Friday, January 3, 2014

"Check out Mayor DeBlasio's shoveling technique"


The Dude said...

Make the autoplay stop.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

How do I do that?

virgil xenophon said...

There is always the hope for an MI..

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

If you click on the image, it stops.

Icepick said...

Not exactly vigorous....

Icepick said...

Of course Bloomburg's technique is more useful: Have your minions do it, probably with expensive equipment.

But who am I kidding? No doubt Bloomburg has heated sidewalks - no shoveling necessary! (Saw that feature in a mansion that's for sale in Manhattan at a $114,000,000 price tag.)

Shouting Thomas said...

About 8 inches up here in the Catskill Mountains.

Thank God, the electricity didn't go out.

Cold as hell outside. Pellet stove is kicking ass. Beautiful blue light at dawn.

Had planned to be in Manhattan today to discuss the communist takeover. The blizzard changed my plans.

Instead, I'll be woodshedding in Woodstock. "Woodshedding" is old musician lingo for practicing and jamming.

Icepick said...
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Shouting Thomas said...

Have your minions do it, probably with expensive equipment.

"Despicable Minions" was hilarious.

Does DiBlasio have despicable minions?

"Despicable Minions 2" was a bust. I fell asleep in the first 30 minutes.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

A new broom sweeps clean, supposedly.

Icepick said...

Shouting Thomas is getting confused. Isn't that a sign of hypothermia?

Icepick said...

Of course I'm freezing my tookus off down here - only 45 degrees at the moment. When will this madness end!??!

Icepick said...

I keep telling my wife that we need to move someplace warm, but Jimmy Carter screwed us. Why the fuck did he give the Canal Zone back to the Panamanians?

Icepick said...

Obama is a worse President, but Lord! Carter wasn't good! And he remains History's Greatest Monster. (Sorry Godzilla.)

Chip Ahoy said...

Wa ha pinned ya git sno din?

edutcher said...

Typical Leftie, he'll hire some blacks or illegals at slave wages to do it, but invite them in for a cup of cocoa and tell himself what an egalitarian he is.

Icepick said...

I keep telling my wife that we need to move someplace warm, but Jimmy Carter screwed us. Why the fuck did he give the Canal Zone back to the Panamanians?

Because David Rockefeller told him to.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Bwahahaha....what a wimp.

I know winter is inconvenient and it has been pretty cold, but REALLY??? Everyone acts like this is the first time they've seen snow and are all Chicken Little on the snow storm.

This isn't even that much snow and it really isn't all that cold. We have been warmer than normal here, but in the beginning of Dec this year it was -15 and -20 at night (NOT wind chill actual temps) and got all the way up to 25 to 30 for the highs.

I get it that it is much more inconvenient in a city since there is nowhere to plow the snow, unlike where I am. We just shove it to either side of the roads and into the fields and ditches. Blocking everyone's driveway entrance with huge piles of snow must be a skill that keeps the plow guys entertained.

Winter comes. It gets cold. It always has. It always will. Get used to it and stop acting like it is a surprise every year.

Dust Bunny Queen said...
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Icepick said...

Because David Rockefeller told him to.

Fucking Tri-lateral Commission....

Unknown said...

DeBlasio and Cuomo sent all the delicate federal workers home
to put on their warm footie flannel jammies and sip hot cocoa.

So De Blasio is it, folks. He'll be around later to shovel your walk. (+ the airport) Ah - the airport can wait.

Known Unknown said...

There are many things to dump on DeBlasio for ... snow shoveling is at the bottom of the list.

Also, surprised at the 'normalness' of his home. Nice change of pace, I suppose, from the Nanny.

Too bad his politics are wrong.

Icepick said...

Also, surprised at the 'normalness' of his home. Nice change of pace, I suppose, from the Nanny.

Oh, please. He'll cash in soon enough, if he hasn't already. This is as phony a photo-op as Bill and Hillary walking to the chopper, each holding one of Chelsea's hands.

virgil xenophon said...


Yes, growing up in the 50s the "wind-chill factor" didn't even exist, yet we weren't stupid enough to ignore the effects of the wind. (besides which, iirc, the current "wind chill" formula is based on now discredited science, i.e., it does not accurately represent what it purports to do as the artificial "functional equivalent" of human skin/tissue used to measure the effect has been found to be wildly wrong)

Known Unknown said...

Oh, please. He'll cash in soon enough, if he hasn't already. This is as phony a photo-op as Bill and Hillary walking to the chopper, each holding one of Chelsea's hands.


Trooper York said...

The sad part is his house goes for 1.3 million.

That is why I am moving.

Amartel said...

I haven't lived in snow country in years but isn't he doing it wrong? He's shoveling into the path that he is supposedly trying to clear.

The Dude said...

He is a communist. From work he knows nothing.

ampersand said...
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Trooper York said...

Did you hear about the panic that they had when the very valuable bible he was sworn in with was missing and presumed stolen.

They were going to stop and frisk his family.

But cooler heads prevailed.

Things are going to be very different in the new/old NYC.

Lydia said...

Looks like they're blaming the missing Bible on one of his old teachers.

Trooper York said...

Teachers are really stealing their money after all so that just goes to show you!

They need to be replaced with robots.

Trooper York said...

Hey Chiara de Blasio!

Harry Potter wants his hat back!

Icepick said...


Hey, they murdered one of their best friends, just for kicks. What do you expect of those people?

Trooper York said...

It worse than that!

They put Chelsea Clinton in Vanderpump Rules!

They even have to ruin reality TV for crying out loud!

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Given how he shovels bullshit to the proletariate I figured he would be better with snow.