Friday, January 31, 2014


Three things that John Fogerty did first:

  • Invented the wearing of flannel shirts (way before Kurt Cobain);
  • Wrote songs that crossed the color barrier (in reverse)
  • Promoted bad helmet haircuts


Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Coincidently, A friend of mine lend me this cd just last week, for me to add to my collection.

Wrote A Song For Everyone

chickelit said...

@Lem: Note that he still "flies the flannel."

bagoh20 said...

This isn't a new song, but I just recently discovered it, and I love this version. The artist isn't new either, but I just discovered him as well. I love both, and especially the combination of a great song with a great voice.

Craig Morgan

chickelit said...


re Craig Morgan:

Very expressive face and expression. Something about him reminds me of GWB.

Thanks for the heads up!

chickelit said...

Many thanks for the link, Lem.

Fogerty should be invited to play "Proud Mary" at the Superbowl halftime instead of....?

bagoh20 said...

That's Craig Morgan when he was young. He's 49 now and can still sing the hell out of a song. I've never been a close follower of country, though I do like it. Although he's a big star, I never heard of him before. It's like I'm discovering a whole new world, and that's very fun.

An EMT at 18, a 10 year Army Veteran, came home to various odd jobs like construction, and at Wall Mart before become a huge star.

Watch him blast this out.

Craig Morgan now

bagoh20 said...

Oh yea, and best of all, married to the same woman for 25 years!

Aridog said...

chickenlittle said...

Fogerty should be invited to play "Proud Mary" at the Superbowl halftime instead of....?

How about a John Fogerty, Tina Turner, and Beyonce rocking harmony on "Proud Mary"?

Yes, Beyonce' did a tribute to Tina Turner version and it was great. Tina Turner was sitting next to Bush 43 & his wife BTW.

In my time in war, post RVN thence to my 2.5+ years in Korea, "Proud Mary" by CCR was symbolic of Americans and played by every cover band and/or DJ in every club from the DMZ to ChejuDo. Almost everyone there also knew the Ike & Tina Turner version as well, and could cover it accurately.

deborah said...

Great song, bago.

bagoh20 said...

I know Deb. I think I have a man crush.

deborah said...

Then don't watch this, bago:

Aridog said...

Bagoh20...your links to Craig Morgan remind me strongly of my periodic DOD business trips to Nashville in particular and Memphis occasionally. You could go to clubs up and down the strips and hear new talent covering, and occasionally the courageous ones, like Morgan, who would stand up and do original. I loved those times when I could be at ease in the evening and just listen to good music live.

chickelit said...

Thanks, Aridog!

bagoh20 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Icepick said...

Fogerty should be invited to play "Proud Mary" at the Superbowl halftime instead of....?

I read somewhere today that apparently the NFL is now done putting on old fogerties for the halftime entertainment. Now they're going to stick to middle-aged acts and younger acts, at least until the next wardrobe malfunction. I have to say that I care a little less about the half-time show each year. It's not like they're going to let the Chili Peppers run out on stage wearing nothing but tube socks. They might let them wear the light-bulb outfits, but since incandescents have been banned....

After seeing the job he did in Miami many years back, they should have just hired Prince to do it every year. They weren't going to do better than that, short of getting Ozzy o do the show and bite the head off a Manning to cap the act.

Icepick said...

Oh yea, and best of all, married to the same woman for 25 years!

Is that all? My wife and I are closing in on that. Let's see, how long now? Seventeen years married and closing in on 20 as a couple. Twenty-five years just doesn't seem as impressive to me as it used to.

Especially given that a friend's parents have been married for 70 or so years now. That is something I can't even fathom, as I'm not sure I can even make it to seventy, much less the 98 (I think it is) for 70 years of marriage.

bagoh20 said...

" Twenty-five years just doesn't seem as impressive to me as it used to."

I think it's impressive if you are a handsome and very successful singer that spends lots of time on the road singing about women and heartbreak. That's challenging, because groupies.

Icepick said...

Okay, you're right Bagoh, I wasn't thinking of circumstances. (That sounds sarcastic, but isn't meant to be.)

bagoh20 said...

We all have groupies, but his probably stay up past nine, and don't need walkers, so that's a lot more challenging for him.