Friday, March 28, 2014

"When I confronted Rhonda about her being a transsexual woman"

Dear Prudie,

"Several years ago I dated a woman named “Rhonda” for three months. I broke up with her after her sister “Amy” revealed to me that Rhonda was born “Ron” and showed me ample evidence. When I confronted Rhonda about her being a transsexual woman, she broke down and confessed that she was going to tell me, but only after we had been intimate! (Luckily we hadn’t been yet.) It wasn’t her transsexuality that ended the relationship, but her deception; I am not a transphobic person. Rhonda took the breakup badly and stopped speaking to Amy, and on top of that their parents took Rhonda’s side and accused Amy of trying to ruin Rhonda’s life out of jealousy. Later, Amy and I began dating and eventually married. Her parents refused to attend the wedding as a show of solidarity with Rhonda, despite Amy’s attempts to reconcile with all of them. Now we are expecting our first child and Amy’s parents have expressed tentative interest in being a part of their grandchild’s life. I, however, want these people to have nothing to do with my child or my wife. They are a toxic influence and their enabling of Rhonda’s deceptive behavior is appalling to me. My wife disagrees. How can I help her cut ties with these horrid people?"

—Trying to Protect My Family

For the response click this link (Via Instapundit)


Birches said...

Does anyone really believe these Dear Prudie scenarios are actually real?

It seems like they get more Jerry Springer by the week.

Titus said...

Please, any of you old things in here would take any old hole, tranny, pre-tranny, post tranny and even anus or reconstructed puss that now has some elasticy.

Because like none of you ever actually get laid.

Trooper York said...

Holy cow. Rhoda was a transsexual?

No wonder she wore all those scarves.

Trooper York said...

Wait a was Rhonda who had the loseadickomy...nevermind.

Trooper York said...

I mean this is obviously bullshit. Who dumps one broad and marries her sister?

That smells like bullshit.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I think Trooper is right. is total bs.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

He chose Amy instead of the two for one Rhonda deal.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Rhoda was a transsexual and more man than Mary ever got on that show.

Chip Ahoy said...

Decades ago an obvious transexual worked at Reece's a downtown, a place near the FRB that got a lot of theater traffic late at night. In Brooks Towers. A place locked in time. If it is still even there. Let's see. Nope. Too bad. Many lunches there late at night. Met a lot of actors there too, Nemoy for one, howzat for name dropping, huh? He was playing a detective and that is not interesting because detectives have regular ears and are not exceptionally logical. Anyway, the transexual's voice is a dead giveaway, you can tell she had trouble fitting in as waitress, lovely as she was, she was still quite obvious to me apparently alone. All the males I went over there with repeatedly were drawn to her deep careful sexually alluring voice, and remarked on it. Her voice, the tell, the thing that attracted them, the signal they didn't ignore but misread, and they all are the types who would go, "I'd hit that" and then, "holy shit. you deceiver"

rcocean said...

I thought everyone knew Barbara Walters and Bea Arthur were Trannies.

OTOH, Rosie O'Donnell is all woman.

Yeah, really.

Michael Haz said...

The Dear Prudie letters sure seems fake.

In this case, the guy should have cut ties with the transexual and the sister and be done with their family. He didn't, so there's that mess he has chosen to make. Sooner or later, his wife will leave him, take their child, and return to the bosom of her family.

Then his only choice will be to undergo reassignment surgery and seek out a husband. Or he could seek out his former (reassigned) girlfriend and the two of them could have a foursome.

These things are complicated.

deborah said...

Leave Bea Arthur out of this.

Michael Haz said...

And Bruce Jenner.

deborah said...

Who saw that coming?

Unknown said...

Haz - lol.

Americans and their silly little Jerry Springer dramas. Get over it and make nice. If this story is true, the entire family needs to get over themselves on behalf of the kid.

Unknown said...

Meanwhile, Christians are being slaughtered in Egypt and other places.

ricpic said...

Does transphobic mean that weirdness weirds you out?