Saturday, March 29, 2014

Earthquake: Near La Habra, California

"Authorities were tallying damage from a magnitude 5.1 earthquake that struck Southern California Friday evening."
Fullerton police said early Saturday that up to 50 people had been displaced because of home damage.

The quake, centered near La Habra, caused furniture to tumble, pictures to fall off walls and glass to break. Merchandise fell off store shelves, and there were reports of plate glass windows shattered.
We have friends there, Chickl and Bags. I hope they are doing ok. If you are so inclined please say a little prayer for them and for the rest of the people there.

Earthquake Map


Unknown said...

Bagoh's wheels were in the well at some point yesterday - just in time little stinker.
And Chickl is south of there, I believe. I hope property damage was nil or at a undetectable minimum and dogs are all ok too.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I'm not seeing much coverage on it. Maybe because it's Saturday morning.

The Dude said...

Or maybe because it is not a big deal.

5.1? Heck, some people here fart and cause more damage than that.

bagoh20 said...

Yea, I'm in Vegas right now. No issues at my house. A 5.1 just helps keep the property values in check. It takes at least a 7 to get us to put down our drinks.

Michael Haz said...

Isn't Spinelli out there somewhere on vacation?

bagoh20 said...

On the plane to Chi-town in a couple hours. You wanna see a city shudder? Wait till we touch down.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Good to hear from you Bags.

Unknown said...

(a= an)

Reportage so far is minor displacement and some broken glass. No biggie for folks who are used to big ones.

Unknown said...

Local power-outages and gas leaks. Not fun.

Paddy O said...

I'm about 18 miles from the epicenter.

Was driving home with my daughter after my wife's concert.

Didn't feel it at all. Just was driving along, got home. No idea. From what I can tell, it happened when we were on a little stretch of freeway or just taking the offramp, about 1/2 mile from my house.

Got inside the house and saw a picture had fallen over. Thought that was strange. Then my wife texted, "Are you okay?" I called back and said, "Yeah, why?"

The news last night showed the damage at the epicenter. Some wine bottles had fallen off the shelves!

Paddy O said...

My wife tweeted:

"Mindy & I really rocked tonight: 5.1 on the Richter Scale! ;-D"

Unknown said...

Mindy and the wife rocked SoCal. Right on.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Arent a bunch of "little" ones usually a prelude to a big one? God forbid.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

You in Cali too Pady?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

And April. We have a big California love here, nice.

Paddy O said...

Lem, usually it's the other way around. The big one, then a lot of little aftershocks.

It's like pulling a rubber band. When it breaks, it snaps, then bounces a bit.

So I found out that the one last night lasted about 30 seconds. That's enough to take notice. But I didn't notice it!

It has been a very long time, relatively, since we had a really big earthquake. I've missed the last 2 big SoCal ones, in 92 and 94. The first I was on a round the country road trip, the second I was in college out of state. Haven't felt a huge one since '89.

94 was the last over 6.0 quake we've had hereabouts (that wasn't off shore). It's been a historically very calm couple of decades.

Paddy O said...

Lem, yeah. Eastern LA County.

chickelit said...

I felt it last night, sitting at a kitchen table. I was just opening up Twitter when it happened and plopped a tweet. There's a tweep up there I follow who already felt it about a minute before I did which got me to thinking about how fast do earthquakes travel.

The Dude said...

You can look it up - wave propagation through various geologic strata.

Paddy O said...

I remember watching news in the '89 quake, which had big aftershocks. You could see the earthquake happening live in the studio in Burbank, then a little bit later (5 seconds? Less?) we'd feel it at home.

ndspinelli said...

If anyone here likes Albert Brooks they will like his novel, 2030. It's about The Big One.

chickelit said...

Lem said...
And April. We have a big California love here, nice.

Your heart is in the right place, Lem.

deborah said...

Lem, April is in Colorado.