Friday, October 2, 2015

Vegan protest steakhouse

Link to video

"Several protesters from a group identified as “Direct Action Everywhere Toronto” by the Huffington Post entered The Keg Mansion steakhouse in Toronto, Canada."


bagoh20 said...

It seems clear that the only purpose to theatre like that is to be mean and irritate people you disagree with on lifestyle. It won't change any minds there, and in fact will harden some against you. This obvious ugliness will even turn some sympathetic people against you. In short, it hurts your cause, so why do it? Answer: for your own pathetic satisfaction from polishing your self-importance and ruining someone's day. What nice people.

bagoh20 said...

Why don't conservative and libertarians do all this protesting crap, while lefties seems to realish it so much, often to the point where protest is really all they do? It's a very clear difference beween the mindsets and the kind of people in each group.

KCFleming said...

I think I'd like to pour Heinz 57 on them, but would probably be charged with assault.

Instead, if this happens to me, I am going to go up to each of them and say for each minute they go on, I am going to buy and eat twice as much meat as I usually do (maybe even throw it away) and IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT.

At a minimum I am calling the cops.

Steg said...

I used to read Maddox a bunch back in high school. I feel like his shtick got old, but he's still got some golden classics right on the money.

Methadras said...

Do non-vegans walk into a Whole Foods and yell at people for not eating meat? Anyone ever seen that? These people are fucking mentally unstable lunatics and they are allowed to run around freely. They are free range nutters.

rcommal said...

Hm. Interesting.