Tuesday, August 11, 2015

"Hillary Clinton to give her private email server to Justice"

"Hillary Clinton has instructed her attorney to hand over her private email server and a thumb drive of all her work-related emails to the Justice Department in an effort to blunt an expanding probe into the use of a private email account."
Clinton, now the Democratic presidential front-runner, "directed her team to give her email server that was used during her tenure as (Secretary of State) to the Department of Justice, as well as a thumb drive containing copies of her emails already provided to the State Department," her spokesman, Nick Merrill, told CNN early Tuesday evening. "She pledged to cooperate with the government's security inquiry, and if there are more questions, we will continue to address them."
Why did it take her so long to do that?


chickelit said...

Why did it take her so long to do that?

Because if vindicated, she wanted to give all of her enemies enough time to self-identify?

Rabel said...

Seems like good news, but the DOJ could use the investigation to shut down any release from the server for years. I'm gonna look on the bright side and let myself think that Obama is going to hang her out to dry. Or maybe just hang her period.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

What if the server is just a shell without the hard drive?

Rabel said...

And, if the FBI has it, does that mean Gowdy can't get his hands on it?

I think it's probably been scrubbed quite well, but there's hope.

Titus said...

My mom, from Wisconsin, who I adore, called excited about a golf event in Wisconsin.

She told me the course looks like something from England!

She also thinks Door County is the same as the cape.....sigh.

But she is the best. And she is leaving me all their money and properties...sorry sisters, you lose.


bagoh20 said...

With the Democrats this is not early enough to get the truth out. That takes decades. You wait and see. We will know nothing by election day.

john said...

"Or maybe just hang her period."

I doubt it; she's pushing 70 afterall.

edutcher said...

Why did it take her so long to do that?

Because she knows the Red Chinese will do it if she doesn't?

bagoh20 said...

The Chicoms won't spill the beans. They want her to win, then they have a blackmail controlled fool leading their main world competitor. Perfect.........for them.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Like Lois Lerner's hard drive, that server is already scrubbed of anything incriminating. Too much time has passed.

Hillary-Lerner 2016

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I know why Hillary is turning in the server.

It turns out that she did handle classified material in her private server, making her a liar.

So, she is releasing the server to blunt that.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Perhaps they will find evidence of a server that was scrubbed/tampered with.
How does that work exactly?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Lem - good point.

ndspinelli said...

The FBI visited a company in Denver that provided the server. They may have all the emails backed up. Obama hates the Clinton's. He is actually having the DOJ do what it is supposed to do.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Release the server to take the sting out of the revelation.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Hillary is made in China.

ndspinelli said...

Most attorneys are a decade or more behind in technology. The Clinton's arrogance and ignorance of basic computer technology is hurting them.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

According to people who seem to know what they are talking about, anybody else would have been prosecuted by now.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

A year since Robin Williams suicide already.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

My brother and i had planned to go to see the RedSox play the Marlins here at Marlin stadium tonight, but for reasons beyond our control we couldn't make it.

We are going to try tomorrow's game. One last chance before the RedSox leave and don't come back this way for a long time.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

It's a good thing we didn't go tonight anyways.

The Marlins walked-off winners in extra innings.

Trooper York said...

Thats because Boston Sucks.

rcommal said...

Because both Hillary AND Bill have been corrupt from the start AND because BOTH got lucky from the start. More people than not didn't get the truth about the sort of persons those two were, back then. I did, though. I took a lot of crap for not auto-voting Clinton just a year or two shy of a quarter-century ago and also for not reflexively voting Clinton four years thereafter.

Very useful, having undergone that taking a lot of crap all those years ago.

rcommal said...

Oops! I failed to specify that to which I was responding, but now I will make it clear:

Why did it take her so long to do that?

rcommal said...

I've also taken crap for choosing George Bush (twice!!) instead of the other choice, not to mention choosing the other choice(twice!!) instead of Barack Obama.

It's been taking crap, crap, crap, crap and more crap over all of my voting adult life.


Tell me, why, again I should accept the shit you shovel at the likes of me, for--what??--

rcommal said...

Because you think I am unthinking? Because you think I have no courage? Because you think I do no research? Because you think I am uninformed? Because you think I am a low-info voter? Because you think I don't know anything about struggling when young? Because you don't think I don't honor my parents and grandparents, and also my husband's parents and grandparents? Because you think I never worked my ass off at many physical, hands-on jobs back in the day? Because you think I coddle my kid? Because you think I haven't properly educated my kid? Because--what else?

rcommal said...

Add to it ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ --- have at it!

rcommal said...

I dare you.

rcommal said...

Let's chat, guys.

rcommal said...

As much as I have a problem with Trump, I am more like him (though not in the wealthy ways) than any of you are in certain ways. I am so glad to see that you are so willing to embrace flat-out statements that challenge assumptions. I am encouraged! Truly, this is progress.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I proudly reveal and exclaim that I NEVER voted for a Clinton. and I never will. White trash corruption of Arkansas. sorry Arkansas.

rcommal - I think we have the same voting record. No crap from me!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Trump - I don't trust him. Too many flip flops and past public proclamations of pro-Hillary and other pro-socialist garbage.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

from Jazz Shaw at Hotair

I don’t want to sound like too much of a Debby Downer at this point, but I’ll borrow a rather famous quote from the former Secretary of State herself. What difference at this point does it make? That server was sitting safely in the depths of Mordor for more than four years, and even after it became obvious that it was time to start hiding the bodies, there have been additional months on end for a set of geeks to be working it over like a Gitmo detainee. She admitted to “erasing” tens of thousands of emails, but simply hitting the delete key was obviously not all that happened. As Professor Jacobson at Legal Insurrection points out, there was a whole lot of scrubbing going on. And yet, he sees possible signs of hope.

Legal Insurrection sez:

The server has been wiped clean, according to Hillary’s lawyers. But that may not be the last word on it. The feds are extremely good at overcoming all but the most sophisticated wipes. The inspection also may reveal the timeline when the document destruction took place.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

One of the comments:

"The Obama admin has corrupted the Justice Dept and the FBI.
This is carefully orchestrated to exonerate Hillary and get this out of the way before we get too close to election 2016.

If there is a real investigation and anything more than a cursory glance at the server, I’ll be shocked."

I tend to agree.

ndspinelli said...

I think you folks are wrong. Obama HATES the Clinton's. He is having the FBI actually do its job to help put in Crazy Joe Biden. Obama knows Clinton will trash his "legacy." Crazy Joe is a loyal mofo.

rcommal said...

Wow. You all disappointed me! I thought you all were gonna be all challenging. I thought you might, for example, suggest that, for example, the likes of me and mine own little family haven't been paying both sides of social security for many, many, many years now and every other fee associated with actually "going independent" over ... however long.


Lem, FTR: I truly do appreciate the ritual of, every time I post here, having to prove that I am not robot. Seriously, I do appreciate that, because--in fact--I am not a robot. It sets up perfectly the notion that others ought to have to prove that I am in their minds--in fact--a robot.

Thank you so much for that, Lem.

rcommal said...

As for that server of Hillary's, did any one of you, as both I and my husband did, upon first learning of her so-called personal "at-home" server, instantly wonder "what" little company, so new and recent and so "entrepreneurial," got that job? And why?


Since then ... well, as it has turned after a disgustingly shameful period of time ... it turns out that our (my and my husband's) instincts were precisely on point.


Our "why" remains unanswered, btw.