Thursday, January 2, 2014

Overnight Laugh Track


The rule of Lemnity said...

Is that what you call them?

ndspinelli said...

Buddy was always on of my favorites.

Trooper York said...

I saw him in Vegas many times.

Once he spent an hour trashing Joan Rivers. Funniest shit I ever heard.

Trooper York said...

That was right after she screwed Johnny by getting her own show on Fox.

Buddy knew where his bread was buttered.

Icepick said...
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Chip Ahoy said...

I met Buddy Hacket at Snowmass so there, Pierre.

It was a stupid day of skiing. There are no black diamond runs at Snowmass. And if there are now then they're rated per mountain not per industry, it is an easy mountain. Pussies go there, and I was embarrassed just being there. It is lunch. The weather is bright and pleasant and there is a crowd on the outside deck. I am at the edge with a group and then there is that rather loud utterly idiosyncratic voice, a uniquely odd mix of speech impediment and Bronx accent with abruptness.

"Where we gonna sit?"

"Hey! Hello, Mr. Hackett, sit with us!"

The whole patio veritably converged on him. I felt a bit sorry for him at first. He engaged conversationally with a few people but shut it down with trademark abruptness tinged with a bit of rudeness. A younger aggressive man asked loudly as if an announcement,

"Hey, Mr. Hacket, howabout joining us at place, we got a hot tub." Come on over to our place if you like, we'd love to have you, something like that.

Hacket responds for the benefit of the whole deck, a warning, keep back,

"I got my own hot tub. Why would I wanna come ovea to your place for hot tub when I already got a hot tub?"

))))) repulse force field ((((((

A statement not a question. It was not answered. The guy was shut down. Embarrassing.

Hackett embarrassed me, the poopy-head. I was minding mofb out there, taking it all in, the mountains, having my lunch with my friends, then Mr. celebrity comes clomping in clanging and banging and draws all attention to himself automatically, emits a repulsive protective force field and I get admonished along with everybody. Me, an innocent. Everybody laughed. But not me. I don't know why I cannot laugh at that putdown, I do not know why I secretly plan revenge for including me in the rebuke just for being out there on the deck at that unfortunate moment, and previously to him I must add, like I did plot back there, why I finally did laugh so out of place and so disrespectfully when he died.

Icepick said...

Lo and behold, my favorite Buddy Hackett moment on The Tonight Show is online.

I love this one.

Chip Ahoy said...

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha now that there is just great story telling. My favorite part is where the farmer kicks the hunter in the nuts.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Hackett did a show in Vegas when Frank and Dean were in attendance where he just walked out naked onto the stage and stood there. The place when wild. That was it.

Hackett also has a special clause in his contract involving services from a show girl for each show.

Icepick said...

Chip, my favorite part was the killer butterfly.

Icepick said...

But then I don't have a personal vendetta against the guy, so there's that.

The Dude said...

Frank Sinatra saved Buddy's life one night.

Michael Haz said...

"You can have the duck."

rcocean said...

Hackett also has a special clause in his contract involving services from a show girl for each show.

Good God, I don't want to imagine Buddy hackett having sex. I hope the Girls were paid extra.

deborah said...

I remember him making a complete ass of himself, appearing drunk on Carson, I think...No, wait that was Dom Deluise.

deborah said...

Good Carson joke (post-Chernobyl):

What do you call the guy deported to Siberia?

Mr. Lucky

The Dude said...


deborah said...

How cold was it?

Icepick said...

My two favorite Carson jokes (and I'm not counting the skits, as otherwise the Copper Clapper Caper would win):

1) I had a nightmare last night. I dreamed I was Dolly Parton's only child and I was a bottle baby.

2) If LA and New York City lived next to each other, New York would rape LA .... And LA would like it.

deborah said...

lol. My fave was Karnak the magnificent.

deborah said...

lol. My fave was Karnak the magnificent.