Sunday, March 30, 2014

Art Building and Car Dolly

"Paint Peeling" Google Image Search
The remaining paint has been peeling off this second floor (below) for quite some time now. At some point it must have been discovered that leaving it that way was aesthetically pleasing, or whatever. Because Art.
Paint Peeling through Noah

What are the chances the building in owned by a fellow named Art? Or maybe the owner, is a woman married to a guy named Art? I'm just looking for Art in the picture.

Here is Google maps drive-by picture of the same building. Paint Peeling for the People.

Paint Peeling captured by Google

Coincidently, back in October 2013, I happened to have walked by the parked Google camera car, that might have taken the picture above, when I decide to take it's picture. I even made a post of it here.

Utility car waiting to peel off


deborah said...

The google images of peeling paint are very neat.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

"It seems our good friend and primo commenter Chickenlittle/El Pollo Raylan has a birthday."

Happy Birthday Ckickie!

Unknown said...

Happy b-day Chikl. (Deb called you Chickl the other day and I like it.)

ricpic said...

It's an eyesore.

deborah said...

April, it's Lem that uses Chickl :)

Unknown said...

hi nice post --
car dollies

Unknown said...

Its a nice blog.thanks for information.
Car Dollies