Wednesday, January 29, 2014

“Let me be clear to you: You ever do that to me again, I’ll throw you off this f------ balcony,”

Rep. Michael Grimm of New York, under investigation for alleged campaign finance improprieties, threatened to throw a reporter off a balcony during an interview following President Obama’s State of the Union speech Tuesday night.
After a brief back-and-forth about the validity of the question, Grimm concluded, “No, no, you’re not man enough, you’re not man enough. I’ll break you in half. Like a boy.”

Both NY1 and Grimm’s office released statements following the incident.

“I was extremely annoyed because I was doing NY1 a favor by rushing to do their interview first in lieu of several other requests,” New York City’s lone Republican congressman said in a statement.

Grimm continued, “I verbally took the reporter to task and told him off, because I expect a certain level of professionalism and respect, especially when I go out of my way to do that reporter a favor. I doubt that I am the first Member of Congress to tell off a reporter, and I am sure I won’t be the last.”
N.Y. Rep. Grimm Threatens Reporter on Camera


edutcher said...

Be aware of your surroundings.


(of course, this may only endear him to his constituents)

chickelit said...

New York City’s lone Republican congressman said in a statement.

That's grim.

Grimm's a thug.

sakredkow said...

Talk about a sense of entitlement.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

What's truly sad is I'll bet Grimm genuinely believes that his getting media exposure is doing someone else a favor.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Wikipedia says he was a Marine, and a Reservist, and that he's presently an F.B.I. Special Agent.

I did not enjoy learning that.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Strike that, he quit in 2006. But still . . .

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

He must have a couple of screws loose.

AllenS said...

Never threaten to throw someone off of the balcony.

Grab him and throw him off of the balcony before he can react.

sakredkow said...

I did not enjoy learning that.

No, anger management training at least.

His statement didn't even say "shouldn't have reacted the way I did, blah blah blah" it was just excuses.

bagoh20 said...

He didn't "physically threaten" him - he verbally thretened to get physical.

bagoh20 said...

Only a mime resorts to physical threats.

bagoh20 said...

He should have used the more ambiguous threat of "I'll fuck you off this balcony."

chickelit said...

Why is "balconi" plural in Italian?

The Dude said...

Because they have more of them.

KCFleming said...

Obama just sics the FBI and IRS on you.

Much cleaner than the balcony throw.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

The real injustice, here, is that there seems to be no word for throwing someone off a balcony, like defenestration.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

There should be a word for sicing the FBI and IRS on someone.

And why do I have this sneaking suspicion that "sicing" isn't a real word?

* shrugs *

sakredkow said...


KCFleming said...


KCFleming said...


ken in tx said...

Sic'em is based on the older command given to hunting dogs and blood hounds. Seek him.

chickelit said...

Sic'em is based on the older command given to hunting dogs and blood hounds. Seek him.

In the olden days of Marconi (plural!) wireless transmission, the letters "CQ" were used to mean "seek you." The Titanic wireless operator tapped out "CQD" into the ether which meant "Seek you, distress." Only late into the sinking did Harold Bride suggest "why don't you try the new international call-SOS."

chickelit said...

Bride actually said: "Send SOS, it's the new call, and it may be your last chance to send it."

Amartel said...

It's hard to know who to cheer/jeer for, the journalist or the politician.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Looks like I'm the only one bothered by Grimm's apparent willingness to transport the journalist back to that same balcony.

Amartel said...

There is no "let."
Either be clear or do not be clear.

Trooper York said...

All politics is in fact local.

Staten Island is the one truly conservative part of New York City. It is the last bastion of the white ethnic homeowners who are being battered by Obama, Cuomo and de Blasio.

So the fact that he offered to throw a weenie communist reporter from NY1 off a balcony is a feature not a bug. Congressman Grimm truly represents his constituents. That may piss off the pussies at the New York Times and the rest of the media but fuck them where they breathe. The liberal machine does not tolerate any dissenting voices. Witness Cuomo and de Blasio saying that there is no place in New York for pro-life, pro-second amendment and pro-fiscal sanity politicians.

Trooper York said...

Grimm did not lose any votes by what he did. I bet he gained a lot of admirers and people who will be happy to donate to his next campaign.

Trooper York said...

Grimm did not lose any votes by what he did. I bet he gained a lot of admirers and people who will be happy to donate to his next campaign.

Amartel said...

After an hour or so of listening to Obama, this dimwit is actually channeling his words. Acts enraged that the press does not grovel as they would to Obama.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Pogo makes a good point. At leat the Grimm reaps publicly. Obama sends the IRS reapers. Much grimmer.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

AllenS is in the zone today.

Darcy said...

I didn't get the vapors over this. There are bigger fish to toss.

Trooper York said...

Are you kidding me?

This guy is a hero. He should threaten to throw Chris Matthews off of the Empire State Building.

sakredkow said...

Grimm did not lose any votes by what he did. I bet he gained a lot of admirers and people who will be happy to donate to his next campaign.

This is why the GOP at the national level will continue to flounder. This idea becomes the face of the GOP. Fair or not.

Mostly fair IMO so guys like me are happy to give you the microphone and say "Here's another typical tea partier Republican! Take it away Troop!"

sakredkow said...

Then the people the GOP needs to do well start looking at their shoes thinking how can I vote for these guys?

sakredkow said...

It's probably just my crackpot idea. Why don't you Republicans just run with this?

edutcher said...

If he was a Demo, you wouldn't have heard about it.

Valentine Smith said...

Inga's got a new screen name?

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Fish toss?



Hmmm. That gives me an idea . . .

sakredkow said...

Maybe you could collaborate with Chip Ahoy on that.

Valentine Smith said...

NY1 and other local NY networks are doing the Prog 3-step when favored groups knock heads. A gay filipino man was knocked out in midtown a couple of days ago. Not sure if he's brain dead or not. Black guy got out of a car with Mississippi plates, clocked the dude, got back in and drove off. No mention of knockout game. Nada. Niente.

Fuck NY! and their contortionist reporting.

Amartel said...

"Then the people the GOP needs to do well start looking at their shoes thinking how can I vote for these guys?"

Then they realize their shoes are stuck to the floor by some viscous sticky goo that they voted for.

If this guy's the face of the GOP then the journolist he threatened to dump off the balcony is the face of the scolding lying nagging hypocritical proggy Left. Like I said earlier, what a choice.

AllenS said...

Everyone is so sensitive these days. I remember a time when Dwarf tossing was all the rage.

sakredkow said...

If this guy's the face of the GOP then the journolist he threatened to dump off the balcony is the face of the scolding lying nagging hypocritical proggy Left.

Well I haven't seen the video yet. Does the journalist look like a scolding lying nagging hypocritical proggry leftie? I'll take your word for it until I can see for myself.

ndspinelli said...

What man could lift Chris Matthews. Not only does he weigh 300lbs, he's slippery being covered in his own spit. And we all know what is tingling his leg.

Trooper York said...

Well if you see Scotto in person you will know he is your typical weenie Ezra Klein pompous leftist media douche nozzle.

In fact I think he should interview people in footy pajamas holding a cup of cocoa.

People like that deserve a slap in general.

Politics ain't beanbag. Don't be such a pussy.

sakredkow said...

Politics ain't beanbag. Don't be such a pussy.

I'm not a pussy. It's YOU guys I want to see get slapped around! : D

sakredkow said...

Everyone is so sensitive these days. I remember a time when Dwarf tossing was all the rage.

I know. I think it goes back to when Obama hurt the feelings of the bitter gun and religion clingers. Now we ALL gotta be politically correct!

Titus said...

I would do Grimm big time, totally hot.

Trooper York said...

Hey that sounds sexy.

Remember the science fiction movie where the alien had two tits on her back so the hero could feel them up while he was banging her?

What was that "Total Recall?"

Trooper York said...

Or maybe it was "Silkwood."

Trooper York said...

No it was a Japanese aime flick that they made after the nuclear accident.

Yeah that's the ticket.

Rabel said...

What a fucking jackass.

Eat shit and die Grimm.

Profanity has its uses, doesn't it.

Icepick said...

The real shame is that the Congressman didn't throw the reporter off the balcony. Then we would have been down one reporter and one Congressman for a while. "Win-win-win!", as Michael Scott would say.

Amartel said...

"But Hillary... Sarah be all No mas! No mas!"

Please. Hillary'd run for the nearest tv reporter to cry about the decline in civility and the War on Women, boohooohooo, and this horrible horrible Palin CREATURE, who is not an authentic woman at all, clearly brainwashed to the extent she has a brain (HAWHAWHAWHAW), and she uses targets (like at a GUN RANGE) on her website, and her daughter was knocked up by some backwoods RUFFIAN and has the nerve, the NERVE, to flaunt that baby around in public like she's proud of it, and that accent, can we talk about that accent? Oh. My. God. Not Our Kind Dear.

In other words, nothing Sarah Palin hasn't heard before from her intellectual betters.

sakredkow said...

Ha ha! I'm pretty sure you're right Amartel.

Titus said...

I would totally vote for him. You know he is packing some massive inches of hog.

The fact that he swam nude in the Sea of Gallilee gets me hard.

I searched for shirtless photos but couldn't find any. Anyone know if he sports some tats or the size of his bis or ab definition?

Revenant said...

I'm reminded of back when Dick Cheney had his hunting accident, and people joked how shooting a lawyer was a desperate bid to raise his approval ratings.