Saturday, October 10, 2015

A Hillary gaffe or a hint?

Now the real answer to this is for gun-owners to form a different organization that supports the Second Amendment, supports their rights to own guns, use guns, go hunting, go target shooting, but stands against the absolutism of the NRA. You know, the NRA’s position reminds me of negotiating with the Iranians or the communists. There’s no possible discussion. And it’s for political purposes.
Setting aside the NRA barb, didn't Obama just negotiate a deal with the Iranians? A deal Hillary just claimed credit for a few weeks ago?
Or, like the Obama trade deal TTP, is Hillary hinting she is about to flip flop and come out against the Iran deal?


AllenS said...

This must please Obama to no end.

deborah said...

She's all over the map.

Leland said...

Raise your hand if you believe Hillary can't have discussion with communists?

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

She is trying too hard to change the conversation about her emails blunders.

You see it in young baseball pitchers all the time. Trying to strike out somebody, because they are in a jam, they go for a little extra speed on a fast ball and the ball sails over the catcher and the umpire.

bagoh20 said...

Wholly crap, she is a lousy candidate. The Dems can cling to that Titanic loser all the way to the bottom. Imagine the daily lying, stupid, irrational, and hypocritical shit she would be spewing for 4 - 8 years. She would do for male/female relations what Obama has done for racial harmony. I might go gay if I have to listen to that woman everyday.

deborah said...

lol bago, 4-8

deborah said...

I think she should do a Bullworth(?) The Warren Beatty(?) film about a politician with cancer(?)who wanted to get assassinated so his family could collect life-insurance(?) So he did all kinds of politically incorrect stuff like telling black people to start working, etc., and ended up being very popular with black people.

If she just said the hell with it, and stopped being scared of poll numbers, she might get somewhere. As it is...

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Sullivan calls her a "Talent-free hack"

ampersand said...

She's pretty stupid, but the MSM will never point it out.
She sent out her book to all the Republican candidates, If it were me, I would take a yellow marker , highlight all the lies and contradictions and send it back to her for corrections. Also ask for compensations for all the markers. I would also ask for an autographed author's copy so please provide the name of the ghost writer.

vza said...

"... but stands against the absolutism of the NRA. You know, the NRA’s position reminds me of negotiating with the Iranians or the communists. There’s no possible discussion. And it’s for political purposes."

I am no fan of Clinton, but really think she meant to compare the absolutism of the NRA with those absolutists who say there is no negotiating with the Iranians or communists.

deborah said...

vza, that's a good point.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

The right to self defense is about as absolute as rights get.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

All the more hilarious given Bernie Sanders' credibility with gun owners (for a Democrat).