Saturday, March 22, 2014

It's probably bad that this looks good to me...

The Knights of Badassdom


Lem Vibe Banditory said...

That's some macroaggression right there. lol.

bagoh20 said...

If you see me at the theater, I wasn't going to see this. I was going to that independent film by that blind gay French guy. I just popped into this one during the trailers to kill time.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

yea right.

chickelit said...

The premise has promise. I can envision some Civil War reenactors holding a Mary Todd Lincoln seance to get in touch with Lincoln and getting Django instead.

But hey, the movie could be about anything...the good news is that

...synova wrote a post!

Synova said...

Ha! More than writing a post, I figured out how to embed a video!

I'm disgustingly proud of myself for no reason over that.


bagoh20 said...

I caught a few minutes of "Gigli" on TV this morning - widely considered one of the worse movies of all time.

The part I watched was pretty compelling, but maybe you have to watch the whole thing to get the full repulsion. I didn't see it in what I watched. Then I switched back to the T25 workout video infomercial. I could feel my six pack forming under the covers in my warm bed.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Toonamy is airing Black Lagoon starting tonight.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Is that the one with Jlo and Ben Afleck.

Shouting Thomas said...


I'll save this film for a late night show on Netflix.

Not the sort of thing that I'd buy a ticket to see.

Any nudity? That's important. And, I do mean female.


Signed Tight Ass.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I just saw a trailer for a new action movie by the governator. or more better said, the former governator.

What a country?

Where you can Come from nothing, body build, makes a movie about body building, propel that into making himself a Hollywood action hero, making himself a household name with enough recognition to easily become governor-of-California-while-republican and then after serving two terms come back to making movies again.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

And all that while not shedding his thick native accent.

Christy said...

Forget the plot, the cast is full of my favorite badasses. Summer Glau playing off Peter Dinklage!

rcocean said...

I'm watching "breaking bad" again. Movies suck compared to the best of TV.

bagoh20 said...

That's the "Gigli" Lem, and I just saw the trailer for Black Lagoon today on Adult Swim. It looks well done, but I have a hard time watching animation that's not pure comedy.

My favorite animation show is Frisky Dingo.

Not currently in production, but 2 seasons of hilarious stuff.

Synova said...

Summer Glau plays an evil capitalist fem fatal with hidden complexities on Arrow.

Synova said...

My husband mainstreams anime on Netflix and Hulu... said Black Lagoon was one of his favorites.

deborah said...

Ever since I heard of LARP about ten years ago it hath intrigued me.

This movie, not so much.

deborah said...

Would a Lem House LARP team not be a hoot? I'm in.

MamaM said...

Would a Lem House LARP team not be a hoot?

Possible answers:

1. It already is :)

2. Yes, ROFLarpingMAO funny! :0

3. All depends on how bossy the event arranger turns out to be :/

4. Focus and motive also play a role, with direction and intent affecting hootiness. Play may be very game-like or may be more concerned with dramatic or artistic expression ;)

Dust Bunny Queen said...

I would totally watch this!!

So bad it is good. So stupid it is funny. It makes fun of most of the books that I have been reading lately. Eddings.

My husband will hate it and wonder why he married me.

I love it.

Christy said...

I've loved the LARPing episodes of Supernatural. Did anyone watch "The Heroes of Cosplay" on SyFy? A hoot, and I loved the craftsmanship that went into the costumes.

Mitch H. said...

Black Lagoon's sort of a comedy at times - it's just coal-black comedy. It sort of sways back and forth between comedic sociopathy humor and plain old sociopathic drama.

It's not for everyone, and I wouldn't call it deathless art, but it can be amusing at times. When it's not being horrifying - second season requires a very, very strong stomach at times, especially when the Romanian twins show up. They're utter horrorshow.

And I dunno about the LARP meets Evil Dead thing. I'm not good with humiliation geek comedy.