a big time job with the town's street maintenance department. This explains why I flunked College Calculus I on the first try.

Shouting Thomas said...

Yeah I know blah blah blah blah blah. But the thing you guys don't get is that blacks will never become conservatives.

Who gives a fuck?

Just let them continue to murder each other and spend half their lives in prison.

At least phx and Ritmo can brag about winning elections, which is the really important thing.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Red white American pride = Founding fathers from 1780s were AWESOME. OUR HISTORY RULES!

Black American lesson = Forget about what the regime did to your ancestors all the way up to 1965. That's ANCIENT HISTORY!

Black people are told to forget nearly 200 years of their history while white good old boys celebrate what they take to be theirs and pretend it's the only relevant lesson to today's politics. Yep, I can't understand what's wrong with those blacks! What aren't they getting! Lol.

Sounds like something needs a better cover-up.

Shouting Thomas said...

Ritmo, you are always a gasbag, but when you start gassing about black, you really transcend into a ridiculous gasbag.

You don't even give a fuck about what you're BSing about and it shows.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Who gives a fuck?

Just let them continue to murder each other and spend half their lives in prison.

At least phx and Ritmo can brag about winning elections, which is the really important thing.

Lol. You're funny Tommy. Who died and made you coordinator of the black people's social suicide prevention hotline?

Listen. I get that you played organ in their churches, and jammed with some of them. Cool. Radical. Awesome. Whatever.

But spitting on their history while you celebrate yours isn't going to make things better, either - regardless of how many votes it does or doesn't win.

What's not to get about that?

Shouting Thomas said...

Black people are told to forget nearly 200 years of their history while white good old boys...

Ritmo momentarily descends into Crack level stupidity.

And, my guess is that Ritmo is white.

What is this shit all about, these white boys waxing eloquent about the suffering of the poor blacks?

It's an hilarious mix of blackface and minstrel.

Shouting Thomas said...

But spitting on their history while you celebrate yours...

I give you a serious Dumfuck Jerk award for this statement!

I commend thee, Dumfuck Jerk!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

What is this shit all about, these white boys waxing eloquent about the suffering of the poor blacks?

No. It's just called "treating people with dignity".

Of course, you wouldn't know anything about that since you're used to kissing up to whoever treats you as indignantly and shittily as someone can be treated.

Tommy Getting Angry Now!

Just calm yourself down for a second and read the words before you put whatever's left of your frontal cortex into the always-on nuclear overdrive mode.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...


You remind me of the unhinged version of unfrozen caveman lawyer.

Do you think you can muster enough emotion to push any rationality out of your mind on this topic?

I think you can!

Shouting Thomas said...

No. It's just called "treating people with dignity".

No, it's called being a "preening jackass."

You don't even give a fuck about what you're talking about.

This is one of your dumbest fucking performances, Ritmo. I don't even believe you give a shit.

Why do you carry on this way?

And why do you call other people "angry" every time you're getting your ass handed to you?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Black people learning and remembering historical lessons = Angry white jerk-off from Woodstock getting VERY ANGRY!

Yep. That's a hell of an argument, Tommy. Very convincing.

You should run for office, or something. Lol.

Shouting Thomas said...

Ritmo, this is one of your most ridiculous performances ever, and that's saying something, since you seem to aspire to absolute ridiculousness.

Shouting Thomas said...

You're the one pulling out the capital letters, Ritmo.

I guess that means you're angry.

Do you have anything else to say? So far, it's been the usual line of bullshit.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

And why do you call other people "angry" every time you're getting your ass handed to you?

Lol. No ass was handed to anyone. That's what you're too dumb to get. ;-) You're just another angry yammering jerk-off on the internet, and no one cares. Dime a dozen. Do you think your Facebook friends care? Nobody cares if all you're able to do is a flame war. And it's not even a funny one.

FIrst person to lose their temper loses the argument. You must lose arguments pretty often.

Shouting Thomas said...

Then you lost, since you are the one who pulled out the all caps.

I'm laughing my ass off at you, Ritmo.

You've outdone yourself on this one.


chickelit said...

I think Affirmative Action is a cultural problem which we all have to face as a society. There should be no more noticing and recording the amounts of melanin embedded in skin tissue. No special treatments for blacks, whites, Asians, etc. None whatsoever.

I have a feeling SCOTUS is going to steer us right in that direction.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Do you have anything else to say? So far, it's been the usual line of bullshit.

I'm smiling, man. I look at this passage of yours, and think, "So says a washed-out dimwit living miles from anywhere but Bumblefuck, USA, and still not even even around ideological sympathizers."

Dude, do you even read what you write? Were you somehow convinced of the staying power of rage in internets land?

Too funny. It's like you want me to be scared of the frothy spit all over your keyboard.

Oh no!

Shouting Thomas said...

You almost had me reaching for my hanky there, what with your sentimental concern for the black folks.

sakredkow said...

"We have got this tailspin of culture, in our inner cities in particular, of men not working and just generations of men not even thinking about working or learning the value and the culture of work, so there's a cultural problem that has to be dealt with."

So which Republican Party do you belong to? The one that says Paul Ryan meant there is a problem within our American culture that's causing generations of men not to value work, or the one that says Paul Ryan meant there is problem within the black culture that's causing generations of men not to value work.

You think liberals are your problem. The fact that you guys can't agree with yourselves is your problem.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said... are the one who pulled out the all caps.

It was called irony, as I was satirizing how rage-filled you get and sound, you stupid douchebag. Lol.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Tommy's a very slick and clever guy because he can conceal his mindless rage with small lowercase letters! Lol.

Shouting Thomas said...

It was called irony...

It's called "projection," you dumb fuck kid.

You do it a lot. When you start thinking other people's thoughts, Ritmo, that means that the thoughts are yours.

I follow this logic ruthlessly. What you actually think and try to transplant into other's minds is pretty awful shit.

Paranoids have this problem. They assume that other people are as ruthless and evil as they are.

Look inside, Ritmo.

Shouting Thomas said...


So, I'm assuming you suffer from "mindless rage."

Paranoids, after all, project their thoughts onto others.

You do it every time you post.

The problem is in you, kid.

Shouting Thomas said...

I will be the first to say that there is a dramatically dysfunctional black culture.

It isn't all of black culture, but it's a hell of a large part of it.

And, it's a hell of a problem.

And, it's a great opportunity for carpetbagging and low life vote whoring for phx and Ritmo.

chickelit said...

The blacks in my neighborhood are not the losers in Oceanside. Maybe because most all of them are associated with the USMC.

In my immediate neighborsphere, the losers are 2nd generation California hippy trash.

We had an influx of non-English speaking meso Americans--they were "different" but law-abiding. There were all dirt poor though and they are mostly gone now.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

No, it was called satire. And keep your cussing to your tiny inner-mind before telling others to "look inside themselves" or whatever dorky Mr. Van Driessen/Deepak Chopra nonsense you spout.

Is it ok to say ROFLMAO in upper-case or does that make me as angry and resentful as you?


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Tommy say culture only exist today in a vacuum. Forget historical lessons, say Tommy, while he look scarcely askance at worship of 200+year-dead white guys as pantheons of American political culture.

History no matter no problem, say Tommy. History no happen. We get to present day from time machine of perfect past to now. Everything cool, say Tommy.

Shouting Thomas said...

And keep your cussing...

More paranoid projection from a dumb, wise ass kid.

Ritmo's three strategies of debate, codified:

1. Insist your opponent doesn't read books. I've even seen him do with with Ivy League attorneys.

2. Declare that you (Ritmo) know sxthe future and represent whatever the future will bring.

3. "Translate" the thoughts of your opponent through paranoid projection.

You're pretty predictable.

Shouting Thomas said...

Tommy say culture only exist today in a vacuum.

This is #3 in Ritmo's list of tactics.

"Translate" the thoughts of your opponent through paranoid projection.

Shouting Thomas said...

So, as I said, Ritmo, when I read your "translations" and paranoid projections, I certainly get a glimpse into the dark recesses of your mind.

Keep it coming.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Tommy talk to self now to reinforce inner voice and self-thought. Tommy confused and disoriented by non-Tommy thoughts. This make Tommy angry. Tommy cuss but Tommy no use BIG CAPS words. Tommy even get angry when being made fun of that way.

Tommy angry and Tommy's anger will change worlds.

Shouting Thomas said...

Surprise me, Ritmo.

Actually say something "rationale."

You keep insisting that you have something to say in that vein.

Shouting Thomas said...

I consider the babbling a flag of defeat.

You are considerably outgunned.

sakredkow said...

I don't know much about Paul Ryan. I don't assume or call anyone a racist unless they prove they are - and in my book I set a pretty high threshold for that proof.

But his quote does sound pretty close to saying that he thinks there's a problem with the black culture that's creating all these problems. I take him at his word when he says he was being inarticulate.

But to the Republicans who feel that the language Ryan used, and apologized for, was just fine, I'd say you folks are the reason the Republican Party is so tied up into knots right now, at the very time they should spring triumphant. YOU undermine Paul Ryan. Not me, for pointing out that his choice of words was dumb. You do.

That crisis in the Republican Party? We didn't build that. You did.

Shouting Thomas said...

So, now, we've at least got Ritmo back on track.

Winning an argument on some obscure fucking internet board is really, really important.

In fact, it seems to be the most important thing in Ritmo's universe.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I've even seen him do with with Ivy League attorneys.

Lol. What kind of "with" do you do with?

Lol. Tommy type too fast to think. Tommy no understand what Tommy say. Important thing is quick, rapid-fire angry response to underscore Tommy need to get Tommy's way.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Actually say something "rationale."

You keep insisting that you have something to say in that vein.

Was this in English or in cabin-speak?

Shouting Thomas said...

Yes, Ritmo, I've seen you pull out the "why don't you read a book" with a group of lawyers on TOP.

Pretty funny.

Shouting Thomas said...

Obviously, Ritmo, grammar is what's really important in weblog comment section.

Shouting Thomas said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Why don't you post it a third time, Numbnuts?


Shouting Thomas said...

You don't really have a life, huh, Ritmo?

What happened with the bleeding heart thing over blacks?

Not so big a deal now?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

And it's not just grammar. You don't even understand the meaning of the word "rationale". You confused it with "rational".

Probably because you're capable of neither. Lol.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

What happened with the bleeding heart thing over blacks?

Not so big a deal now?

You seem to have resented that so much as to whine, cry and stomp your feet all over that part. But that's par for the course with you. I understand how angry the prospect of treating other people in a dignified way makes you.

chickelit said...

I think phx would agree that if there's nothing wrong with "black culture" then there is certainly nothing...nothing! that should be done to help "black culture." It's really that simple.

Shouting Thomas said...

I understand how angry the prospect of treating other people in a dignified way makes you.

Now, that's funny, Ritmo.

Read your comments above.

Your reputation is certainly built on "treating other people in a dignified manner!"

You've got to be kidding.

Shouting Thomas said...

Go back and read my list of three tactics that you use repeatedly, Ritmo, and then tell me about your "dignity" stuff again.

sakredkow said...

I think phx would agree that if there's nothing wrong with "black culture" then there is certainly nothing...nothing! that should be done to help "black culture." It's really that simple.

Such sophistry. When did I ever say anything should be done to help "black culture"?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Being an asshole is saying that people's history doesn't matter - that they should disrespect their own history. You're a pretty dumb douchebag if you don't get that one. Ask your "Facebook friends" about it if you don't believe me. You seem to be relying them to teach you the rudimentary lessons on what constitutes civilized norms are these days, anyway.

chickelit said...

SCOTUS will lead the way to help majority Americans to quit feeling this toxic guilt which has poisoned blacks with ill-conceived social experiments.

It's about time!

Shouting Thomas said...

Being an asshole is saying that people's history doesn't matter...

Paranoid projection again. That's another one of those thoughts that actually came from your head, but which you attributed to me.

Tactic #3. This is your favorite.

What in the fuck would an asshole like you know about "civilized norms?"

sakredkow said...

I think phx would agree that

I thought you were going to stop yourself from speaking for me? You got a bad habit of doing that.

Shouting Thomas said...

Surprise me, Ritmo.

Really, I wish you would once.

Surprise me, and do something other than pulling out the standard fucking schoolboy tricks for the enormous prestige of winning an argument on a comments thread.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Your reputation is certainly built on "treating other people in a dignified manner!"

"Reputation?" My my. You seem to be more interested in inflating my ego than I am, or would be, even.

I've never told black people that their history is beneath my consideration. That's undignified behavior.

Nor do I have a chip on my shoulder toward them. I don't have a family history of being abused, in either a gang-like fashion or through a tyranny, at the hands of blacks. Nope, I just listened to some of their pained noise from time to time. That's it.

But none of them have told me that I have to shut up as you have. Nope - that's the kind of undignified crap that you believe makes you better than me or than anyone else on here.

You've stated as much many times.

Shouting Thomas said...

Yes, you'd do everybody a favor by shutting up, Ritmo.

Your motives are terrible.

That's why you spend so much time in paranoid projection.

Most people don't have the awful motives that grip you.

Shouting Thomas said...

Here's another classic of Ritmo projection.

I spend just about no time on FB, and virtually never talk politics there.

Apparently, you are talking for yourself again.

chickelit said...

phx said...

I thought you were going to stop yourself from speaking for me? You got a bad habit of doing that.

I'm only not speaking to you elsewhere.

Here? I don't give a fuck about you. I think you define disingenuity.

Shouting Thomas said...

So, phx...

Congratulation on winning elections.

Meanwhile black guys are killing one another with wild abandon, going to jail in droves and failing in school in even larger numbers.

But, congratulations on that winning elections things.

You are a gem of a humanitarian.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Yes, you'd do everybody a favor by shutting up, Ritmo.

Yup. There's the usual bullying bravado, just slyly couched in the form of a more gentle request that no one's buying.

Your motives are terrible.

I shudder to think what your own are.

That's why you spend so much time in paranoid projection.

Did your armchair psychology degree come with a frame or do you just keep it in a desk drawer? Please do everyone a favor and admit that you're a pisspoor psychoanalyst.

Most people don't have the awful motives that grip you.

You seem to think you know so much, mind-reading in fact.

I'll make you a deal, show me how much you've made guessing the motives of the stock market over the last twenty years and I'll decide on that basis whether you know shit or just the usual charlatanism about what actually goes on inside other people's minds.

SHouldn't be too hard. If you're such an awesome mind reader then there must have been plenty of insider trading you've been able to do. I'm sure that's how you came upon the fortune you must live with now.


sakredkow said...

I think you define disingenuity.

Show your work.

Shouting Thomas said...

You seem to think you know so much, mind-reading in fact.

There's no mind reading involved.

When you state thoughts that your opponent never stated, and "translate" their thoughts, you are clearly the agent of those thoughts.

You say out loud the vicious, stupid things you are thinking, then you try to pawn those thoughts onto others.

Classic paranoid projection.

Shouting Thomas said...

And, congratulations again, phx, on winning those elections.

Dems keep winning in Chicago and Detroit, too, and the murder tally keeps rising!

It's a win win!

I long ago assumed that the result is precisely what you (and Ritmo) want.

sakredkow said...

Why shouldn't I cheer if I think Dems generally do a better job than Republicans?

Imagine though if we could actually all work together for real.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

There's no mind reading involved.

No doubt. For you, there's not even just plain old reading involved. LOL!

Shouting Thomas said...

No doubt. For you, there's not even just plain old reading involved. LOL!

Predictable Ritmo tactic #1.

See above.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

"You say out loud the vicious, stupid things you are thinking, then you try to pawn those thoughts onto others.

Classic paranoid projection."

"And, congratulations again, phx, on winning those elections.

Dems keep winning in Chicago and Detroit, too, and the murder tally keeps rising!

It's a win win!"

Of course, there's no unintended irony in the same person being the source of both these comments! Lol.

Roflmao. Over and over again.

Shouting Thomas said...

Why shouldn't I cheer if I think Dems generally do a better job than Republicans?

In this case, Dems do a better job vis-a-vis blacks in the same manner that a crack dealer does his job better if he amasses more addicted customers.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Predictable Ritmo tactic #1.

No, I actually meant it. You seriously didn't even read what I wrote.

If you did, then you would ask, in good faith, if you misunderstood anything.

But you prefer to make loud-mouthed, outrageous claims. Over and over again. Strenuously. Stridently. Never with any let-up.

Think about how well that behavior cements your claim to avoiding "paranoid projection".

Shouting Thomas said...

Well, yes, Ritmo, when the results continue to be the same over decades, one has to eventually assume that the intent is to produce that result.

So, I'm assuming that your and phx's motive is to continue and amplify the negatives within black culture in order to win elections.

I've observed this reality for six decades. There is no other explanation.

And both of you fucks are deliriously happy about the result. Read above.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I am not even six decades old. But lumping people all in together is your rotten idea of "good faith" and an avoidance of projection, I guess.

You must not know any better.

sakredkow said...

In this case, Dems do a better job vis-a-vis blacks in the same manner that a crack dealer does his job better if he amasses more addicted customers.

You know what? I think the solution, which I don't have, is going to have to come higher up the chain than just either the Dems or the Republicans.

I'm not holding my breath for a political solution.

Shouting Thomas said...

The "paranoid projection," Ritmo, was clearly identified.

It is your habit to insist that your paraphrases of another person's thoughts is a reality to which they must respond.

You do it every time you appear here.

The "translation" thing that so amuses you is just more paranoid projection.

The bad guys you think you are defeating are really just rattling around your head.

You are a completely dishonest and paranoid interlocutor.

chickelit said...

phx said...

Show your work.

Show my work? Do you want to see my pay

This is fun for me. I'm not going to "show my work" like some asshole law professor would request on an exam.

Does any one else reading here have a problem with phx's transparency as an Internet persona?

No one even knows if "phx" is man or a woman. Click on its link.

Get real. Grow the fuck up, phx.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

More guessing at and loudly proclaiming what people do without even asking them for a clarification of what their intention is or what they're trying to do, let alone what they mean.

That's Tommy. That's how he rolls.

That's how he stays honest and civilized, or so he says.

Shouting Thomas said...

I'm not holding my breath for a political solution.

Gotta agree with that.

It's one hell of a mess, made worse every time somebody tries to "fix" it.

sakredkow said...

I have a link? Why you know more about me chick, than I do.

Shouting Thomas said...

Read above and weep, Ritmo.

Your comments are filled with statements you've attributed to me and other people that nobody made except you. And, then there are your "translations."

You do this with appalling and predictable regularity.

Stupid tactics from a dumb schoolboy who keeps insisting that he is a major intellect.

Prove it. Drop the stupid schoolboy tactics, if you know how.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
chickelit said...

I have a link? Why you know more about me chick, than I do

You have a clickable blogger profile you obfuscating asshole.

sakredkow said...

Show my work? Do you want to see my pay stub? This is fun for me.

And by the way, I always thought showing your work in an argument, i.e., explaining yourself and your principles or arguments, was the point. That is the fun.

I guess grown-ups must think differently about that.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

It is your habit to insist that your paraphrases of another person's thoughts is a reality to which they must respond.

No. It's just humor and an identification of problematic conclusions resulting their short-sighted ideas, that they either fail to predict or acknowledge, or might feel challenged to better defend, if they were honest and motivated by decency.

sakredkow said...

You have a clickable blogger profile you obfuscating asshole.

Well, there you go. If you want to know something about me, why don't you ask?

Shouting Thomas said...

No. It's just humor and an identification of conclusions of their short-sighted ideas that they either fail to predict or acknowledge or might feel challenged to better defend, if they were honest and motivated by decency.

I.e., lying and projection.

That's your major activity here, Ritmo.

The ugly, indecent, dishonest thoughts are yours. Maybe you should try to do something about that instead of blaming it on others.

chickelit said...

I have nothing but scorn for you, phx.

Don't say I didn't try.

Shouting Thomas said...

I don't think you are capable or interested in actually perceiving other people, Ritmo.

Can't say if this translates to your private life, but if it does, you are truly a worthless asshole.

chickelit said...

Well, there you go. If you want to know something about me, why don't you ask?

I once asked you on Althouse where your handle "phx" came from. In a nice way even. That didn't get far.

sakredkow said...

I have nothing but scorn for you, phx.

Fine. Why the hell would you think that I care? Go away then. Or answer my question: what do you want to know about me so badly? You never asked me if you do. What do you want me to be transparent about?

sakredkow said...

I once asked you on Althouse where your handle "phx" came from.

I don't have any recollection of you asking that at all. I just made it up, probably from a random letter sequencer.

What else do you want to know?

Shouting Thomas said...

I'd say, phx, that the first step out of this quandary is to somehow kill the "Who's the Racist?" BS.

But, I don't have any hope for that.

chickelit said...

Hey this thread is cool! There's an inter-character fight between ST and R&B and another between me and phx.



Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I.e., lying and projection.

That's your major activity here, Ritmo.

The ugly, indecent, dishonest thoughts are yours. Maybe you should try to do something about that instead of blaming it on others.

Everyone here can see that this is the prime reason for why Tommy has the biggest chip on his shoulder and feels that no one IRL (not blogland) doesn't take him seriously. He violates his own rules. He just did what he said was the meanest, most horrible thing EVER to do - guessing at motives and summarizing them instead in the form of short, nasty (allegedly projected) insults.

But in reality, it's also a way for him to avoid acknowledging that pointing out the flaws in someone's thinking is not wrong. It's honest debate.

Tommy resents it when people point out flaws in short-sighted thinking.

Does a rational (or as he says, "rationale" [sic]) person conclude that he might do this because he knows his thoughts are poorly formed, and therefore resents when others point that out?

chickelit said...

What else do you want to know?

Where does you handle phx come from?


sakredkow said...

I'd say, phx, that the first step out of this quandary is to somehow kill the "Who's the Racist?" BS.

I'm all good with putting it on the table. I wouldn't necessarily make it the first or only thing.

Shouting Thomas said...

Everyone here can see...

Appealing to the authority of an audience.

You're beat, Ritmo. Why don't you just quit?

Synova said...

"But to the Republicans who feel that the language Ryan used, and apologized for, was just fine,.."

You've apparently not seen any of the comparisons to someone else who said almost exactly the same things in language that was more explicit about "black" and "culture" just a couple of months ago and it was A-Okay.

There's been a lot of very fun... "Guess who said *this*?" memes going on.

The ONLY difference... the R or D after the name.

There is nothing wrong with what Paul Ryan said... nothing insulting... no dog whistles... no infelicities...

The only thing wrong was *who said it* and the fact that language can be used as a weapon to shut up the enemy.

And this is the world you prefer. I'm not at all impressed. I won't get personal and crab about other things, but the only thing wrong with what Paul Ryan said, is that Paul Ryan said it instead of Barack Obama... or Hillary Clinton... or Joe bless-his-heart Biden.

sakredkow said...

Where does you handle phx come from?

I just told you. Random letter generator.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I don't think you are capable or interested in actually perceiving other people, Ritmo.

Lol. I'm blind! I'm deaf! I'm Helen Keller without a sense of touch or smell! Help me!

Can't say if this translates to your private life, but if it does, you are truly a worthless asshole.

Civilized, intelligent people just look the other way and accept that your flawed vernacular just can't express anything less nasty and inappropriate. You're limited by your language. Possibly by your thoughts, as well. But definitely by your potty-mouth language.

Swearing's all fine and good from time to time, if you do it in the intelligent way that George Carlin did. But Tommy just does it because he only has toddler thoughts.

sakredkow said...

That's it? That's why I'm disingenuous? Because I wouldn't tell you about my nickname? Please don't tell me you're being that ridiculous.

chickelit said...

But just to get back on track, I think phx is saying that Paul Ryan shouldn't have broached the notion of "black culture" even though Ryan was trying to be helpful.

I suggested that if we disregard the whole notion "black culture," we can free ourselves of the guilt of having to help something which doesn't exist. In a sense, that's what liberals are asking.

Shouting Thomas said...

I'm blind! I'm deaf! I'm Helen Keller without a sense of touch or smell! Help me!


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Appealing to the authority of an audience.

This came from the mouth/keyboard of someone accusing me of "not perceiving others"!

Lol. Is there anything you can accuse others of that's not a self-contradiction of your own overblown moralizing?

How pathetic.

chickelit said...

phx said...
That's it? That's why I'm disingenuous? Because I wouldn't tell you about my nickname? Please don't tell me you're being that ridiculous.

Baby steps, phx. That's how alliances -- let alone friendships -- form.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...


Whatever you say, Cabin Boy.

Do let me know when your awesome powers of perception lead you to the stunning wealth and success you no-doubt feel you were destined to achieve - but somehow never did.

sakredkow said...

I won't get personal and crab about other things, but the only thing wrong with what Paul Ryan said, is that Paul Ryan said it instead of Barack Obama... or Hillary Clinton... or Joe bless-his-heart Biden.

I disagree. I think you, like a lot of defenders, have a tin ear for the dog whistle. And I don't think those people would ever have said it that way, or they would have done exactly what Paul Ryan did, apologize with apparent sincerity.

Your party is almost fatally divided between people who are moderate and people who are extreme.

Shouting Thomas said...

You've lost again, Ritmo.

You're always going to lose in relation to me because you're really just a dumb fucking schoolboy playing games. Kind of a fucking rotten, mean little shit of a schoolboy, too.

This topic doesn't even matter to you.

You're just gassing out of vanity.

Shutting up would be the best thing you can do, but if you need to put a bandage on your schoolboy pride, go ahead and have the last word.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

It's interesting to beat Tommy's puffed-up loudmouth self until he just withers into the psychological equivalent of the flaccid penis that best exemplifies him.

Shouting Thomas said...

Do let me know when your awesome powers of perception lead you to the stunning wealth and success you no-doubt feel you were destined to achieve - but somehow never did.

I'm quite well to do, Ritmo. Remember all your jealous bitching about my temerity for owning a beautiful house in the Catskills near Woodstock?

How to you know what it was that I set out to achieve?

I assure you that you don't have a clue.

sakredkow said...

Baby steps, phx. That's how alliances -- let alone friendships -- form.

You just told me I "define disingenuity;" that you have "nothing but scorn" for me; and that I'm an "obfuscating asshole." And when asked you apparently have nothing to back that up with.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Remember all your jealous bitching about my temerity for owning a beautiful house in the Catskills near Woodstock?

No, because it never happened.

Most of what you have you got courtesy of a more successful late wife, and you know it.

Do you ever get bored of beating your old-man chest on the internet? Do you know how pathetic that gets?

Of course not. It's a rhetorical question.

And when you decide to use that word in a sentence for the first time please make sure to look it up, first.

Thanks, Tommy. Always a good boy.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I'm quite well to do, Ritmo.

Yes! And on my blog I just complain about how hard it is to find jobs doing anything other than cleaning up bed-pans because "I'm Tommy and I'm awesome and nothing bad can ever happen to me! I'm invincible!"

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

And for the record, I don't desire to live in Woodstock.

A less senile person might have picked that up - or at least the fact that I never expressed as much, either.

sakredkow said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
chickelit said...

Yes! And on my blog I just complain about how hard it is to find jobs doing anything other than cleaning up bed-pans because "I'm Tommy and I'm awesome and nothing bad can ever happen to me! I'm invincible!"

What are you blathering about, Ritmo?

And why were you and Inga so obsessed with ST's identity a year or so ago that you tracked him down on FB and took his photo and used it in a fake blogger ID?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Well, it looks like Tommy's finally bored his own boring self.

I swear, that guy is like the equivalent of internet commenting Viagra.

I think that's what I'll call him, from now on:

Internet Commenting Viagra.

Stephen Thomas. The Viagra of Internet Commenting.

Seriously, this is what he lives for. It must somehow equate to a kind of glorious moment to re-live, for him.

It's a good example of what to avoid in life.

Birches said...

The dog whistle can only be heard if there's an R after the name.

Look, Fr Fox, Synova and I have all given pretty straightforward, sincere, and honest reactions to Paul Ryan's words that had nothing to do with the black community. The fact that Charles Murray just wrote an entire book about white innercity, poor culture shows that this is not a black problem. But some people will always turn it into that, because it helps their side.

chickelit said...

I have my own stalker. Its name is Titus.

Shouting Thomas said...


And now we resort to the incredibly clever and original tactic of accusing one's opponent of having a limp dick.

College freshman material.

I've overwhelmed, Ritmo.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

This is the real Ritmo.

No, it's true. Everyone knows that a corporate lawyer makes more than whatever you've done. It's just obvious. Duh. Accept it and stop getting all "hurt". Claiming hurt is for people who have feelings, which you don't. Except when it comes to yourself - and that doesn't count.

sakredkow said...

But some people will always turn it into that, because it helps their side.

You can't blame that all on the other side.

chickelit said...

I would seriously report Titus and what I know about Titus, if I ever caught him stalking or snooping on my kids.

Shouting Thomas said...

This "old man" tactic, by the way, is a variant on #2 among Ritmo's tactics.

Instant replay for those of you who missed it.

2. Declare that you (Ritmo) know sthe future and represent whatever the future will bring.

Part of the stupid fucking schoolboy thing that afflicts you, Ritmo, is failure to heed the words of old men.

sakredkow said...

I have my own stalker. Its name is Titus.

Well go focus on Titus, chickadee. Leave me alone unless you want to discuss the issues that I put on the table.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

And why were you and Inga so obsessed with ST's identity a year or so ago that you tracked him down on FB and took his photo and used it in a fake blogger ID?

Oh geez Chickie. ST's seriously got you now descending into his own insanity. The picture came from his own blog, which is publicly available. You have to know the people who crazily come at you, and I got that from his blog. It was fun.

I don't do Facebook anyway.

Stop pretending that I stalk Tommy. I read some of his own silly posts and saw the funny pictures he posted of himself. They made for funny fodder. He knew it or he wouldn't have posted them.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

...failure to heed the words of old men.

Not all "old men" are wise men, as you amply demonstrate.

I know the difference. You're just a huffy and puffy sort who wants respect without earning it. Rage-a-holics don't earn points just for sticking around, man.

Come off it already. Get over yourself. It's the internet. We're all equal here. Do something respectable before demanding respect. That sort of thing has to be earned, not demanded.

Shouting Thomas said...

Everyone knows that a corporate lawyer makes more than whatever you've done.

My late wife was not a corporate lawyer.

She was manager of a training department at a corporate law firm.

We made just about equivalent salaries.

What's it to you?

You're pretty jealous about Myrna, too. I'm getting that. Yes, beautiful, successful women always want me. Even moreso now that I'm an "old man."

One of the great secrets of us old, angry white men is that everybody... and I mean everybody... wants us.

Shouting Thomas said...

Rage-a-holics don't earn points just for sticking around, man.

Then, you should go away.

Jealousy is what is really driving you, Ritmo.

Yes, you've got a lot to be jealous about in relation to me. I grant you that.

I get a lot of pleasure out of your vindictive jealousy. It's music to my ears.

Synova said...

"I disagree. I think you, like a lot of defenders, have a tin ear for the dog whistle. And I don't think those people would ever have said it that way, or they would have done exactly what Paul Ryan did, apologize with apparent sincerity."

But you haven't actually read the quotes and if it's a Republican talking you listen differently. So if you read them now, knowing that Obama said them, you'll hear differently. When Obama says that young black men need to take responsibility or that "we've got to continue to encourage responsible fatherhood" you won't hear dog whistles because of the source, not because of what is said.

If Ryan said anything so directly focused on the behavioral problems of black men... well, he never would. But he doesn't have to. Because hearing dog whistles is hearing sounds that don't exist and the people who hear them... even going through steps of explaining what *this* word really means which is *that* word and *that* word just means black people...

No... Ryan didn't say anything differently or say anything infelicitous... he spoke about issues related to poverty while Republican.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

You're pretty jealous about Myrna, too. I'm getting that.


Shouting Thomas said...

So, I hate to interrupt the general chaos here, but I will to elaborate...

We angry, hateful, old, white men are in great demand.

All of us. At least the ones I know.

Women of all ages, nationalities and colors want us. I usually keep this to myself, because why the fuck would it help to let out this secret? I'm keeping as many of the women to myself as possible.

Women know good husband and father material when they see it and those old, angry white men are the best and the most coveted.

All the old, angry white men that I know are quite successful and continue to be in demand by employers even into their 70s. Everybody wants the work ethic of those old, angry white men.

The dumbfuck kids like Ritmo are just going through the King Lear thing. They want us old, angry white men to die off because they think they'll get our stuff.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

Wow, almost 200 comments.

Nice little rant fest.

Well done.

sakredkow said...

I think you're complaining because a lot of people don't believe the Republicans and Democrats are "equal" when it comes to talking about race.

I say too bad. If you want to change that perception try accepting at least part of the responsibility for that.

Shouting Thomas said...

Fester away in jealousy, Ritmo.

Your jealousy is like oxygen to me.

sakredkow said...

Not you personally Synova but the GOP needs to accept at least part of the responsibility for the skepticism many ordinary Americans have towards their party on race issues.

Shouting Thomas said...

I say too bad. If you want to change that perception try accepting at least part of the responsibility for that.

And, what would be the point of that?

So, if we change perception, what in the hell is going to follow from that that will be of any value?

Answer... nothing.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

TOmmy thinks we're jealous of him, lol.

Shouting Thomas said...

TOmmy thinks we're jealous of him, lol.

Another paranoid translation.

No, Ritmo, I said you are jealous.

No reference to anybody else.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Tommy just wants respect, everyone. Is that so wrong?

sakredkow said...

No... Ryan didn't say anything differently or say anything infelicitous... he spoke about issues related to poverty while Republican.

So you're saying that his apology for being "inarticulate" was insincere? That it was forced on him by people whose only concern is obviously to make him look bad?

I don't know how you guys could square that up in your thinking but I'm all ears.

sakredkow said...

I prefer to take it at face value - he's a big boy who misspoke and he apologized for it.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Another appeal to authority.

Nope. It was a question. Does anyone here care about Tommy's crap, material possessions or otherwise? Does anyone here covet them?

No, Ritmo, I said you are jealous.

No reference to anybody else.

Well, since you pull so many things out your ass about me, it's safe to assume you pull as many things out of your ass in the assumptions you make about others. Phx, for instance. Liberals, for another.

Yep. You pull things out your ass when speaking about just about anyone or anything. That's obvious.

Shouting Thomas said...


I'm really not getting it.

There are some real problems here, but you want to natter on about how this or that BS statement affects elections.

Why are you going on about that?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Hey Tommy - I'm going to the store for a quick second. You want anything? Some soda? A beer?

Let me know. You wouldn't just want me coveting your material and female resources while I'm out doing some last minute shopping, now.

Shouting Thomas said...

Shit, Mom Jeans, it could be worse.

Crack is holding court on racism over at TOP.

I gotta play some music tonight.

No way I'm venturing into that briar patch.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

But, you display your stupidity with admirable style.

That's good to hear, as you resent intelligence so much anyway and only care for style in the first place. Hence, your admiration for the flamed-out joke of a presidential campaign led by Don Trump. But hey - at least he had style, right?

Oh yeah that's right - and a hell of a lot more money than you. Lol.

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