Wednesday, October 14, 2015

"Man tries to put out garbage fire by driving over it in a van loaded with ammunition"

"[T]he owner had been burning garbage in the field and accidentally let the fire get out of control. In an attempt to put the fire out, he drove his van back and forth over the flames."
This made matters worse, as the tires of the van caught fire. Realizing that the van was loaded with firearms ammunition and a full tank of gas, the driver evacuated the area for safety.
A crew from the Liberty Fire Department responded to make sure the fire did not spread. It was unclear what type of ammunition the owner had in the vehicle.
The deputy did not immediately cite the owner, who declined to make a report for a possible insurance claim.
“It seems like he’s just going to have to take a loss on that vehicle because I don’t think they’re going to cover it,” Bazzano said.


Chip Ahoy said...

And even THAT is less expensive than his first remedial college composition 101 course.

Inexpensive so far as education goes.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

It could have been worse... there wasn't a sleeping baby on board.

Rabel said...

This wry and subtle commentary on Obama's Syrian policy is Lem at his best. Keep up the good work.

Methadras said...

Fucking retard. This man is a. fucking. mouth. breathing. retard.