Wednesday, January 29, 2014


"Traffic apocalypse: Snow in the southeast leaves commuters, schoolkids stranded all day on the roads"

"And by “all day,” I mean 18 hours or more. Some people were out there overnight. The lucky ones were close enough to a Home Depot or supermarket that they simply pulled over, walked to the store, and slept in the aisles."

Hot Air

UPDATE: 13 Examples Of People Being Awesome In The Middle Of The Atlanta Traffic Jam
(If Atlanta was anywhere near California, you know Bags would have been there helping out)

Via Instapundit


Icepick said...

It's a helluva thing to move to Florida and get stuck in the snow.

Valentine Smith said...

Good. Toughen 'em up a little. I can be petty some times.

YoungHegelian said...

It's not like NYC & NJ response to "Super Storm" (i.e. tropical depression with storm surge overlapping high tide) Sandy was all that exemplary either. Did they think that the only place on the Atlantic coast that had storm surge was Florida?

Michael Haz said...

Good grief. It was a light dusting of snow, not much more than a heavy frost.

Birches said...

It's a tricky thing trying to balance the need for safety in a place that cannot handle snow and the reality that 9 times out of 10 the weathermen get it wrong and you've preemptively canceled school and work for an entire metro area for no reason.

Obviously, they should have cancelled, but can you imagine the same outrage from working parents if they had canceled school and nothing happened?

YoungHegelian said...


No, Michael, there was ice, too. Both the link in the posting & this CNN link mention ice, too.

As klutzy as southerners may be in snow, 18 wheeler truck drivers everywhere in the US are experienced enough to not "spin out" because of a mere 3 inches of snow. It was the ice underneath the snow that did everyone in.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Thanks to Obama Global warming is no more.

Trooper York said...

Well not everybody is used to snow and shitty football like the people in Wisconsin.

That is why everyone is worried about the Super Bowl.

Chip Ahoy said...

So that's why the Spanish station was talking about Home Depot.

Michael Haz said...

You sound more like DeBlasio every day.

Chip Ahoy said...

Weather channel is all, "we told you!" But you don't listen. We (Weather channel) were all over this. We predicted it precisely and well in advance and provided policy suggestions. Like: don't go to school, stay off the roads, prepare the roads best as possible given the trifecta and given the decision to not invest for rare events. We (they) warned! Over and over.

Suggesting heavily they also constantly warn about anthro- climate change. (And they're perfectly willing to fly crews to Pole N and Pole S, to New Zealand, Terra del Fuego, Gibraltar, China, Alaska, Ecuador, New York, and Holland to show you.)

edutcher said...

Hotlanta sees snow so seldom, they have to get out the manuals at Hartsfield to de-ice the planes.

AllenS said...

A light dusting of snow down south isn't their problem. It never is. The problem is that it starts with rain, then the temp goes down and then everything has a coating of ice. That means flat surfaces of roads.

That's a problem. Up here in Wisconsin, when that happens all of these "I know better" are in the ditch of up someone's ass (car).

ricpic said...

If they'd all done what a sensible guy whose car slid down the hill near his home, said "To hell with getting to work," turned around and inched his way home and spent the day inside - I read an entry like that on a blog - well, if they'd all done that rather than tried to prove something about something, there wouldn't have been Snowmageddon.

Amartel said...

They didn't believe their TV's. I get it. I always assume the TV is full of shit. Shut up, TV. TV just wants to keep us glued.

There should be some sort of signal that accompanies TV warnings that are real like "WE'RE SERIOUS, GET OUT OF THERE," or "NOT KIDDING, STAY AT HOME" Maybe a test pattern with an annoyingly long loud beep, like those old radio warnings, followed by pertinent info and warning read out by someone not employed by the TV network.

Methadras said...

Like the typical leftist morons they are, they've had advance warning that this was coming and what did they do? Nothing. They can't blame no one but themselves. Oh and Bush probably.

Icepick said...

Did they think that the only place on the Atlantic coast that had storm surge was Florida?

Yes, yes they did.