Sunday, August 9, 2015

I've grown accustomed to your face....

This is the face of the grass roots of the Republican party. An old angry white man. The grass roots are tired of being lied to by the Rhinos and the establishment Republicans. Tired of failure theater. Tired of voting to give the Republicans the majority in both Houses of Congress and being told that their hands are tied. That they can't appeal Obamacare. That they can't defund Planned Parenthood baby chop shops. That they can't stop the Iran deal that will give the bomb to our mortal enemies while we sell Israel down the river. That we can't get to the bottom of Benghazi, Hillary's emails or the IRS. That we can't stop Obama's usurpation of Congresses role in government with his refusal to enforce the existing law. Failure theater is so ingrained that they rigged it so that they can give Obama the Iran deal even if they vote against it when they are in the majority. Instead of forcing Obama to get the Super Majority they turned the process upside down into a rigged vote where they had to get the two thirds vote. They want our votes but then they don't do anything with them. Except feather their nests and get reelected.

So even an idiot plutocrat with a big mouth seem better. He is a New Yorker. The grass roots hates big mouth North Easterners who are blow hards and phonies. Except that even that is not as bad as another blow dried liar who talks Reagan and votes McGovern. So they are willing to blow it up. Elect-ability is a bunch of tired bullshit. Elect-ability got us McCain and Romney and more of the same. Appealing to the Democratic voting blocks is not the answer. They will never vote for a Republican. Ever. So it is a fools errand to drop your principles to appeal to someone who will never vote for you. We have seen this time and again. There are more than enough unmotivated people who don't vote who are in the natural base of the Republican party to win an Electoral college victory. You just need to target them. You don't have to be the President of all the people. Obama has proven that. Don't ignore the lesson of history that is right before our eyes.

Trump will not win the nomination. He will not be the candidate. But the candidate has to pick up some of what Trump is doing. He has to stop with the political correctness. He has to take the fight to the Democrats. He has to play dirty in the same way that the Democrats and the media does or it is all over before it even begins. Is Walker too wimpy? Is Rubio too juvenile? Is Cruz too scary?
Is Bush too bushy? Who is going to take it to the other side with enough piss and vinegar to get the job done?

This is the face of the grass roots of the Democratic party. A tired old white man who is a socialist who wants to redistribute the wealth of the nation to the people who are yelling at him for more stuff. He wants to give it all but it is not quite enough. It will never be enough. The words will always be wrong. The actions always inadequate. He will be racist and sexist and homophobic and hetero-normative and throw out trigger warnings to all and sundry. They are screaming and abusing him but he will dig in and try to find a way to take enough out of society to transfer it to others based on their insatiable demands. If elected he will continue to offer more stuff. More money for abortions. More student loans down a rathole for bogus degrees in womans studies or some other made up major. Big cuts in defense because Russia and China and Iran are our friends. More regulations to stop the production of domestic energy because we need to change over to solar and wind and magical unicorn power. More regulations to end manufacturing and industry because global warming will be a terrible problem in a hundred million years from now so you should give up your car to ride a bike and get run down by an illegal immigrant in a stolen car who doesn't have a license. And you have to like it. Or you are racist, sexist, homophobic and would kill a lion with a bow and arrow. Now it is time to socially engineer your hometown so it will have the proper demographic breakdown. The federal government is going to judge you and import enough thugs, thieves, deviants and lowlifes so you meet the officially approved mixture that the pointy headed professors and activists have decreed must be the only way that you can live. Just don't try to shop at a CVS, They will all be burned down and looted. Sell your CVS stock now. Get ahead of the curve.

That is what Bernie will bring you. He is the face of the Democratic Party.

You should get accustomed to their faces.


edutcher said...

The second to the last line and the pic nail it.

Say what you will about The Donald, it's doubtful he would stand there with that "I've fallen and I can't get up" look Bernie has.

And I agree about the nomination. Just might be Mrs Fiorina.

I know everybody's sick of hearing me say it, but it seems having an interview with the Grim Reaper has put some steel in her spine.

ricpic said...

It is time for the party that is EMBARRASSED by its white working class and middle class base to DIE.

edutcher said...

That's both of them.

Titus said...

I sense a little anger.

May I suggest a weekend of rejuventation at Canyon Ranch in the Berkshires.

I just returned from CR and my chaka khan's are in alignment, I can see my third eye, and my wide second is the widest it has ever been.

Now take a deep breath and say Namaste....

ricpic said...

Are you limber enough to get a gander at your cottage cheese arse, Titus? You're getting OLD queenie!

chickelit said...

A credible rant! Bravo, Trooper!

bagoh20 said...

I just can't imagine Bernie in the White House with his pants unzipped smoking a cigar. Hillary, maybe, but not Bernie.

Titus said...

And if you go you must do Blaise's H2O class-amazing.

Have a super week everyone!

Make something happen. Try something new. Take a new path. Smell a flower. Pet a dog. Say hello to a stranger. Let a child pet your rare clumber.

I am feeling bliss right now and it is so important to "pass" my energy onto others.

Can you feel it?

chickelit said...

OT, but I have two really healthy-looking watermelon plants but no fruit yet. The plants are very long and uncut. The plants have flowered and my yard has abundant bees due to a pair of Australian bottle brush trees whose flowers attract bees. I'm beginning to think that pollination hasn't occurred and that it may be getting to be too late in the season for fruit. The weather only recently turned warm.

chickelit said...

On the other hand, my lime tree went gangbusters and it looks like there will be a bumper crop of fruit this fall/winter.

ricpic said...

Titus, you're a scream. Promise me one thing, willya? Don't jump off the roof tonight trusting your "bliss" is stronger than gravity.

Trooper York said...

Your bushes are homophobic which is why there are no fruits. Just sayn'

William said...

Between single women, gays, government employees, and organic food eaters, the left already owns a significant portion of the white vote. With a candidate like Trump they will own a few points more.....,There is a huge anti-white vote in this country. You don't want to rile them up.

Trooper York said...

Bullshit. They will never vote Republican and they are riled up enough already. They are Hillary's base if she runs. So what.

The Republicans have to get their tribe out to the polls. They have to get their tribe riled up and pissed off.

We need a populist conservative candidate. Not another bullshit "Moderate" who is electable. That crap just doesn't work.

windbag said...

The plants are very long and uncut.
I thought that was a Titus line.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Trump is a Ferguson/Baltimore right wing style of anger and frustration.

People have had it and this is as close to a riot you are going to see.

They don't care that he's not this or that, they want to shake the establishment up out of a slumber.

The difference between the Trump supporters and the black community is that most blacks keep believing the lies they are fed, hook line and sinker, since soon after MLK. Whereas the GOP base has been getting it on the chin from Obama's IRS, the unanswered lies about the tea parties, Boehner and McConnell cave to Obama at every turn while the deficits balloon, and the Supremes going on a law making tare.

windbag said...

The Republic is dead. It will not return. The only Republicans who are for repealing ObamaCare are the ones who haven't been elected yet. Once elected they understand that it's all about power, and they're not going to return it to the people. Dems and Repubs are two sides of the same filthy coin, who only disagree on how to spend the booty they've captured from us. And they agree on 95% of the spending. They only disagree on about 5% of the spending.

Our ancestors were able to escape the crazy of Europe and come here. Where do we go?

Titus said...

Windbag, wow, good one. I am impressed.

Trooper York said...

To the moon Alice.

Trooper York said...

It's our only hope.

edutcher said...

William said...

Between single women, gays, government employees, and organic food eaters, the left already owns a significant portion of the white vote

Homosexuals are 1%. Government slugs not that much. That leaves single women and I'd be as leery of the Census on that as I would BLS figures on unemployment.

I'm guessing it's less of the white vote than you may want to believe.

In any case, they're all endangered species.

Trooper York said...

"Endangered feces. Who cares about endangered feces. Oh...nevermind."
Emily Litella.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

You are a smart man Troop. I of course linked you (I may not be that smart, but I am a smart enough cow to know to link you).

BTW, Frank Gifford RIP.

edutcher said...

FWIW, I wouldn't lump all single women or single moms in the same bag as Lena Dunham.

Some want to be Barry's Girl, but a lot I've known work for a living and try to better themselves.

That's not a portrait of Julia.

ndspinelli said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Titus said...

I feel for you old white straight aggrieved men.

I was in your place in the 90's in school.

But, if you are like me, you will persevere and be stronger.

Now get out there, with your fat head held up high, and begin to start another chapter in your life!

Instead of Celibrating diversity it is now time to celebrate the straight, old, white man! Where is your fucking parade?

You are special! You are equal! And you built this great country which now is a pile of shit...sorry, my chaka khans were out of alignment for a second.

Just make the day great!

Keep reaching for the stars!

Orrey G.Rantor said...

Trooper: "We need a populist conservative candidate. Not another bullshit "Moderate" who is electable. That crap just doesn't work."

Agreed and sadly the only candidate so far is Trump.

Chick: "Even real estate -- the vaunted piggy bank of older Americans -- is at risk under Obama's new housing agenda. "

Well, they're all racists anyway. Enlightenment through integration for everyone!

This is something that angers me. It has become so obvious that tribal politics is the future and far far too many republicans/conservatives/moderates etc. refuse to see the reality. Their only answer is to value signal that they're not evil racists, bigots and whatnot.

Perhaps I'm just bitter at being called a racist for the past five years for not believing in the miracles of socialized medicine.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I think the reason America will never have a successful "populist-conservative" is because it lacks a singular ethnic nationality and the conservatives will always need boring, business dorks to underwrite their political causes. Boring business dorks don't do populism well, as you can tell by Trumpity Trump. But then, neither do conservatives, really.