Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Little Black Sambo

I know it was wrenching last night when my live-blogging of the debate was interrupted when my laptop broke down. But there is a silver lining behind every cloud. I dragged out and set up my ancient XP and found a lot of great links I'd saved once upon a time, when our hearts were young and gay.


Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Some can spin themselves into butter.

ricpic said...

I didn't (couldn't stand to) watch the thing, but from what I read most polls have Bernie winning the "debate." Great outcome IMO. Call me naive but I don't see how the Dem bigwigs will be able to deny Sanders the nomination if he wins Iowa and New Hampshire, at which point his momentum will be YUGE.

deborah said...

Ricpic, I think NH and Iowa are completely overrated and the entire calendar should be changed every year. I doubt a Bernie win in each will cement anything.