Tuesday, January 21, 2014

drive slowly

In preparation for driving in banshee snow, this elementary snowless driving lesson is offered. 


MamaM said...

That one took three drives-byes for it to take. I couldn't figure out what I was missing, when I needed to be on the lookout for something more.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

ha ha.

You got me too. Chip. I didn't get it right away.

I had to read it more than a couple of times.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

de Blasio is mirroring Christie politics.

Bloomberg's plow map tells the story.

But, he has nothing to worry about.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

I was shoveling snow this morning and pondering this whole internet thing and trying to figure out what Althouse, Crack Head Fuck Hole, J, Qxxxo (or whatever he called himself) -- and any of those sorts of people -- are up to on the internet, the word "troll" not being accurate enough. Too dismissive. No real explanatory power. I want to know why they do it (although it'd probably be better for me if I didn't).

And I thought about that movie about Ray Charles. There's a scene where he's performing some spiritual song or something but he's jazzed it up and some of the people in the audience take it as blasphemy and one of the guys in his band quits on the spot saying something like, "Man, this is wrong."

Ray Charles is in some kind of groove and he doesn't miss a beat and he calls out something like, "Get me another bari player."

In his single-mindedness of purpose, he's made himself oblivious to the concerns being expressed and he's blind, anyway, and hard up against his limitations and he really doesn't have much in the way of practical alternatives.

There was some Van Morrison song, I can't remember which one, but there's a line about Ray Charles asking the question and a bunch of people gathering round and answering "yes." Was it "These Dreams of You?"

Anyway, it used to be a fashionable in-joke amongst show business people to accuse someone successful and prominent of "just dialing it in."

Isn't that just like asking some sort of question and wanting the answer "yes?" There are a great many other possible answers, I suppose, but frequently my answer is somewhere along the lines of, "There are a lot of bad influences, out there."

edutcher said...

Ah, yes, another of those storms that comes roaring up the East Coast from Charlotte to Bangor.

One thing I don't miss.

deborah said...

Chip, love those headlight beams.

MamaM said...

I want to know why they do it (although it'd probably be better for me if I didn't).

Fanaticism? Creative energy trapped in pain? Power without inner freedom?

The curious thing about that whole 2-part screed is the way it brought out the best of Rhythm and Balls.

MamaM said...

I want to know why Part 2

I'm still thinking about it.

Blindness and awareness unbalancing each other? Too much of one, not enough of the other, in either direction?

If I go back to my gold standard, which is Grace and Truth in balance, then blindness and awareness might be a pair that functions best in balance too. So too with overlooking and perceiving.

deborah said...

"Fanaticism? Creative energy trapped in pain? Power without inner freedom?"

re Crack, all of the above. I really care about him, I'm sorry he's so upset.