Tuesday, January 21, 2014

kind of racist or something, and governors

I read a piece a few weeks ago, off Drudge I think, that was surprising because it stated flatly some European country's longstanding antipathy toward Obama, the latest thing, NSA, added to that antipathy. I forget which country and now I cannot find anything even close to it. (Bulgaria, Bavaria maybe)  The article said it was common knowledge that generally the whole country never did have much fondness for Obama, graffiti provided,  and my first thought upon reading that, the thing that pinged was emotion not thought, but it did have  words for it and words were, "F'k'n racists." 

Kabong. Flat as that. No other reason apparent. And it still isn't. I shocked myself by feeling it.  And hard. After thinking that, feeling it, I looked for a reason within the article and did not see any. 

That is how I get it when someone presumably more responsible and more rational more diplomatic than myself says such a thing. Including Obama. The conservative webosphere was aflutter this week, posts still up, with Obama remarking his poll numbers dip reflect a worsening racist streak among Americans, ridiculous, and each time I catch that I'm reminded of that feeling. It is real. We are stuck with it. That feeling is their whole reality, the whole lot, I think, and nothing you, I, we, anybody, says or does will shake it. Forever. It does answer everything. By feel. 

There honestly is no reason to examine the many seemingly petty reasons raised, no matter how Constitutionally dire, when flat wet blanket racism covers everything. That is what the first epiphany held.  It does sound stupid now writing  it out like this, but it was fully felt, backwards like that, a jolt by parallax provided by a new view of reacting emotionally to a European country's sorry-ass inexplicably bad attitude. It was an immediate and intense feeling. You had to be there. 

So there's that.

Two.  Governors are small. This one really got me. The same way, on an emotional level.  The dreadful penny dropped when governor-related things happened at once. 

Prefaced by this. I knew a fellow who made the news through his volunteer work raising surprisingly delightfully large sums for charity. Over a few years he worked out a system of collecting as he worked a usual job involving large rotations of clients and he turned in actual dollars at the end of the drive not just pledges as the other fund raisers do, there was a competitive edge to it. His reason: laziness. he didn't want to go back and collect. He wanted it over with each year. His individual sums surpassed corporate-matched group sums and he received a good citizen award from the governor for all that. Romer at the time. I went with him to Romer's office for a small ceremony. (By chance. Ended up touring the dome structure with him. The two of us flew around the whole place. It's like Hitchcock's Saboteur in there, the double dome of the capitol, between domes, through one, and outside at the top. The whole mountain range is described on the stone parapet. I know the top secret door on mezzanine level to the 19th century industrial metal steps the weave between the beams supporting the dome. The door with the sign on it STEPS TO THE UPPER DOME)  That is where he got hooked on television cameras, at the governor's office. He discovered a fondness for television cameras and developed an annoying proclivity for going to them at public events. When he sees a television camera it becomes a magnet pulling him away from us like a cartoon stretching his body away like the wavy lines of alluring aroma from a cartoon pie. A fast habit that was just as quickly ridiculed. A weakness. A smallness. 

Broncos win the Conference. Hurray. Go Broncos. And everyone is excited at the peak of it and everyone has something to say about  the whole thing and of course the governor is there too, "Hey look, a camera."

"Well, I guess I have to buy my buddy-governor a hamburger because before the game we were, we just made a bet that if…" 

Yeah, it's all about you and what you were doing and how you tangentially relate to the game. I clicked over to other post-game revelries  and within a minute there he is again, click, same thing agan. Camera, to camera, to camera, I'm seeing, after the game. What else is a governor wandering around by himself post Conference game to do? Seek a camera and talk about himself. Small. And the contrast between the gladiator types and the governor types is stark. 

I heard Cuomo. I heard a man stuff a quite lot of straw there into an old flannel shirt and take a potshot at his propped up scarecrow. Small in suggesting which portion of citizenry he does not feel comfortable governing. The feeling undoubtedly mutual all around. What was the intent of all that, to drive real people off, make real people feel his real discomfort? Invite extreme conservatives to take up a challenge in New York? 


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The Dude said...
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KCFleming said...

1. Once stated, the racism accusation just sits there like a cat, staring at you. No point to it. Does nothing. Fixes nothing. Solves nothing.

In the US it may have once been useful to change hearts, now it merely demands payback. It hardens the heart, and turns citizens against each other. Balkanization.

2. Hannity is leaving New York, not only because of Cuomo, but that was the last straw. it will slowly go the way of Detroit as corporate folks drift away.

Couldn't happen? Detroit is now smaller than it was in 1920.

A recemnt shock to me was how CNN (CNN!) covered the Haiti-ization of Detroit, but secretly, on a food show. Devastating visuals.
Anthony Bourdain Parts Unknown: Detroit

I see the future of NYC there, now that they have gone full commie.

The Dude said...
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KCFleming said...

See, Crack?
I don't get your point at all.

Nothing, nothing can pay anyone back for their suffering.

Nothing can recompense sin. Not money, not revenge, not tables turned.

It just leads to more of the same.

The only thing that fixes things is forgiveness, and moving on.

"Then Peter came up and said to him, “Lord, how often will my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? As many as seven times?” Jesus said to him, “I do not say to you seven times, but seventy-seven times."

Guildofcannonballs said...

I went outside to throw my dog the ball and heard a lot of hootin' and hollerin' and it was terrific.

Hick is in ads ALL THE TIME for himself.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Whites died for blacks in the Civil War (as you will always remind us) and then got tired and rode with the Klan for the next 100 years.

I'm not an expert on KKK statistics but I'm pretty sure most Americans did not ride with the Klan for the next 100 years.

For one thing, where did they get so many horses and where are the horses descendants?

I'm skeptical.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Pogo is dead is alive ;)

Guildofcannonballs said...

Crack is surrounded by leftists, at least in his mind, and they did ride with the Klan or become the Grand Kleagle aka Bobby Byrd.

Think of all the poor black children in W.V. that could have used an apple when Bobby was building his bridges and roads and buildings and monuments to himself instead.

It is disgusting, just like Terry McAullife today.

Fucking Democrats. Never changes.

Oh, and great post Chip!

Unknown said...

Perhaps his sinking poll numbers relate to the NSA spying, (remember when Obama was against GWB's evil spying? Out the window.) Obama's promises that "If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan. Period." while millions get health care pink slips and now are forced to buy more expensive coverage.
The Benghazi disaster and cover-up and full-on lack of responsibility. Hillary should be disgraced. Obama joked about the IRS targeting his enemies and lone behold, they did. The dreadful economy and high unemployment especially among the very youth that supported him. Go back even farther to Solyndra and all the money pumped into bogus crony payback projects. The money waste is breath-taking. The big parties. The golfing.

But ignore all of that. It is just a diversion from your racism,
You silly KKK slave owning racists.

Guildofcannonballs said...

What happens if you throw $500 million into Detroit by giving it to enterprising citizens engaged in productive activities instead of giving it to solar companies?

Obama is racist so we don't know what would happen. Since Obama is racist, we can't compare apples to apples here.

Michael Haz said...

Where were we? Oh, right, Chip's post.

The former Soviet bloc Eastern European countries don't like Obama. And not because of his skin color.

The animus is for two reasons: First, Obama has dismantled the American weapons systems, missiles, mostly, that protected the former Soviet states from attack or invasion form Putin's Russia. Putin now uses their lack of defense and a defender nation to manipulate those nations into doing what he wants.

Second: People in the former Soviet states hate Socialism and Communism because they and to live under it. They see Obama as supporting it, and slowly imposing it on America.

The Crack Emcee said...

See, Crack?
I don't get your point at all.

Nothing, nothing can pay anyone back for their suffering.

Nothing can recompense sin. Not money, not revenge, not tables turned.

So you throw your hands up and say wander amongst us as we take vacations, etc. - there's nothing we can do for you.

Good plan, Pogo.

Not as good as hanging with the likes of Sixty Grit to not look racist (good luck with that) but not bad.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Anytime you've got one of those domes, you want to see if you can hear people's conversations over on the other side.

The Crack Emcee said...

April Apple,

"Perhaps his sinking poll numbers relate to the NSA spying,…"

And perhaps the Republicans declining numbers are because they look racist.

I don't expect a racist like you, AA, to notice,...

The Crack Emcee said...

NotquiteunBuckley said...
Crack is surrounded by leftists, at least in his mind, and they did ride with the Klan or become the Grand Kleagle aka Bobby Byrd.

No, I'm with you ignorant rednecks - you fit the racist bill good enough.

You don't even have to work at it, which is part of the fun,...

The Dude said...
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The Crack Emcee said...


What happens if you throw $500 million into Detroit by giving it to enterprising citizens engaged in productive activities instead of giving it to solar companies?

You know, I used to buy that, too - but to hear it when you say it, it sounds so much like "That nigger's not listening to us!" I don't care what he does.

Since you'll never be reasonable, I just want to hear you scream,...

The Crack Emcee said...

Sixty Grit said...
Crack, if "racist" is all you have, well good luck with that. You don't know me, you don't know my relatives, you don't know what's in my soul.

Sixty, you don't have a soul,...

The Dude said...

...says the committed atheist!

KCFleming said...

"So you throw your hands up and say ... there's nothing we can do for you."

There isn't.
People have to want to improve themselves. That's how it works.

The key difference between peoples worldwide, in terms of success and happiness, is a cultural predisposition for having a long-term or future orientation. This includes the ability to delay gratification.

Second is parenting that emphasizes this, and wants the next generation to do better than themselves, and therefore demands training and/or education.

No one can "give" these to someone else. And money is not a substitute. Instead, it may worsen things.

Unknown said...

Why on earth would you want to hang around us then, Crack? If we are all hopeless racists, wouldn't you want to spend your time obsessing over something more useful?

Meade said...

“There is a historic connection between some of the arguments that we have politically and the history of race in our country, and sometimes it’s hard to disentangle those issues,” he went on. “You can be somebody who, for very legitimate reasons, worries about the power of the federal government—that it’s distant, that it’s bureaucratic, that it’s not accountable—and as a consequence you think that more power should reside in the hands of state governments. But what’s also true, obviously, is that philosophy is wrapped up in the history of states’ rights in the context of the civil-rights movement and the Civil War and Calhoun. There’s a pretty long history there. And so I think it’s important for progressives not to dismiss out of hand arguments against my Presidency or the Democratic Party or Bill Clinton or anybody just because there’s some overlap between those criticisms and the criticisms that traditionally were directed against those who were trying to bring about greater equality for African-Americans. The flip side is I think it’s important for conservatives to recognize and answer some of the problems that are posed by that history, so that they understand if I am concerned about leaving it up to states to expand Medicaid that it may not simply be because I am this power-hungry guy in Washington who wants to crush states’ rights but, rather, because we are one country and I think it is going to be important for the entire country to make sure that poor folks in Mississippi and not just Massachusetts are healthy.” http://www.newyorker.com/reporting/2014/01/27/140127fa_fact_remnick?currentPage=all&mobify=0

What's wrong with that? It's well said. And true.

Sarah Palin played the Stop-Playing-The-Racecard card. Which is the same as the Shut-Up-About-Race-Because-The-History-Of-Race-In-Our-Country-Makes-Me-Uncomfortable card.

She should stop playing that card. Republicans and conservatives, if only for the sake of saving themselves from political oblivion, should stop playing that card.

It's divisive. And its divisiveness hardens hearts as it offers convenient vectors for replicating the viruses of racism.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

(1) The other day at Home Depot the Muzak was playing "Only the Good Die Young," by Billy Joel. This Jamaican guy who worked there was singing along and dancing, having himself a blast. I thought to myself, "Back when this song was a big hit, I was in high school and you weren't even born yet."

In all fairness to the guy, it is a pretty catchy, upbeat tune. I had a guitar amplifier with a brightness knob or switch or something ("Brite?") and listening to that song it was as if some recording engineer during the final mix had turned up the brightness to 11.

(2) Anyway, some things get me in touch with my inner prude and that song is one of those things. Fuck your parents. Fuck your religion. Let me fuck you because I'm a bad boy and sin is fun and then you'll be dead.

(3) The song is actually even uglier in its particulars than that but you all know what I'm talking about. Adding a layer of subtext is the Jewish guy wanting to practice on the Catholic virgin.

(4) Hey, at least Billy Joel isn't some Jamaican black guy working at Home Depot.

Aridog said...

Uh, back to Chip's other topic of "Governors"...WTF is it with Gov Cuomo and the expensive television advertisement campaign by the state of New York about Tax Free Zones ... whihc aren't actually tax free as the advertisements claims (for 10 years for start up firms) over and over again.

Unknown said...

Aridog- It's a gimmick.
New York has some of the highest combined taxation in the nation. This is just way to fake people out.

Meade said...

" The flip side is I think it’s important for conservatives to recognize and answer some of the problems that are posed by that history […]"

What's wrong with that? And isn't that about the same thing Crack is saying, asking, provoking you to ask yourself, through his blog, only in a different style?

You might not like Crack's unique style (which, by the way, is not "racist", as chickenlittle has tried to suggest) but how can anyone possibly look at American social issues today without recognizing the continuing role played by the horror and terror - the remnants of a racial ideology which allowed, over hundreds of years of our country's history, for forced labor, slavery, and trafficking of human beings, codified into law, simply because those enslaved human beings were identified as belonging to a different "race" of our species?

Michael Haz said...


Whatever Billy Joel did or didn't do, it's all forgiven because he opened a garage housing his motorcycle collection.

20th Century Cycles.

He'll sit and talk with you about motorcycles if you stop by, and has been known to loan his mechanics to riders who show up with broken rides.

Aridog said...

What's wrong with that? It's well said. And true

What is true about it? The individual historical facts, or the self-serving interpretation by Obama, and his scribe as well. Here is the whole article that you only partially linked.

Let's start at the beginning...just what is that portrait photo of him in front of a painting supposed to represent? Our past? Whose past? Mine, Yours? His? What?

Leland said...

What's wrong with that?

It is an assumption about the motives of others. If it is well said and true, then it is nothing more than the assumptions made about his motives. So I guess his dissenters are also speaking well and telling the truth.

If you really want to study the history of the states, and discuss the racism within; shouldn't you mention that until very recently states like Mississippi were run by Democrats? Do you know when the first Republican since reconstruction won the gubernatorial race in Mississippi? The answer was 1992. Before that, you have to go back to 1871.

Democrats ran the political machine for a century in the deep south. Through all the periods that modern progressives complain about now: The Civil Rights Movement, the Civil War, and Calhoun. It's amazing how quickly this is forgotten. How people that claim to be intelligent don't know this simple fact.

Maybe Democrats should stop lying about the history that is so well written and easily verified? Maybe the should remember that Jefferson Davis started his political career as a Democrat Senator in Mississippi.

Aridog said...

...how can anyone possibly look at American social issues today without recognizing the continuing role played by the horror and terror - the remnants of a racial ideology which allowed, over hundreds of years of our country's history, for forced labor, slavery, and trafficking of human beings, codified into law, simply because those enslaved human beings were identified as belonging to a different "race" of our species?

Okay, let's cut the bullshit rhetoric. You are both, in effect, making a statement of history and demanding something in the present. Define precisely your demand...the generalities solve nothing.

Be clear...and define exactly what it is you want from the USA of today and how you would accomplish it?

If you can't do that the rest of your stuff is mere drivel. You who knows so much about the civil rights movement (just ask you) were never part of it.

Unknown said...

Excellent points, Leland. But remember the left erase historical facts and replace them with their own self-serving crap.

Faux narratives trump reality.

They hang plaques honoring Abraham Lincoln as a democrat.

The fact that Abraham Lincoln was a Republican cannot be tolerated.

Leland said...

how can anyone possibly look at American social issues today without recognizing the continuing role played by the horror and terror - the remnants of a racial ideology which allowed, over hundreds of years of our country's history, for forced labor, slavery, and trafficking of human beings, codified into law, simply because those enslaved human beings were identified as belonging to a different "race" of our species?

I don't know. Why don't you tell us how you managed to not recognize the actual history? Who was responsible for what, and who fought to change it?

What Party supported Slavery during the Civil War? What Party elected a Grand Kleagle to the Senate until he was its longest serving member? What Party introduced the Poll Tax? These questions all have the same answer. Yet the people who have stood opposed to this party are racists? Why would you think this?

KCFleming said...

".. but how can anyone possibly look at American social issues today without..."

Blah blah blah.

That postmodern deconstruction interpretive dance mindset is completely played out.

That dog don't hunt anymore; it's deader than Monty Python's parrot.

I say fuck that hairshirt-donning approach.

Might as well ask me to continually and relentlessly apologize for Spain taking the Americas from the Indians and Mexicans, or Rome invading everything.

It never fucking ends, that blaming approach.
And I say the hell with it.

Meade said...

Leland, wasn't there a split in the Democratic party - the segregationist Dixiecrats went one way, and the modern pro-equal rights wing of the party went another?

Meade said...

"Human rights are not only violated by terrorism, repression or assassination, but also by unfair economic structures that creates huge inequalities."

Soften you hardened heart and you may hear Jesus.

Aridog said...

I repeat, for the pair of you who are making the "Republican racism at fault" argument:

Be clear...and define exactly what it is you want from the USA of today and how you would accomplish it?

WTF...can't you manage that? Why?

The Crack Emcee said...

Pogo is Dead said...
"So you throw your hands up and say ... there's nothing we can do for you."

There isn't.
People have to want to improve themselves. That's how it works.

Said like a slaver - you do the work.

And you get the spoils.

Great plan.

KCFleming said...

Pope Francis is not the sharpest of economic bulbs.

His general statement is broad and bland enough to permit plausible deniablity that he is pointing to any one particular economic system, but he tends toward socialsim, which other popes have rightly called a great evil.

And just like your use of BS demands for my hairshirting because 450,000 blacks were slaves in the US, pretending you or the Pope has any idea what economic system Jesus demands of us in this life is utter nonsense.

You do not speak of Jesus, it seems me, because you believe in him, but because I do. And that is an Alinsky tactic.

Correct me if I am wrong.

The Crack Emcee said...

April Apple said...
Why on earth would you want to hang around us then, Crack? If we are all hopeless racists, wouldn't you want to spend your time obsessing over something more useful?

April, who said I wanted to hang with you? I don't even know you - you just showed up one day spouting racist shit. If you said a black person knocked you out, I'd laugh. That's how appealing you are to me.

Now Lem, on the other hand, is interesting,...

KCFleming said...

"Said like a slaver - you do the work. And you get the spoils."

No, it is how entrepreneurs get rich. It's how Mom and Pop grocery stores turned into national chains. How garage businesses became multinational corporations.

You are using words that are purely Marxist economics (the labor theory of value), ideas that have been repeatedly proven wrong.

The Crack Emcee said...

I could've sworn the Right started year admitting it had a racial problem.

It didn't occur to me the racists thought the problem was everyone else,...

Leland said...

wasn't there a split in the Democratic party - the segregationist Dixiecrats went one way, and the modern pro-equal rights wing of the party went another?

Really? If you believe that explains everything, then perhaps you can explain Robert Byrd's election to the House as a Democrat in 1952? 4 years after the Dixiecrat movement began and ended in 1948? And since the Dixicrats lost their bid in 1947, and you claim the party was now pro-equal rights; why did it take two more decades to end the Jim Crow laws enacted by Democrats? Prohibition didn't even last that long. Further, you do realize which Party, in terms of majority of members, actually voted for the Voting Rights Act that effectively ended the remnants of Jim Crow laws?

Rabel said...

"Sarah Palin played the Stop-Playing-The-Racecard card. Which is the same as the Shut-Up-About-Race-Because-The-History-Of-Race-In-Our-Country-Makes-Me-Uncomfortable card."

No, it's not.

This lady has a better understanding of the problem:

"There could be a serious and valuable inquiry into widespread and largely unconscious racism in American society, but the cheap use of the term "racist" for political gain pushes that inquiry out of reach."

Althouse warning!!!

Aridog said...

"...unfair economic structures that creates huge inequalities."

I'm from Detroit. Explain to me how this applies to Detroit, where every bit of governance has been in the majority hands for 40 years, with ample funding via Ford, Fisher, Taubman, Gilbert, Illitch et al.

Boo Hoo: the mean old Japanese and Chinese did us in? Or fucking what?

Could it have been a accomplished "divider" who set out on day one to divide a city ...and succeeded. Now all that is left in the main are the poor black families that can't get out...everyone who could, white or black, already has moved to Southfield, Farmington, Farmington Hills (where in my lifetime there were binding deed covenants against blacks and Jews)...leaving a few younger professionals to populate the renovated buildings along Woodward Avenue where they pay rents twice any other locale with a 100 mile radius. My daughter is one of them...she is not 100% white, what the fuck is she doing wrong?

Her boss, who is black, and who she trained, earns in well in to 6 figures, just as she does, otherwise they'd not be able to afford the rent in the ghetto. They are friends, enough so that we all see each other twice a month minimum...I am the only "Old Dude" in the group.

You got some real hot god damn great ideas...spell them out and shove this philosophizing up your ass.

God Damn this bullshit pisses me off almost as much as witnessing black men and women have to step off the sidewalk, in deference to white folks, in Memphis when I was 18 and passing through.

Where the fuck were all y'all back then?

Unknown said...

Crack said..

"If you said a black person knocked you out, I'd laugh.

Leland said...

who said I wanted to hang with you? I don't even know you - you just showed up one day spouting racist shit.

It's called an assumption (see Meade, he makes them too). I presume it was made because you keep coming back here, calling the people here racist, and then keep hanging around the thread. I know I don't know you either but to me; I see the one who entered the thread today spouting racist shit.

Maybe you could try discussing your points with AriDog. He has asked nicely and made no comment about your political motives. He seems to want to move past the demagoguery and discuss solutions.

Meade said...

"You do not speak of Jesus, it seems me, because you believe in him, but because I do."

Well at least, in that case - and I will take you at your word - you also believe that I, too, am a child of God.

KCFleming said...

"No they don't - they start with n****** and slaves and build on that. "

Oprah, Michael Jordan, P. Diddy, Kanye West, Michael Jackson, Beats by Dre.

They built their empires on slaves?

The Crack Emcee said...

Pogo is Dead,

You are using words that are purely Marxist economics (the labor theory of value), ideas that have been repeatedly proven wrong.

Don't you get it? You're racists - nobody cares. We'll suck Satan's cock to - finally - make you stop. Because you won't on your own - you said so yourself.

So fuck you. That's the point. I can't have even a fair shot at the life I want?

Fine - nobody does. Live for the moment.

Why complain about The Knockout Game? Nothing matters, right? Nothing can be done. SORRY.

Our hearts have "hardened" to you

KCFleming said...

"...that I, too, am a child of God."

True; I reject the sin and not the sinner.

And I also reject when the Devil (or Alinsky) uses the Word against me, to claim hypocrisy on my part.

I simply don't accept that crap anymore.

Trooper York said...

I did have a question for them. Since they are black and claim to be Jewish shouldn't they just punch themselves in the face.

Sort of a Knock Out game of Solitaire.

Meade said...

"Sort of what happens at Crack's site every day."

Trooper York reads the Macho Response every day. Who knew?

KCFleming said...

"That's the point. I can't have even a fair shot at the life I want? "

Of course you can.
But I cannot give it to you.

The Crack Emcee said...

Althouse warning!!!

Yeah, she's a regular MLK,...

The Crack Emcee said...

I see the one who entered the thread today spouting racist shit.

Leland, the rest of us started together at Althouse.

You and April are guests/interlopers

The Crack Emcee said...

Pogo is Dead said...
"No they don't - they start with n****** and slaves and build on that. "

Oprah, Michael Jordan, P. Diddy, Kanye West, Michael Jackson, Beats by Dre.

They built their empires on slaves?

Yes - the shoulders of their ancestors

The Crack Emcee said...

Leland said...
"you really are a racist bitch."

I'm not sure who is or isn't racist, but I can see who is bringing the hate and is a misogynist.

Ooooh, I'm so moved by this words. Go watch the white women mistreat everyone in 12 Years a Slave and then tell me how much I should worry about offending white American sensibilities.

Hate! Misogyny!

Your own racism - your only historical desire is to shut-up or shame a black - makes both pale by comparison,...

Leland said...

Crack, I know you from Althouse. But now you are here. And you've been quiet for some time, but today; you are cussing out everyone, and refusing coversation with people trying to have a more calm and rational discussion. It might be your style, but the style is not supporting your point.

Trooper York said...

It is interesting about how people who claim to be inclusive and preach tolerance are the first to want to exclude people from the discussion or in fact their state.

To get back to the one of the points in Chips thought provoking post is the Andrew Cuomo said there was no room for conservatives who believe in pro-life, anti-gay marriage or the Second Amendment. Cuomo said there was no room for them in New York State and they should get out. Much as some blogs will flush out the conservatives who stand for something and won't back down.

These liberals are always trying to pull this shit.

It won't work here Crack. Everyone should be welcome to voice their opinion without editing by flying monkeys of political correctness.

The Crack Emcee said...

You can't fix crazy.

Oh, but whites created it! Drove them crazy.

But they don't want to fix it.

They say they can't, the poor babies - the white man finally found something he can't do:

Fix what he breaks.

Fuck you, you racist bitches.

chickelit said...

Trooper said: Sort of a Knock Out game of Solitaire.


I'd laugh at that!

Leland said...

Ooooh, I'm so moved by this words. Go watch the white women mistreat everyone in 12 Years a Slave and then tell me how much I should worry about offending white American sensibilities.

So that's it? You watched a movie, and now everyone of a certain skin color needs to be mistreated?

You act in a previous comment that you don't know me, and now you write this about me:
"Your own racism - your only historical desire is to shut-up or shame a black - makes both pale by comparison,..."

Provide the evidence to support that claim. And no, you can't point to a movie that has nothing to do with my history and falsely claim that it is my history.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

I honestly don't understand why these discussions get so fraught.

Taunting Crack with "knockout" game BS seems pointlessly hostile but Crack doesn't help his case either with some of his own attacks.

There is still a lot of racism in the US, probably will be for as long as the union stands. Why is that so hard to acknowledge? Blacks got totally screwed both by slavery and Jim Crow and are still getting screwed on a less systematic basis. Native American's got screwed as did Australian aboriginals and currently the Tibetans are getting screwed. Humans are an unlovely bunch.

Why not acknowledge this?

Trooper York said...

Sometimes you don't want to fix it. Sometimes enough is enough. It's not worth it. It can't be fixed. So you know what you do?

You throw it away.

Because it is a worthless broken piece of shit.

Harsh but true.

Keep it real yo.

chickelit said...

Did Bullshit Connor have an imitable voice?

The Crack Emcee said...

Leland said...
Crack, I know you from Althouse. But now you are here. And you've been quiet for some time, but today; you are cussing out everyone, and refusing coversation with people trying to have a more calm and rational discussion. It might be your style, but the style is not supporting your point.

There is no "calm and rational discussion" with racists.

Tell Nelson Mandela what calm and rational discussion gets you.

No - you treat them the way they want to be treated - stubbornly. Oprah said they have to die - and the behavior, here, says she's right. Treat them like racists:

Call them racists and don't stop until they do. Drive them to their graves hearing it. Don't negotiate. Don't give in. Don't temper your views.


The Crack Emcee said...

White people are the ones who ought to be doing it.

The Crack Emcee said...

AReasonableMan said...
I honestly don't understand why these discussions get so fraught.

Taunting Crack with "knockout" game BS seems pointlessly hostile but Crack doesn't help his case either with some of his own attacks.

None of you understand fighting fire with fire, do you?

Fioghting racism with racism?

You're really not that bright - for white people.

I heard you were "clever"

The Crack Emcee said...

Keep it real yo.

Somebody's going to knock you out - or shoot you in your store - and I'm going to howl like it's Christmas in aFRICA.

Rabel said...

Crack said:

"Althouse warning!!!

Yeah, she's a regular MLK,..."

My work here is done.

chickelit said...

Taunting Crack with "knockout" game BS seems pointlessly hostile but Crack doesn't help his case either with some of his own attacks.

Crack speaks in blobs--blobs of stereo-typefont with individuals embedded within. He coats and surrounds his personal attacks with words like "whites" and "blacks" like so many squishy blobs of generality. For me, Crack is the type of guy you want to address specifically, like a tumor and not the whole organism.

chickelit said...

The Crack Emcee said...
White people are the ones who ought to be doing it.

Exhibit A, your honor.

Trooper York said...

It is not up to white people to fix black peoples problems. We don't own them. That has gone out of style so to speak.

You have to fix your own problems. By education. By hard work. By not complaining and bitching and crying woe is me instead as working as hard as your average chinaman.

Black people are not owned by white people who force them to do all the work like they did back in slave days.

That is what Mexicans are for.

Trooper York said...

If that new Bachelor guy was not making fun of gay people he would say that is racist.

Leland said...

I honestly don't understand why these discussions get so fraught.

It is amazing. I too thought the taunt was a bad, but the response is telling.

I don't think it is hard to acknowledge that blacks were mistreated. Slavery is wrong, then and now. Jim Crow was distructive. I find it very easy to say these things. Yet now, because someone watched a movie; I supposedly have a history of racism. Should I go watch "Ride Along" (the top grossing movie of last weekend) and make assumptions about people's history?

Aridog said...

Hey Meade...I've asked for a concrete plan to resolve this "racist debate" where one side says you must admit it and do soemthing...but can''t manage to say what "something" is to be done.

So here, you little man, is a concrete proposal by Rep John Conyers (D-MI) ... not a new one either as it dates back to 1989.

Tell me how & what you think about Rep. Conyers' HR 40 and how you believe it will improve relations per se? Or do you disagree?

I've met Rep Conyers, he was my Congressman for years, and he has served me, personally, well. I respect him.

Doesn't mean I agree or disagree with him on everything...for example, I think his 4 Million number of American slaves is a error of compounding. The number doesn't make the case, the deeds do...isn't that what you and Crack are saying?

So lacking a better specific plan, because you have none and you know it, discuss this one.

The Crack Emcee said...

chickenlittle said...
Crack speaks in blobs--blobs of stereo-typefont with individuals embedded within. He coats and surrounds his personal attacks with words like "whites" and "blacks" like so many squishy blobs of generality.

And he's mimicking the people around him.

"Blacks" are playing the knockout game, are they not?

Well "whites" are complaining about it.

Call me whenever you see "kids" or "Americans"

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

The Crack Emcee said...
There is no "calm and rational discussion" with racists.

I don't disagree with this in the sense that some people's responses are irrationally hostile, but pick your battles. Why take on everyone? There are a range of views here, it is not a perfectly homogeneous monolithic 'white' site.

The Crack Emcee said...

I love, chicken little, how you keep playing dumb to what I do,

Blacks are topic A on this site.

Whites are topic A on mine.


Unknown said...

I apologize. I was not trying to taunt Crack.
I happen to really have a problem with the way the media portray events and how that portrayal can be a destructive force in our culture.

I look around and I see all this rage. I am genuinely concerned where it originates.
In any case, I won't bring it up again. I guess the topic is too verboten.

Leland said...

I'll be careful to make this a claim about my very own thoughts, so here goes: I associate comments like this with genocide:

Call them racists and don't stop until they do. Drive them to their graves hearing it. Don't negotiate. Don't give in. Don't temper your views.


I can't imagine what it would take for me to have hate like this. I'm simply glad I don't have it. I wish I could help others get over hate like this.

chickelit said...

Crack wrote:

Blacks are topic A on this site.

Whites are topic A on mine.


Exhibit B, your honor. This is Crack's trial and tribulation -- not "blacks" or "whites."

The Crack Emcee said...

AReasonableMan said...
The Crack Emcee said...
There is no "calm and rational discussion" with racists.

I don't disagree with this in the sense that some people's responses are irrationally hostile, but pick your battles. Why take on everyone? There are a range of views here, it is not a perfectly homogeneous monolithic 'white' site.

No it's not -it's racists and those who love them.

No it's not -it's racists and those who will sit by and let them bad mouth blacks.

No it's not -it's racists and those who let them twist history.

No it's not -it's racists and those,...

The Crack Emcee said...

Is that the "reasonable" approach you think I should cool for?

And how about all the concern for whites in South Africa I've heard here?

Where were you guys in the fight for black South Africans?

So much concern for the bad guys - in another country!

You'd be all concerned for the Nazis.


Michael Haz said...
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Trooper York said...

You can't win with a crazy person. The topic of this site is not race. Race posts might be one in twenty. There are tons of posts about other stuff like motorbikes or food or how to make a tube in Photoshop.

Of course then Crack shows up and screams why aren't we talking about race. It is just crazy.

Oh and one other thing. The guy arrested for punching a 78 year old grandmother in the head because she was Jewish is thirty five years old.

Not a kid.

Stop with the bullshit.

chickelit said...

@Crack: Someone could write a simple algorithm to replace "black" and "white" in practically everything you write here. But we can't write one to replace "Crack" with its antipode because an individual is at the heart of it.

That's how trivial and predictable you've become. If you're such an artist as Meade insists, get original!

Aridog said...

Crack...I have repeatedly asked on this thread for a concrete specific proposal on what is to be done and who needs to do it and how. I don't expect the Lawn Boy to have any ideas, he sucks hind teat for a living, but I would have hoped you would.

Then you grandly include me in your No it's not -it's racists and those who love them....No it's not -it's racists and those who will sit by and let them bad mouth blacks.


I put up Congressman Conyers' HR40 for one specific proposal. What do you think of it? Be specific.

The Crack Emcee said...

chickenlittle said...
@Crack: Someone could write a simple algorithm to replace "black" and "white" in practically everything you write here. But we can't write one to replace "Crack" with its antipode because an individual is at the heart of it.

That's how trivial and predictable you've become. If you're such an artist as Meade insists, get original!

That's the game - you guys went off on blacks - I'm now calling you whites.

Be original yourself.

Try thinking of blacks as human - it's a start.

The Crack Emcee said...

Aridog said...
Crack...I have repeatedly asked on this thread for a concrete specific proposal on what is to be done and who needs to do it and how. I don't expect the Lawn Boy to have any ideas, he sucks hind teat for a living, but I would have hoped you would.







chickelit said...

That's the game - you guys went off on blacks - I'm now calling you whites

My read is that people "went off" on Crack -- not "blacks."

Deal with it in those terms.

Leland said...

In any case, I won't bring it up again. I guess the topic is too verboten.

I guess Crack got April to shutup.

chickelit said...

April is not the bad apple here.

Leland said...


Now Ari needs to shutup too?

Michael Haz said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I'm calling a Palladian at this point. What is the point?
I don't want to be misconstrued.

I don't harbor hate and rage for Crack. I just feel sadness.

Trooper York said...

I was a Boy Scout so I am always prepared.

I am not worried Crackie but thanks for the good thoughts and best wishes.

You are really showing your ass today. Maybe you should take some pain pills and go watch the View or something.

Whoopie will make you feel all warm and tingly inside.

chickelit said...

I don't harbor hate and rage for Crack. I just feel sadness.

Nor do I. I'm just calling BS on his methods.

Leland said...

The Right said they were going to fix this shit - they didn't.

Sounds like something a member of the TEA Party would write.

Trooper York said...

You can't hate crazy.

You can only pity it.

The Crack Emcee said...


The whites of south africa will be just fine - they stole enough - and if they aren't o.k., well a bunch of you racists believe in karma, so there you go.

Enjoy the rape.

Leland said...

I almost want to capture a few lines and send them off to a psychologists:

Call them racists and don't stop until they do. Drive them to their graves hearing it. Don't negotiate. Don't give in. Don't temper your views.


I do not expect them to wise up. They're racists. They have to convince themselves.

I think we are finally getting back to Chip's original post: "Kabong. Flat as that. No other reason apparent. And it still isn't. I shocked myself by feeling it. And hard. After thinking that, feeling it, I looked for a reason within the article and did not see any."

Yeah, I'm failing to miss the reasoning. I usually disagree with ARM, but I think he too is missing the reasoning.

Michael Haz said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Leland said...

Take your paranoid delusions somewhere else.

April, Ari, now Mike too?

What should we call someone that has a history of trying to shutup and shame the white?

Trooper York said...

There is no reason in crazy.

It is just crazy.

Just like the Mother Ship that is going to come pick up the believers.

You know cult stuff.

That's what Crack peddles.

It is reverse ju-jitsu stuff. Crazy I tell you. Just plain crazy.

The Crack Emcee said...

It is reverse ju-jitsu stuff. Crazy I tell you. Just plain crazy.

Against ju-jitsu.

Which, of course, you deny doing.

So fuck you.

The Crack Emcee said...

tell us a racist joke, troop.

The Crack Emcee said...

hey, everybody, trooper collects racist jokes!

gather 'round as he keeps us in stitches at how funny we drakes are.

Go on, troop, tell us another one.

Trooper York said...

Hey I am not against ju-jitsu.

Everyone knows that karate is an ancient form of marital arts.

Judo is what they use too make bagels.

I love bagels.

Trooper York said...

But you know my favorite racist joke of all time?

That would be you Crack.

You are endlessly amusing.

If a little sad.

Sort of like Emmett Kelly. A sad clown.

chickelit said...

My advice to you Crack is to get a job -- any job. I have to leave in a bit to go to clock into mine.

I just wrote an email to the chemistry teacher I've been helping saying that I can't volunteer this week because of work conflicts. You could try volunteering too. Use your talents.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

April is not the bad apple here.

I agree with that.

Palladian said...

Oh goody, another thread of people arguing with a personality disorder.

Palladian said...

There is no valid scientific or biological definition or justification for the silly old concept of race anyway. Even if there was a reasonable debate opponent here representing the racialist side, it would be a waste of time, just pointless arguing about nothing.

KCFleming said...


Until now, I really harbored some hope for Crack to rally and become a real mensch.

Michael Haz said...
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Michael Haz said...
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Michael Haz said...
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The Crack Emcee said...

Hey, look - I found a GROUP PHOTO of our time together - excellent shot of everybody.

I'm sure everybody was mouthing "nothing racist about it" instead of "cheese" the whole time,...

Trooper York said...

That Chip Ahoy is a big trouble maker.

Setting up post where all this racism can flourish.

Maybe he should stick to pop up cards and posts about his orange pants.

Then Crack won't get all excited and piss himself.

Trooper York said...

It's snowing a lot in Brooklyn so I had to cancel my appointments.

I hate the snow.

Even though it is white.

The Crack Emcee said...

Michael Haz said...
See, the advantage of being a Certified Racist™ is that you can do all kinds of stuff, and it's okay because, hey, you're a racist and that's what racists do.

It's quite liberating.

And, in your case, you don't have to change anything.

See, that's what they all find bizarre about me - I'm different.

You racists are still racists.

Michael Haz said...
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Trooper York said...

Hey photo's are cool.

Here is one of what conservatives think of sad clowns.

Michael Haz said...
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The Crack Emcee said...

I am, Mike, and you'll get yours - I've seen your type my whole life.

You're confident in your racism AKA stupid.

Blind spot a mile wide.

It'll get you. I'd put money on it.

Trooper York said...

Here is a photo of the gang when we had a commenter meet up with the Evil Blogger Lady.

That was the only one Crack could attend. The Evil Blogger Lady was so overcome with emotion her mascara started to run and left a ring around her eye.

Good times.

Trooper York said...

I did tell Palladian that the chaps were a little much.

But he said at least they weren't the leather ones.

So there is that.

Michael Haz said...
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The Dude said...
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Trooper York said...

The one calling everyone else a racist.

Michael Haz said...
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The Crack Emcee said...

Oh - and BTW - in case anybody missed it:

All you bitches who hoped I'd end up homeless, sorry, but I survived.

Don't think a bunch a white people wishing for a black guy's fall because he told you you're wrong didn't affect anything between us.

It's just talk, right, racists?

Michael Haz said...
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Known Unknown said...

I made popcorn. Twice.

This is better than Modern Family, but not All in the Family.

The Dude said...

Wait, Crack is a colored fellow? Why doesn't he ever mention that?

Michael Haz said...
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The Crack Emcee said...

Michael Haz said...
All you bitches who hoped I'd end up homeless, sorry, but I survived

As a Certified Racist™ I find this disappointing.

See? You didn't even have to argue with me. I just copped right to it.


You don't have to change a thing.

The Dude said...

We are paying for your housing, Crack, so consider that your reparations, you pitiful bitch.

And enjoy your government cheese too, you shiftless bastard.

deborah said...

I don't know why Crack the magic black guy is jacking his jaws about race. WTF? Doesn't he realize that woman is the nigger of the world? Jaysus, Crack, you cancerous growth on the ass of the African American community, read some fucking history.

The Dude said...

Back when you were a kid, and the slaves were raising you, Crack, minstrels had to dance and sing and mug in order to get money.

Now you just show up black - bam - free everything.

Such is the decline of the west - we don't even get shuckin' and jivin' in return for our money.

Michael Haz said...
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Trooper York said...

Wouldn't Change a Thing!

Two of Crack's favorite artists.

The Crack Emcee said...

I know history - and even as a joke that's awful:

Frederick Douglas told the feminists to sit down long before Yoko Ono ever popped on the scene.

He did fight for women to get the vote, too - so you owe blacks.

Learn your history.

Michael Haz said...
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The Crack Emcee said...

And, yes, I am enjoying the free food - thanks!

The Crack Emcee said...

Michael Haz said...
Crack, reading Sixty Grit's recent remarks, I suggest you also deem him a Certified Racist™.


200 dollars a month free groceries. Thanks to Sixty.

Now I'm going for rent and a phone!

Amartel said...

"The flip side is I think it’s important for conservatives to recognize and answer some of the problems that are posed by that history, so that they understand if I am concerned about leaving it up to states to expand Medicaid that it may not simply be because I am this power-hungry guy in Washington who wants to crush states’ rights but, rather, because we are one country and I think it is going to be important for the entire country to make sure that poor folks in Mississippi and not just Massachusetts are healthy.”

This is a painfully stupid quote stuck in the middle of a mediocre Teen Beat article about Obama. The Beliebers need their fix. Desperate times. People are starting to realize he's a talentless hack who can't sing or write and has a really unpleasant personality.

Typical ploy; playing the mediator between the two sides, as though he's not fully invested in one side over the other. Also, making a scholarly-sounding historical reference as though 2 can't play at that game. Hey Democrats, history on Line One! (Where you running to, bitches?) If we're all on fire to require political parties to answer for historical abuses then maybe liberals/progressives should recognize and answer the problems posed by the ongoing abuse of federal power. Like how it looks exactly like the use of the power of the IRS which targeted and repeatedly audited MLK and his cohorts and attorneys. (N.B. If MLK was a tea party group, the New York Times would point out that he was, in fact, guilty and paid $500 for trying to steal the government's money.) And listened in on his phone calls and opened his mail. One example of many.

So no, Obama is just a power hungry guy in Washington who wants to crush states' rights. (Fecking inconvenient.) Someone who was actually concerned about "poor folks" throughout the land would not be so blithe about the galactic amount of waste (to say nothing of the infringement upon individual liberties) that is built into top-down one-size-fits-all centralized government ever-expanind unaccountable bureacracy. "Poor folks" are just collateral damage for progressives and the Democratic Party is still the home sweet home of racism, same as it ever was. They just switched horses.
Who falls for this bullshit?
Of course.

The Crack Emcee said...

Just think - without you guys and you insights into race - I'd be out there struggling to be a productive member of society.

What a fool I've been. I mean, you don't care about blacks - why should we care about society?

Thanks for clearing everything up for me, guys.

You're the best bunch of racists, EVAH!

Known Unknown said...

I have this dilemma.

I only like to eat white chocolate Kit Kats. I prefer them to the original brown chocolate Kit Kats. I suppose this could be subtext on my views towards race, but then I realized that I EAT the white chocolate Kit Kats, thus, in effect destroying them.

In my world, there are less white chocolate Kit Kats than brown ones. So I'm performing a sort of candycide on only the white ones.

Hmmm ...

The Crack Emcee said...

Oh yeah, Obama - you expect him to care, too!


Michael Haz said...
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The Crack Emcee said...

Michael Haz said...
What a fool I've been

Well of course you have been, are, and will continue to be, you big silly!

Whatever - as long as you're paying for it.

Conservatives. Boy, you guys really know how to recruit minorities,...

Dust Bunny Queen said...

I only like to eat white chocolate Kit Kats.

Wait!!!! What!!!???

There are white chocolate Kit Kats? Well, at least I gleaned one piece of valuable information from this thread.

The Crack Emcee said...


How's it going in the slave state?

deborah said...

DBQ, stock up on them, because when the rebellion starts, some serious shit's goin' down.

The Crack Emcee said...

deborah said...
DBQ, stock up on them, because when the rebellion starts, some serious shit's goin' down.

She doesn't have to - only white people want the white ones now,...

Dust Bunny Queen said...


How's it going in the slave state?

Not too well. Evidently all the slaves have been taken this year and I am left doing my yard work and cleaning my house all on my own. Oh.....the horror. On the other hand, this spring I hear that there will be a good combination yearling calf and slave auction at the fairgrounds. Right before the destruction derby and bull riding event. It just doesn't get any better than that! Does it.

I guess I'd better start saving my egg money and cleaning out the freezer for that new side of beef and my newest slaves in the spring. Gee I hope the old chicken coop will be adequate for my slaves. Oh well....

It this what you want to hear?

Aridog said...

Amartel ... for the thread win!

Michael Haz said...
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Michael Haz said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Crack Emcee said...

Dust Bunny Queen said...

How's it going in the slave state?

Not too well. Evidently all the slaves have been taken this year and I am left doing my yard work and cleaning my house all on my own. Oh.....the horror.

I agree. Look at this bunch of lazy, shiftless assholes.

you're an improvement.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

No....really. The shortage of slaves is just awful. We are reduced to using Mexicans. They refuse to work for nothing however, so I am forced to shell out $12 an hour for yard and house work. I can hardly enjoy my mint juleps on the deck anymore. What is life coming to?

On the other hand factoring in the cost of housing and feeding, not to mention purchasing in the spring of some slaves.....perhaps I would be better of in a cost benefit sense to just hire the Mexicans. Plus....the Mexicans will go home at night. In addition, they also raise goats in their spare time and have some good prices on those as well as some very nice vegetable gardens and fruit stands to buy from. Goats are very good to eat, provide milk for cheese and keep the brush down in the back acres for nothing. I don't even have to whip them into shape to do the job. They JUST do it. Amazing.a

Hmmmm....maybe I should reconsider my slave purchases this spring? It seems the cost benefit analysis is leaning that way. What do the rest of you racists think?

The Crack Emcee said...

Michael Haz said...

Crack skipped Amartel's comment because of its long paragraphs and good reasoning and stuff.

And I say that as Certified Racist™.

That's the thing about racists - you can ignore them just like they do the problems of blacks.

Don't like ObamaCare - so what? You're racists - nobody listens to you.

Shut down the government - so what? You're racists - nobody listens to you.

Go for the reasoning and all that stuff as much as you want - become orators of the highest order:

You'll be MLK before an empty chapel.

All you guys are doing is solidifying your own demise. Nobody's going to cut YOU a fair deal. Nobody's going to give YOU a break. Your kids are going to be last in everything.

Because you are already - where it counts.

The Crack Emcee said...

Dust Bunny Queen said...
No....really. The shortage of slaves is just awful. We are reduced to using Mexicans. They refuse to work for nothing however, so I am forced to shell out $12 an hour for yard and house work. I can hardly enjoy my mint juleps on the deck anymore. What is life coming to?

On the other hand factoring in the cost of housing and feeding, not to mention purchasing in the spring of some slaves.....perhaps I would be better of in a cost benefit sense to just hire the Mexicans. Plus....the Mexicans will go home at night. In addition, they also raise goats in their spare time and have some good prices on those as well as some very nice vegetable gardens and fruit stands to buy from. Goats are very good to eat, provide milk for cheese and keep the brush down in the back acres for nothing. I don't even have to whip them into shape to do the job. They JUST do it. Amazing.a

Hmmmm....maybe I should reconsider my slave purchases this spring? It seems the cost benefit analysis is leaning that way. What do the rest of you racists think?






Michael Haz said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michael Haz said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Crack Emcee said...

Michael Haz said...
Crack - Where'd you get that photo of my people?

I can only imagine how disappointed they must be. When they gave up your ancestors, my people had such high hopes that your ancestors would have future generations of people who made good use of their new freedom to become educated, productive contributors to society.

Naw - you called us "lazy niggers" too long.

we said fuck it.

The Crack Emcee said...

Michael Haz said...
You're racists - nobody listens to you.

But you are listening, else you wouldn't respond.

It bothers me that you might, deep down, actually need us.

no, michael, I don't listen to you - I'm waiting for you

Michael Haz said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Crack Emcee said...

It bothers me that you might, deep down, actually need us.

wow -that's funny:

you can only get 5 blacks to vote with you, but you're so arrogant you think we need you.


The Crack Emcee said...

that's the basis for racism right there

Trooper York said...

Actually Thomas Jefferson did fuck it. Or them. Whatever.

He was always the worst of our founding fathers.

Trooper York said...

Don't look to conservatives to defend Massa Tom.

You know who should be your hero Crack?

George Jefferson.

Trooper York said...

Oh and one other thing.

If we could get five blacks together we would have a basketball team. Just sayn'

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

'Pogo is dead' came to life and was dead on.

Way back he said...

1. Once stated, the racism accusation just sits there like a cat, staring at you. No point to it. Does nothing. Fixes nothing. Solves nothing.

Trooper York said...

Well occasionally it licks it's own balls. Just sayn'

The Dude said...

Thomas Jefferson did something Crack could never do - father a child with a black woman.

Trooper York said...

See how many comments we can get when we all don't get along.

It is heart warming on a snowy day!

Thanks guys.

Leland said...

Gee I hope the old chicken coop will be adequate for my slaves.

The old coop? The one that allows free range chickens? That's right nice of you, DBQ.

I'm more new school, where a coop is a coop, and the chicken can peck food, shit, and poop eggs without needing a lot of space. Heck, they actually like it. You can tell by how upset they get when you take them out for slaughter.

The Dude said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Crack Emcee said...

Leland said...
Gee I hope the old chicken coop will be adequate for my slaves.

It's nice to see you guys still think the same after call these years.

The Dude said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Crack Emcee said...

em said...
'Pogo is dead' came to life and was dead on.

Way back he said...

1. Once stated, the racism accusation just sits there like a cat, staring at you. No point to it. Does nothing. Fixes nothing. Solves nothing.

Not if nobody's reasonable.

I'd think you guys would learn that, but - let's face it - racists can't learn.

All they can do is cry that they must change but they don't know how.

And ask blacks how. Oh Crack, what IS the answer?

Figure it out yourselves.

Here's my only hint:

You're the problem.

deborah said...

Oops, Crack the Misogynist Race Baiter is running out of steam. I guess he'll save the Freeman-known-only explanation for another day.

Rabel said...

I've learned a lot from today's episode of "A national Conversion on Race."

White Chocolate Kit-Kats. Who knew?

Meade once met Joni Mitchell while he was walking along the road and she inspired him to take up a profitable career in the gardening industry.

Nebraskans are evil.

You can get an official certification for just about anything. Haz, for example, is a certified racist while Crack is just plain certified.

I am stardust.
I am golden.

The Dude said...
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Leland said...

I looked over at the blogroll. Here's the latest:

"I am now 'solitary and alone,' having no companion in the house with me."

So appropriate, but it's just before this:

♆ The Macho Response ♆ :
The Meaning Of Edmond: The Film On Race In America That All White Men Find Scarier Than 12 Years A Slave

12 Years A Slave didn't seem scary. It just seemed old news. A documentary movie about what happened long before my ancestory stepped foot on this continent. To call it scary is like being afraid of Queen Elizabeth, or worse, being upset that the new kid my grow up to be the next King George.

Well, since we are talking about movies; I may have to give up on Amazon finding me a copy of "Stunt Man". Fortunately, I can dumb the hope for a DVD or Blu-Ray and just order the digital download. I bet if Crack watched it, he might think the movie was about WWI or anti-War or about a fugitive hiding out. Alas, its a movie about paranoia and how it can be used to manipulate people (so says the Director). Sounds like the concept still works.

Michael Haz said...
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Michael Haz said...
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The Dude said...
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The Crack Emcee said...

deborah said...
Oops, Crack the Misogynist Race Baiter is running out of steam. I guess he'll save the Freeman-known-only explanation for another day.

If I was going to spit it out, here, what's the point of telling Freeman?

She can tell you only one thing:

If I am telling the truth - which, if yes, means Sixty Grit has been racially harassing me for years while the rest of you allow it.

Because you're racists.

Who'll stand around as a white man harasses a black, right in front of you, because you thought the black guy didn't mind the other racist shit you guys say.

Which I did. Every word of it.

The way you twist history is disgusting for wannabe Republican we-freed-the-slaves patriots.

Your concern for white south africans? Gag.

If you weren't white, your concern for white Americans would even be weird, considering the burden they've placed on black's shoulders.

I got a friend, right now, about to lose half of a leg and part of a foot. Would it be too much to ask, how his life could be different going forward, if his family hadn't been forced into grinding poverty for generations? His mother died by 50. His older brother is dead and the other is homeless.

What you got?

I got a country that's betrayed us in the most ruthlessly brutal fashion imaginable - it's documented fact - and it was supported by attitudes found here.

You don't care? Slavers didn't either, the KKK didn't either, Jim Crow didn't either - it's that simple - nothing new.

You must change.

Michael Haz said...
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The Crack Emcee said...

And you know what's sick?

You guys are so caught up in the white/black shit (which I'm mimicking) you totally fail to see these are Americans.

Americans with a righteous beef.

What the fuck are you afraid of?

Reparations? Where do you think the money's going? Africa?

Give me a break.

You guys aren't thinking through anything but a veil of fear and arrogance - pride - and it's stinking up the joint.

That's why nobody's listening to you anymore.

I'm serious.

It's cultural - not political - and you lost.

deborah said...

"If I was going to spit it out, here, what's the point of telling Freeman?

She can tell you only one thing:

If I am telling the truth"

Misogynist race baiter, your reluctance to directly share your reasoning with us is not logical. Why do you need a white woman to declare your reasoning true or not true?

Michael Haz said...
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The Crack Emcee said...

Stop seeing yourself as a victim

Nop[e - you don't tell me what to do.

That's one BIG difference with the old ways.

You're gonna learn to do what I ask - not me doing what you think is "good" for me.

I don't like your version of good.

The Dude said...
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The Crack Emcee said...

deborah said...
"If I was going to spit it out, here, what's the point of telling Freeman?

She can tell you only one thing:

If I am telling the truth"

Misogynist race baiter, your reluctance to directly share your reasoning with us is not logical. Why do you need a white woman to declare your reasoning true or not true?

Because you're racists.

My word's no good - I'm black.

Freeman's got integrity.

I've got integrity with Freeman.

You guys spend you precious hours with Sixty Grit.


AllenS said...

Jesus, what a way to go through life.

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