Monday, March 31, 2014

Rachael Ray uses her husband for moisturizer.

Her own words. Disappointingly, she is pimping for Obamacare, and pimping hard, starting with buttering Biden like a free-range chicken.

Don't watch the video. Why would you when the preferable text is right there ? And watching energizes two attention seekers telling you shit sandwiches are delicious, now  buy one for $5,000 right now and each year forever, and stand in line for a broken down website, and like it. Something is wrong with you if you don't love it.

Rachel, do you love the idea and bless Obama for reaching deep into all  pockets and keeping his hands there? Making them buy something they already made clear they do not want? Taxing them when they fail to comply? Is that what you're thankful about? Because you left that part out. And DON'T repeat yourself in answering or this board automatically smacks you. You don't get to drill.

Her yakkity sax 20 minute meals is altogether smarter muted, 100% improved without sound. She is on to other things now, but she did set the unfortunate template for continuous prat on that network, 'no dead air,' 'silence is golden-death,' 'repeated catchphrases are everything' attitude  prevalent throughout now thanks to her. So now they are all smarter muted. They seriously are  improved muted.

In the voice of Bugs Bunny with Hairy Monster in the hairdresser's chair. "Oh, I just loooove being a hairdresser, I just adooooor my profession, I meet the most i-i-i-i-i-nteresting people doing the most i-i-i-i-i-nteresting things.
“I really want to know what moisturizer you use. I love moisturizers, my husband is a moisturizer as well. Would you tell me what moisturizer you use?” 
She meant her husband uses moisturizers not her husband is a moisturizer, of course, but sperm is a protein moisturizer and she did say it.

In ASL the mistake is not possible, the sign for "agent" is two karate chops straight down. Used all the time. It signifies the trunk of a human body. It is the "er" added to English words to turn something into a person using that thing, or being the agent of the thing. Thus law + er  two karate chops personification = lawyer. Paint + parallel karate chops = painter. Dance + er  personification = dancer and so forth.

I notice on spreadtheisgn site the other countries do this more eloquently with one hand, they show the trunk of a human body with with a zip of index finger and thumb signifying the trunk the same way ALS does with two hands, so a thin human agent of whatever and a better sign. Some noun + the zip down sign indicating a body. Very eloquent.  When I saw them all doing it that way on the page, and the US being different from most, I realized I have seen this before and thought it a lazy shortcut, as a cocktail glass or beer bottle is currently occupying the attention the hand needed for the complete sign.

Michelle did say Obama intended to provide no escape from one's comfort zone. A way of saying you will be affected one way or another like it or not. Politics is now inescapable, so tune in to whatever your escape and there they will be making your pastime and relaxation political and escape from them impossible from their noise their obsessions, their opinions on everything from your health, your privacy, down to breathing and farting of cows. Take a bow, Rachael Ray, dutiful drone.


Michael Haz said...

It's so cute when people who don't have to have ObamaCare get positively moist telling the rest of us how wonderful it is.

Shouting Thomas said...

Tonight's rerun episode of The Simpsons featured a TV chef modeled on Rachel Ray!

9 months to go and I'm on Medicare! Apparently, that's the only escape from Obamacare.

20% premium hike this year due to Obamacare.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

After reaching the page where I had to chose a coverage I was given no more direction from the non-Affordable healthcare website.

I have no idea what I was expected to do.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The website is down right now. According to twitter it's been down most of the day.

ricpic said...

The embrace of compassion tightens.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I'm already up to my ears in IRS arrears... what else can they do to me?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...


Rabel said...

I'm grateful to ken in sc for a late follow-up comment on my bee adventure story from yesterday which offered some advice.

Ken said that it was normal hiving behavior and that I was perfectly safe.

He added the fact that "you could have shaken the center of the ball of bees containing the queen, into a hive super and started your own honey making hobby."

By coincidence, that happens to bee on my bucket list. Let's take a look. Oh, there it is:

#1,864,542 - Remove my left testicle with a hacksaw.

#1,864,543 - Have sex with Rosie O'Donnell.

#1,864,544 - Remove my right testicle with a butter knife.

#1,864,545 - Have sex with Titus.

#1,864,546 - Shake a huge ball of buzzing homicidal insects.

I'm getting there. Anybody got Rosie's number?

Unknown said...

They must have paid her.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Didn't Rachel Ray consciously uncouple? I thought I heard that some years ago.

Trooper York said...

You shouldn't look to your cooks for political advice. Just sayn'

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Rachel Ray also promotes Brawndo.

Unknown said...

meh. I changed my mind. Perhaps Rachel is a snake charmer.

rcocean said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rcocean said...

No offense, to anyone but I find the whole "Obamacare" controversy incredibly boring. Yes, its terrible - but are the Republicans going to fix it? Even if we elected them in 2016?

I doubt it.

rcocean said...

But don't mind me I'm an outlier. I found the "Valarie Phlame Controversy" tedious and fall alseep everyone mentions the JFK assassination.

rcocean said...

Chip made it about as interesting as you can. Good job Chip Ahoy!

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Hey I have an idea for saving Ronan's MSNBC show.

A new show called Ronan & Rachel.

Of course they would have to dye their hair opposite of what they have now.

Shouting Thomas said...

Yes, its terrible - but are the Republicans going to fix it? Even if we elected them in 2016?

I'm not expecting anybody to fix anything.

And, I expect that all fixes will make whatever is being fixed worse.

Am I too cynical?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

...breathing and farting of cows.

Chip is not kidding... Cow Flatulence has been declared a threat to the planet.

Trooper York said...

It is not a question of fixing Obamacare. It is trying to let people get reasonable insurance at a reasonable rates.

It is quite easy to fix. Scarp Obamacare. Let the government take care of those few catastrophic cases through Medicare. Allow people to buy policies from other states. Outlaw the practice of denying insurance based on pre-existing conditions. Then let the market handle it. Simple.

Trooper York said...

I saw an episode of Rachel Ray recently because my friend Stacy London was on it. It was one horrible show.

Made Wendy Williams look like Dame Judi Dench. Jeeez.

rcocean said...

"I'm not expecting anybody to fix anything."

Just confirms what I said, Obamacare is an extremely boring issue that isn't going to change.

deborah said...

At first I liked Ray, but then the constant running of her mouth got to me.

Trooper York said...

Her voice just kills me. She sounds like a tranny gargling Scotch.

Trooper York said...

Hey don't respect me. I don't have an accent. I talk the way you are supposed to talk. It is youse knuckleheads that gotz the accent. Capisce?

deborah said...

Capisce, Blogfather.